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and he wrote it down in his notebook. So you have to wait for the guests for a reason,

      he gave me a password and a review in case of failure. How prudently | did not tell Boris

      Eduardovich Sosnin my address, and he did not ask me for it. So the SBU will hold conversations

      with prejudice and it turns out that at the Italian Pizza company they don’t have such an

      employee as in the identikit portrait, and the concierge also doesn’t know who came to Boris

      Eduardovich, so I'll be waiting for guests, it seems that I'm not they will find our organs, that's

      one hundred percent, but if the liaison turns up to Sosnin, then the traces will lead him to me.

      On the other hand, in order to find out the reasons for the failure of the residency, they will

      definitely send a more experienced intelligence officer, | think that he will be able to get away

      from surveillance, and over time | expected more and more guests. There was nothing left for

      me to do but change my appearance and, if possible, stay at home until | turn into the

      appearance of Robinson Crusoe, with such a disguise | certainly will not be recognized. But still,

      you need to go out to buy groceries, but at least to the garbage cans, throw out the garbage. In

      the meantime, more and more reports came from the theater of operations. Ukrainian

      mercenaries began to intensively fire on the unfortunate residents of Donetsk, and Russia, after

      the voluntary surrender of Kherson, got stuck near Soledar and Bakhmut. In Ukraine, the

      government that came to power as a result of a bloody coup in 2014, the collective West, led

      by the United States, began to supply a mass flow of obsolete military equipment under the

      slogan “Against Russia to the last Ukrainian.” Russia's Special Military Operation has stalled

      because most of the wealthy oligarchs who have accumulated their capital are oriented

      towards the West, where the total capital of their private companies by the end of 2022

      amounted to $ 5.5 billion, which the US successfully confiscated, under the auspices of bailouts.

      collapsing Ukraine. Thus, the Russian capital accumulated in the West turned into a weapon

      against Russia itself. Thanks must be said to the United States, who seized power in Ukraine, for

      such gifts from the narrow-minded oligarchs who are still sitting in the State Duma, never

      realizing that their time has long ended, ever since the erroneous prestige in front of each

      other, boasting in increasing the dollar supply in Western banks, changing expensive Swiss

      watches on their hands and suits at exorbitant prices, siphoned resources from the country, led

      them to a wretched state of affairs and almost ruined the defense industry. This is what

      Valentin Baran Yuryevich began to understand in the state of the international situation, a

      noose tightening around the neck not only of Ukraine, but also of Russia, Western patrons of

      the criminal government of Nenka, in which |, Baran Yuryevich, was inspired to be born and

      grow up, to graduate from school and the Soviet aviation university. After scrolling through

      informational sites on my laptop, | decided to sort out my finances. Twenty thousand hryvnia,

      the security company's severance pay has already amounted to 9,000, plus six thousand US

      rubles, at the exchange rate, this is equal to 24 thousand hryvnia, a total of 33,000 hryvnia. If

      you spend on food, you can somehow live a year, and then what? | looked hard at the mirror,

      unshaven with gray hair, an unwashed bum was looking at me from the mirror: “No, | won't

      walk like such a garbage effigy,” | thought, and | went into the bathroom. After putting himself

      in order and attaching glasses to his nose, the picture completely changed. An intelligent

      appearance with a beard neatly trimmed in an oriental style was completely different from the

      real me, which made me incredibly happy. | let go of my long gray hair and in the mirror | was

      looked at by a man wise by life experience, not yet an old man, full of strength and health.

      Satisfied with myself, | glanced at my watch, the arrows showed ten minutes to 10. Morning

      time, breakfast time. | fried himself scrambled eggs with sausage and onions, made coffee, and

      began to eat. A sudden knock on the door made me stop eating. A man in camouflage uniform

      and matching headdress stood in the peephole of the door. | saw that they were looking

      through the peephole, took out the certificates of the captain of the armed forces of Ukraine,

      Rudenko Petr Afanasyevich. | opened the door and asked unfriendly:

      – What do you need?

      – I'm on the ad, is this apartment two hundred and seventy-three?

      – Yes, Malinovsky twenty-five, apartment two hundred and seventy-three, but still, what do you


      – | am a friend of Sibagatullin Galley Shavkatovich, you studied with him in the same group at

      the institute,

      he recommended that he turn to you if you need to spend the night, you have a three-room

      apartment, he said that there was enough space for one night. – His narrowly set eyes with a

      slanting look lit up in a friendly smile, – My name is Ferdinand Fleur, and these certificates are

      so fiction.

      – Yes, come in already, there was no surveillance for you? | asked apprehensively.

      – What kind of surveillance, when | crossed the border from the train directly from Kherson,

      Lieutenant Colonel Chernov Ivan Ivanovich sent to find out why there were no reports on the

      state of affairs at the headquarters of the CIA and MI-6, from Vladimirskaya, where they sit on

      the upper floors of their service. Interested in their plans and actions in terms of preparing

      operations for execution? – Taking off his jacket, said Ferdinand. | ignored his words as | offered

      him breakfast. The guest sat down at the table, | began to eat the traditional scrambled eggs

      with sausage. When fried, put in a plate with a fork on the table and poured cognac into

      glasses. Then he said:

      – For acquaintance, and let's get to know each other better, tell me your title, position, and, in

      general, what do you think is necessary?

      – Major of the intelligence unit of the FSB foreign intelligence under the control of the general

      in charge of the department.

      – Wow, the direction means when the major himself was sent, experience is valued in your

      office, isn't it? – | poured more cognac from a new bottle, – | report! – and | told the major all the

      ups and downs with a visit to the resident Boris Eduardovich Sosnin.

      – The resident failed, – the

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