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into the CdTe (jFN) conduction band. Since the contributions to the total current from the above currents are different in magnitude, the continuity of the current is disrupted at the interface. Thus, the excess (nonequilibrium) current carriers that appear in this case lead to the accumulation of charge at the interface. This leads to a redistribution of the internal electric field, which is essential in the formation of a potential barrier relief.

      When the surface corona discharge potential is turned on at the boundary of CdTe films and the dielectric layer, charge carriers (electrons and holes) are tunneled from the semiconductor layer into the deep levels of the dielectric. Charge carriers in the film and at the interface, depending on the magnitude of the built-in charge, change the potential relief, therefore, when this layer is photoexcited, they will be generated under the influence of the built-in charge, changes the distribution of current carriers generated on the surface in such a way that draws them into an area that is accessible only to weakly absorbed electromagnetic radiation. Therefore, photo EMF also occurs during long-wave excitation. The asymmetry of the barriers is such that weakly absorbed radiation generates a photo EMF of the reverse sign compared to strongly absorbed radiation. Then, under the influence of a volumetric charge, the inversion of the sign of the photo EMF will mix the short-wave region, and the photosensitivity increases in the region of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum under study.

      It should be noted that during corona discharge, the activation energies of the deep level (0.7 eV) change significantly depending on the potential of the corona discharge (see Figure 2 in the box). This change is due to the influence of the optical ionization energy of the deep level located in the region of the volume charge near the SiO2 layer (this is indicated by experimental results). If we assume that this change occurs due to the Pool – Frenkel effect [5], then the mixing (delta-E) level can be estimated using the formula

      where, is the dielectric constant of CdTe, is the charge of the electron. Then, according to our estimates, the electric field strength in the vicinity of the defect is 105 V/s, which is quite reliable.

      The situation arising in a CdTe film under the action of an embedded field corresponds to the model developed for a polysilicon field effect transistor [6]. The model considered in this paper is similar to the model [6], if identified with the control electrode of a field-effect transistor. Therefore, the numerical calculations of the potential distribution in a polycrystalline semiconductor are quite applicable for the embedded charge of a CdTe film. From the calculation results, the effect of an external field on the polycrystalline structure follows that a weak field only deforms the distribution of carriers, while a strong field leads to a decrease in the value of intercrystalline barriers due to the unification of the volume of the crystallite. These results show that the built – in field can lead to a decrease in the height of the barrier in the film (at U <10 V), and even to its disappearance (at U> 60 V) (on one of its surfaces), and then the remaining potential barrier becomes predominant, in the other – its opposite near-surface region.


      Summing up the analysis of the results, it is shown that the spectral photosensitivity of the CdTe layer by short – circuit current and photo EMF can be controlled by the induced built – in electric charge of the dielectric created by the external corona discharge potential in the CdTe (film) – SiO2 (dielectric) – Si (semiconductor) heterostructure.

      This opens up new possibilities for the creation of semiconductor devices sensitive to electromagnetic radiation, used in optoelectronics as a photosensitive device with a spectral characteristic in a wide sensitivity range. This effect is also associated with fundamentally new capabilities of semiconductor devices with variable spectral characteristics and matching it with an emitter, which is important for robots (the visual organ of a robot, where color vision is needed), for devices and information recording systems.


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      UDC 577.332

      Aliev Ibratjon Khatamovich

      3rd year student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Ferghana State University

      Ferghana State University, Ferghana, Uzbekistan

      Annotation. The theory of wave-particle dualism is well-known today, along with many other theories aimed at explaining various types of phenomena. However, it is worth noting that until recently, the method of explaining the phenomena of wave-particle dualism in a more visual form, which appeared from Jung’s experiment, was

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