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program. Based on this, the virus is a physical fixation of violating the law of the "trinity" in the body at the intranuclear level. More than 200 types of cells are involved in creating the human body. And each cell, upon receiving a distorted program, can produce various kinds of altered RNA molecules – viruses. Viruses of various types, when mixed, create a wide variety of programs to damage the control programs of the vital activity of cells, tissues, organs, systems, and the whole organism. Technological methods for suppressing viruses and creating conditions for the termination of their reproduction are based on information technology or on changing the algorithm of individual consciousness.

      The cellular form of matter is the primordial (original) frame of the field form of matter. The matter of space induces this frame based on the informational drawing of the structure of the cell coming from the "0" space. The cell's vital activity processes are carried out according to the program coming from the "0" space. The cell life control program enters the induction field of the cell frame, which is enhanced by a more powerful electromagnetic field of self-induction, and we, therefore, observe the program-ordered processes of the organic molecules' movement in the cell volume. Water molecules take an active part in all the processes. The folding of proteins into secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures does not occur spontaneously; it happens according to a given program, and water molecules are used as a tool. In cells, the nucleus and large organelles have additionally their field frameworks entered by the control program. In case of cell disruption, it is not destroyed but only encapsulated. The volume of the physical body is preserved. Modern biochemistry gives us knowledge on almost all biochemical processes occurring in cells, but more is needed to answer why this happens and what makes a cell alive and self-reproducing. The answer is simple: it is the information program. Through flora and fauna, the most complex programs for controlling cells, tissues, organs, systems, and organisms in complex biological objects have been worked out for billions of years. Conventionally, these programs can be divided into seven levels of field architectural structures. At first, a program was worked out to create a DNA molecule containing a specific chromosome set with marker proteins, determining the program for the organism's development. Then organelles were created, including the cell nucleus, cells, tissues, systems, organs, as well as the whole organism, that is, its body. The most protected, but also less accessible to corrective intervention, is the channel of incoming information through the nuclei of hydrogen atoms included in DNA molecules and involved in forming the field of hydrogen bonds, creating a peculiar and rather complex field bundle. The field structure of the body is the most unprotected. Even small electromagnetic fluctuations can disrupt the program of the work of organs and systems coordination.

      An essential attribute in the organism's life is the program controlling a person's individual consciousness. Individual consciousness is a standard bipolar program operating according to an individual algorithm. One’s mind is an integral part of it. The brain is a material operational system of visualization and self-awareness. Through the mind, the ability of this program to analytical thinking is performed, and the brain is a material operational visualization system, a place of temporary memory. According to this program, in the electromagnetic field created by the neuronal cells of the brain, any external and internal influences (irritations) captured by the receptors of the human physical body, nerve cells of the skin, tissues, organs and systems, cells of vision, hearing, smell, taste are visualized (manifested, decoded). This is also a bipolar program with an individual algorithm, according to which the response to external and internal influences (irritation) is performed. The program of individual consciousness is responsible for the human psyche's emotional characteristics, the creation of a certain type of nervous system, the development and use of the physical body, and genetic violations (disorders) of the body's integrity. The products of a person's consciousness are thoughts and emotions, which means information creation. Based on consciousness, a person performs conscious and unconscious acts. The influence of consciousness on the organism's integrity is discussed a lot in Chinese and Indian medicine. The individual consciousness of a human is multifaceted. As an individual bipolar information program of homo sapience, the Creator connected it with programs controlling vital functions of the body, systems, organs, tissues, cells, and their constituent elements. When a new human is born, his program of individual consciousness is given an algorithm according to which it will work. In the body's integrity, the individual consciousness program algorithm determines the probability of hereditary disorders/dysfunctions).

      Consequently, the algorithm of the individual consciousness program operation affects the integrity of the vital activity program transmitted from the "0" space. Thus, the Trinity Law is applied to a human being. Violations of the bipolarity of individual consciousness, which are not eliminated in life activity, are inherited by subsequent generations. Unresolved violations of life programs in the next generations go from the level of organs and tissues to the level of the cell, organelles and, finally, to the level of the DNA molecule. In all plant and animal life, in-and-in breeding (or inbreeding) is possible to improve the breed. It is forbidden to a human; inbreeding (or consanguinity/incest) does not allow for natural change, development, and restructuring of individual consciousness in future offspring. Consanguinity/incest can lead to a sharp increase in genetic (hereditary) damage to tissues and cells up to the degeneration of the genus.

      Section 3 Potential abilities of the organism to self-healing

      It follows from the above that all the vital activity of humankind and the human body, particularly, is subject to the information laws of matter development. All biochemical processes occurring in the body are subordinated and developed according to specific energy-informational programs. Various deviations in the performance of these programs lead to the violation of the biochemical balance, which is what we call diseases. It can be confirmed that there are no diseases, but there are violations in the performance of information programs that control the biochemical processes in the body. If, as a result of any violations, the discharge of side information is blocked, then this results in various violations in the physical body, from headaches and increased blood pressure to the most severe damage to systems and organs. The basis of the self-healing principle is the law of the system's integrity. Consequently, any unfavorable information that disrupts the life program is unstable and can be removed from the body. A human is the most perfect creature on Earth. However, depending on their way of life, nutrition, and excessive passion for medications, people often become prey to various diseases. The occurrence of these violations can be very diverse. From the violation of the algorithm of individual consciousness to viral infection. From food poisoning to industrial chemical intoxication. Man is more than just a physical body plus a brain. Classical medicine, as a rule, treats only the symptoms and individual organs without considering the human body as a complete system. In this most complex, interconnected system of the symbiosis of matter forms and information programs of life, treating an individual organ should not be the goal. Earlier, we noted that the disease of this or that organ is only a consequence of violating the integrity of the vital activity control program of the whole body and all its systems. From this, we can conclude that to heal the physical body, it is necessary, in the first place, to normalize the information program that controls the body's work. The terms of healing depend on the level at which the violation of the control program has occurred. The Human Rehabilitation Center uses a methodology that considers this feature and focuses on the human body's potential to self-repair when it receives corrective information. Based on this premise, we do not treat our patients in the sense understood by traditional medicine and traditional thinking. We just help the body restore these control programs. And since these programs are energy-information programs, both recovery (healing) and methods of influence will also be at the energy-information level. The natural process of regulating the body takes place which means there are no side effects caused by the use of chemicals. We say that it does not matter what disease your body has in this particular case because any disease is just a violation of the regulatory program. Therefore, this method is universal and applicable to people of any age, including children.

      As the structure of a material object becomes more complex, the program of individual consciousness gains more independence in controlling the physical body, thus affecting its integrity (program algorithm). A person can change the algorithm of his individual consciousness and even get rid of hereditary diseases. However, it should be noted that in the process of self-healing, restructuring occurs in the body's tissues, which leads to discomfort. Inflammatory

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