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a solid core.

      There is also a further analysis of the planet, along with consideration of the possibility of participating in the role of a passenger in a spacecraft of this type – a human. Full-fledged installations could be developed that can receive energy from lightning, even if necessary, the number of which is simply huge, not to mention ultrafast winds, which can already be used not for wind generators, but for full-fledged ion engines or, more precisely, ion generators. Among all the above, the real challenge for human civilization, like the conquest of Mount Everest, remains the conquest of the «Big Red Spot» until it has transformed its existence, because if we compare even the data obtained at the beginning of the last century, the power and size of the largest hurricane in the system decrease every time. From the above it can be seen that achieving the set results is quite realistic and possible, which in turn will bring human civilization and its capabilities to a new level.

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      UDC 544.22

      Salim Madrahimovich Otajonov

      Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of «Professional Education» of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Fergana State University

      Alimov Nodir Esonalievich

      Doctor of Philosophy in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Lecturer at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Physics and Technology, Ferghana State University

      Botirov Qodir Abdullayevich

      Lecturer of the Department of «Professional Education» of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Ferghana State University

      Ferghana State University, Ferghana, Uzbekistan

      Annotation. In this paper, the photoelectric properties of CdTe – SiO2 – Si heterostructures are investigated. For the first time, the possibility of controlling the spectrum of short – circuit current and photo-EMF using an integrated charge in a dielectric (SiO2) has been demonstrated. It was found that with an increase in the corona discharge potential, the spectra will mix into the short – wavelength regions of the spectrum from 0.93 to 1.5 eV, while the activation energy of the deep level of 0.73 eV changes significantly and this change occurs due to the Poole-Frenkel effect. It is found that the electric field strength in the vicinity of the defect is ε = 105 V/cm.

      Keywords: photoconductivity, PHOTOEMF, spectral distribution of photosensitivity, short-circuit current, asymmetry of barriers, surface photo-EMF, deep levels, impurity photoconductivity, corona discharge.

      Аннотация. В данной работе исследованы фотоэлектрические свойства гетероструктур на основе CdTe – SiO2 – Si. Впервые продемонстрирована возможность управления спектра

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