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      property before you complete your purchase and determine whether they

      are acceptable to you.

      (2) In responding to the request, the expert shall determine whether the property is within the jurisdiction of the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, as defined in Section 66620 of the Government Code. If the property is within the commission’s jurisdiction, the report shall contain the following notice:


      This property is located within the jurisdiction of the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission. Use and development of property within the commission’s jurisdiction may be subject to special regulations, restrictions, and permit requirements. You may wish to investigate and determine whether they are acceptable to you and your intended use of the property before you complete your transaction.

      (3) In responding to the request, the expert shall determine whether the property is presently located within one mile of a parcel of real property designated as “Prime Farmland,” “Farmland of Statewide Importance,” “Unique Farmland,” “Farmland of Local Importance,” or “Grazing Land” on the most current “Important Farmland Map” issued by the California Department of Conservation, Division of Land Resource Protection, utilizing solely the county-level GIS map data, if any, available on the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program Web site. If the residential property is within one mile of a designated farmland area, the report shall contain the following notice:


      This property is located within one mile of a farm or ranch land designated on the current county-level GIS “Important Farmland Map,” issued by the California Department of Conservation, Division of Land Resource Protection. Accordingly, the property may be subject to inconveniences or discomforts resulting from agricultural operations that are a normal and necessary aspect of living in a community with a strong rural character and a healthy agricultural sector. Customary agricultural practices in farm operations may include, but are not limited to, noise, odors, dust, light, insects, the operation of pumps and machinery, the storage and disposal of manure, bee pollination, and the ground or aerial application of fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. These agricultural practices may occur at any time during the 24-hour day. Individual sensitivities to those practices can vary from person to person. You may wish to consider the impacts of such agricultural practices before you complete your purchase. Please be advised that you may be barred from obtaining legal remedies against agricultural practices conducted in a manner consistent with proper and accepted customs and standards pursuant to Section 3482.5 of the Civil Code or any pertinent local ordinance.

      (4) In responding to the request, the expert shall determine, utilizing map coordinate data made available by the Office of Mine Reclamation, whether the property is presently located within one mile of a mine operation for which map coordinate data has been reported to the director pursuant to Section 2207 of the Public Resources Code. If the expert determines, from the available map coordinate data, that the residential property is located within one mile of a mine operation, the report shall contain the following notice:


      This property is located within one mile of a mine operation for which the mine owner or operator has reported mine location data to the Department of Conservation pursuant to Section 2207 of the Public Resources Code. Accordingly, the property may be subject to inconveniences resulting from mining operations. You may wish to consider the impacts of these practices before you complete your transaction.

      (Amended by Stats. 2011, Ch. 253, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 2012.)

      1103.5. (a) After a transferor and his or her agent comply with Section 1103.2, they shall be relieved of further duty under this article with respect to those items of information. The transferor and his or her agent shall not be required to provide notice to the transferee if the information provided subsequently becomes inaccurate as a result of any governmental action, map revision, changed information, or other act or occurrence, unless the transferor or agent has actual knowledge that the information has become inaccurate.

      (b) If information disclosed in accordance with this article is subsequently rendered inaccurate as a result of any governmental action, map revision, changed information, or other act or occurrence subsequent to the delivery of the required disclosures, the inaccuracy resulting therefrom does not constitute a violation of this article.

      (Added by Stats. 1999, Ch. 876, Sec. 3. Effective January 1, 2000.)

      1103.7. Each disclosure required by this article and each act that may be performed in making the disclosure shall be made in good faith. For purposes of this article, “good faith” means honesty in fact in the conduct of the transaction.

      (Added by Stats. 1999, Ch. 876, Sec. 3. Effective January 1, 2000.)

      1103.8. (a) The specification of items for disclosure in this article does not limit or abridge any obligation for disclosure created by any other provision of law or that may exist in order to avoid fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit in the transfer transaction. The legislature does not intend to affect the existing obligations of the parties to a real estate contract, or their agents, to disclose any fact materially affecting the value and desirability of the property, including, but not limited to, the physical condition of the property and previously received reports of physical inspection noted on the disclosure form provided pursuant to Section 1102.6 or 1102.6a.

      (b) Nothing in this article shall be construed to change the duty of a real estate broker or salesperson pursuant to Section 2079.

      (Added by Stats. 1999, Ch. 876, Sec. 3. Effective January 1, 2000.)

      1103.9. Any disclosure made pursuant to this article may be amended in writing by the transferor or his or her agent, but the amendment shall be subject to Section 1103.3.

      (Added by Stats. 1999, Ch. 876, Sec. 3. Effective January 1, 2000.)

      1103.10. Delivery of disclosures required by this article shall be by personal delivery to the transferee or by mail to the prospective transferee. For the purposes of this article, delivery to the spouse of a transferee shall be deemed delivery to the transferee, unless provided otherwise by contract.

      (Added by Stats. 1999, Ch. 876, Sec. 3. Effective January 1, 2000.)

      1103.11. Any person or entity, other than a real estate licensee licensed pursuant to Part 1 (commencing with Section 10000) of Division 4 of the Business and Professions Code, acting in the capacity of an escrow agent for the transfer of real property subject to this article shall not be deemed the agent of the transferor or transferee for purposes of the disclosure requirements of this article, unless the person or entity is empowered to so act by an express written agreement to that effect. The extent of that agency shall be governed by the written agreement.

      (Added by Stats. 1999, Ch. 876, Sec. 3. Effective January 1, 2000.)

      1103.12. (a) If more than one licensed real estate broker is acting as an agent in a transaction subject to this article, the broker who has obtained the offer made by the transferee shall, except as otherwise provided in this article, deliver the disclosure required by this article to the transferee, unless the transferor has given other written instructions for delivery.

      (b) If a licensed real estate broker responsible for delivering the disclosures under this section cannot obtain the disclosure document required and does not have written assurance from the transferee that the disclosure has been received, the broker shall advise the transferee in writing of his or her rights to the disclosure. A licensed real estate broker responsible for delivering disclosures under this section shall maintain a record of the action taken to effect compliance in accordance with Section 10148 of the Business and Professions Code.

      (Added by Stats. 1999, Ch. 876, Sec. 3. Effective January 1, 2000.)

      1103.13. No transfer subject to this article shall be invalidated solely because of the failure of any person to comply with any provision of this article. However, any

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