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you know, the atomic nucleus consists of protons and neutrons, but now neutrons are of great interest, if we proceed from this reaction method, which got their name from the Latin neuter – neither one nor the other. This is, in fact, a heavy elementary particle that does not have an electric charge, or more precisely equal to (-0.2 ± 0.8) * 10—27 elementary electric charge, have a relatively large mass of 939.57 MeV or 1.00866 atomic mass units, and also, in addition to other indicators, has a lifetime of 880 ± 0.9 seconds, that is, a half-life of 610 ±0.6 seconds in the free state. In addition, it decays along 2 channels (as indicated above), that is, it divides into a proton, electron and electron antineutrino in 99.7% of cases, or additionally emits a gamma quantum in 0.309% of cases, respectively, for all cases of decay.

      Now let's pay attention to the fission products and their charge – a proton and an electron, they attract, that is, they do not have a repulsive Coulomb barrier, here, on the contrary, it connects particles and for a proton with electrons, the energy generated will be 1,028676 MeV. That is, it turns out that a neutron was taken, it decayed into an electron, a proton and an electron antineutrino, which, once in annihilation, immediately turns into a gamma quantum, and then the electron and proton gain 1,028676 MeV, despite the fact that they need only 0.782 MeV to produce a neutron, that is, the neutron itself will already have energy in 246.676 keV. After that, this neutron will split, but then the energy will be distributed inversely proportional to the masses of the reaction products.

      In this case, the particles are divided into 2 groups – heavy particles of the order of MeV / A. E. M. and electron antineutrino, so heavy particles are considered separately, where the proton energy is considered as the smallest for the heaviest particle, and after the proportional mass of the proton and electron is the distribution between the electron and electron antineutrino. So a proton will get 0.52524 MeV, an electron 13.427111 keV and the rest of the huge value of the order of 0.2465 MeV gets an electron neutrino, but then the standard 1.028676 MeV are added to them, and it turns out that in total for a proton and an electron without Coulomb energy 13.42711153 keV, and together 1 042.10311153 keV.

      Then the cycle repeats, but now the total energy of the electron and proton will not be 134.271 eV, but 134.345 eV and this energy remains completely stable. If we return to neutrinos, then their energy will be artificially derived from the reaction associated with the collision of an antineutrino and a proton, with the release of a neutron and a positron, which immediately annihilates. Now we should turn to a more industrial and realistic scale, explaining the real benefits of having such a system.

      The first question is to initially generate and find these neutrons, namely to generate them artificially, that is, to direct the flow of protons and electrons with the right energy opposite each other. But at the same time, do not forget that both beams must have a strong focus, because if the beams disperse, there will simply be no collisions. Now, with regard to the energy given, it is clear that it does not matter in principle, because it is easy to add to all other values, so for example, you can choose an energy of 100 keV for electrons and 50 keV for protons – immediately ionizing them from hydrogen.

      It turns out that protons are targets, and electrons are projectiles, as a result, 150 keV is added and neutrons are obtained, but before that, the electron energy is slowed down by an additional electromagnetic field created outside the accelerator chamber and drooping inside the compartment, where the reaction takes place. Thus, this energy for the proton is also reduced to values of the order of 1 keV, with the help of magnetic traps, so that they collide, and to eliminate the error by which the electron will simply rotate around the proton due to this additional kinetic energy, because, for comparison, the energy of the electron in the first orbit is 13.6 eV.

      For both cases, about 10 MW of energy was expended, and therefore the beam currents are 100 A for electrons and 200 A for protons. This accelerator is a cyclotron, which is pulsed, so its frequency has an order of 12.19—12.2 MHz, with a beam charge of 8.2 MCL for electrons and 16.4 for protons, respectively. That is, about 5,0225 * 1017 neutrons are obtained in one act, and 6,125 * 1026 neutrons per second, and if we take into account that the half-life of a neutron is 611 seconds, then this part will halve after this time, and in a second the same lump of neutrons will be generated from each act per second. the same electrons, protons and electron antineutrinos.

      Now, returning to the antineutrino, when neutrons are already available, it is important to describe the following system. There is a secondary chamber around the neutron chamber, in which protons with low energies of the order of 10—20 eV will have to rotate, but with as huge currents as possible. It is desirable to bring the currents in this case up to 4—5 MA, or to make several channels of rotation in a magnetic field, with such currents, maximizing the density of the location of protons around the chamber itself. Further, this whole system is placed in a huge tank with cadmium chloride, with a total volume of about 1000—1500 liters. The electron antineutrino, according to the method of Cowens and Reines, as in the experiment of 1956, will fly out to collide with protons located as tightly as possible. In the very experiment of the discoverers of neutrinos, they encountered hydrogen atoms in water, where the distance between two hydrogen atoms of two molecules was about 0.15 nm and was only 3 acts per hour. Here the distance is almost the Coulomb barrier of a proton or 1.4 fm, which is 1071 times more.

      But here there is an action of one trick, in the last experiment about 200 liters of water or 6.69 * 1027 protons were used, but at the same time they had a huge distance between each other, but if the neutron chamber itself has a diameter of about 10 meters, then the circumference on the axis of rotation of the protons will be 34.54 meters with a sphere area of 1519.76 m2. And with a proton diameter of 10—15 m and an area of 1.256 * 10—29 m2, you need 1.21* 1032 protons for one proton «sphere», and for 5 «spheres» – 6.05* 1032 particles, but at 55 channels with a current of 500 MA or at a power of 5 GWh, 6.1875* 1032 protons have already been obtained, which ensures 100% capture of anti-neutrinos, while the introduced 5 GWh due to the efficiency of the circulation unit of 97—98% will be preserved and absorb only 100 MWh of energy, when generated with the number of anti-neutrinos equal to the number of neutrons in 610 seconds or 1.868125*1029 neutrons, with a half-life, with an energy of 0.246541 MeV each, additional neutrons are obtained when bombarded with protons, for 50 microseconds absorbed by cadmium chloride with the release of gamma quanta with an energy of 6—7 MeV and additionally a positron is released, which gives 2 more gamma quanta during annihilation with the first electron, 0.551 MeV, plus the initial energy of the antineutrino, so the total is 8.348541 MeV of energy.

      Gamma quanta themselves perfectly capture advanced scintillation counters, generating energy of the order of 2.4953789 *1017 J from them in 610 seconds, which is equivalent to 69.316 TWh, only for antineutrinos, this energy will grow over time and become stable after 3 acts, equal to 0.246675704 MeV or equivalent to 69.3172 TWh.

      But if we go back to protons and electrons, their energy will initially be 134.271 eV, until it increases to 134.345 and becomes stable. So you can increase energy, but if you pay attention, each time the increase is the same energy, therefore, so much should be taken out of the cycle. When the necessary neutrons were created in the accelerator and this whole system, where they are also divided into electrons and protons that are attracted to each other, already in the same chamber they are transferred to a small compartment – a kind of TOKAMAK with the help of electromagnets, which, although they consume a lot, but not a little energy is generated. So this plasma begins to rotate inside the torus, around which thousands of metal wires are wrapped, which receive energy from electromagnetic induction.

      The effect of electromagnetic induction is already known, and since these charges with such energies will flow, the current will flow on the external circuit and acquire energy. So, extracting 134.345 eV each time, this system is maintained in a stable state, now you can turn off the accelerator – it will no longer be useful, only if there is no need to increase the number of particles.


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