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how we raise our children, will determine how they will treat their children, not to mention how they will take care of you when you are older.

      And overall, one might think that our common purpose is the evolution of humanity, where we pass from ignorance to knowledge and pass the baton to the next generations. While experiencing our unique lives, receiving our challenges and our rewards. And the most important thing from an evolutionary perspective is the experience and knowledge that we can pass on to our children.

      And so for many people, especially women, 80% of the time their destiny will be to start a family and raise children. Because without the continuation of the species, all our achievements will become meaningless. For whom will we do our best then? And to whom will we pass everything after our death?

      Our purpose, among other things, is expressed in our actions and deeds. And they, in their turn, originate from our intentions. Therefore, it is worthwhile to look for your destiny from your intentions. If your intentions are based on the desire to help people and do good, they will lead you to the path of a decent person, and you will certainly find your place in this world, because those who want to help others are always needed by society, and society always rewards them generously for this. But if your intentions are to satisfy your lowly needs at the expense of others, you will meet people like you, with the same consumer qualities. As they say, “like attracts like”.

      And given this fact, I advise you to first examine your intentions from this angle, and perhaps the root of your problems was hiding in your intentions. If you find in them elements of greed, self-interest, envy, revenge or any other negative form of energy, then you should reconsider your intentions. And change the vector of direction of your energy.

      After all, it is far from a secret that people feel when they are cheated, used, betrayed or envious. Even if they do not speak about it directly to their face, they always try to keep away from communication with such people. Since all thoughts and intentions of a person are visible to other people, whether he wants it or not. This can be expressed in any little thing, from a sly look to a casually dropped word, which will give away the sincere intentions of a person.

      There is also another peculiarity of our interaction with society, from the point of view of a particular individual. Namely in the mirror effect. Where society is a mirror that reflects the whole essence of a person’s intentions and ego.

      And if a person is full of negativity, this negativity will only increase, reflecting in people who surround or get in his way. Here the words from the Bible involuntarily come to mind: “And it will be recompensed to everyone according to his faith and according to his deeds”.

      If you ask me: “How do I know if I have found my destiny?”

      I will say this: once you find your destiny, you will receive a great influx of strength and energy. You will feel joy that will fill your heart and your whole body with its warmth. Your mood will be high, regardless of your surroundings. It is like the feeling of falling in love, which is exhilarating. But unlike it, this feeling doesn’t blind us or make us stupider than we are, on the contrary. You get clarity and understanding in your head about what you need to do and how to do it. You get into your rut, which leads you to success and self-actualization. You are no longer interested in doing other things. You think only about your main business. And that’s your life’s work. And as a consequence, all your desires will be connected with it and its realization.

      And of course, you should not forget about your inner voice, if you are on the right path, it will immediately inform you about it. And everything around you will help you. There will be people who will help you at the right time, the right events and resources will turn up. And luck itself will be your faithful companion, you just need to get into your rut of life.

      Therefore, you should take the choice of your profession seriously. It is important to choose a profession according to your heart, not according to your salary. No matter what other people tell you. Your choice should be yours

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      A sophism is a false statement that nevertheless appears to be correct upon superficial examination. Sophism is based on a deliberate conscious violation of the rules of logic.


      Inductive reasoning – inferences or deductions made from the particular to the general.




A sophism is a false statement that nevertheless appears to be correct upon superficial examination. Sophism is based on a deliberate conscious violation of the rules of logic.

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