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By the way, it was the texts that I sorely lacked during my studies. There were videos, and you had to come up with the necessary explanations yourself. For this very reason, this written work turned out, although I understand perfectly well that no even the best texts with pictures can replace a living teacher. Therefore, the conclusion is simple: read, try, watch and try again! A coach and teacher will appear in your life – wonderful! But even without his help, believe me, you are capable of very, very much.

      Chapter 6 Juggling as a Remedy for Depression

      For the rest of my life, I remember the phrase of one of the parents, said on the water base of the Caravel detachment. On the lake that day there were dark waves, the wind howled, and it was quite cool. I asked if parents are afraid that their children will catch a cold after today’s regatta. The answer surprised me with calm: “Everything will be fine! So they will go to school, a cough will begin there, and here they are heroes! Ordinary psychosomatics!”

      And this is absolutely true: psychosomatics, in fact, controls everything. Children running around in light attire – many wearing shorts, T-shirts and regular slate – barely risked catching a cold. Even, capsizing on yachts and finding themselves in the water (and the water temperature was below twenty degrees), they quickly came to their senses and, changing into dry, hurried to return to the decks of the yachts. And sad as it was, parents were right about school. Today’s educational institutions often provide visual confirmation of a different kind: in warmth and dryness, seemingly fed and under supervision, children suddenly begin to catch the most trifle diseases – sneeze, cough, temperature. Why is this happening? Yes, because the motivational environment is radically changing. The excitement of summer hikes is replaced by forced obedience to the rules of the school, and boring lessons in half with teachers’ popreks drive into apathy, or even real depression. The “psychosomatics” mentioned above continues to work already in a negative plan, the immune system fails, the first waves of diseases begin.

      By the way, curious moment! – earlier physicians didn’t doubt that October waves of infections are connected with weather changes – with approach of slush and the first cold weather. Today many of school psychologists are sure that they a flu epidemic and acute respiratory diseases are provoked first of all by psychological state of children. The first month at school they still slip by inertia – on a summer optimistic wave, but further today’s school – with her negative estimates, with passive long immovability, with abundance of homeworks – strikes a crushing blow. The depression becomes the constant companion of schoolboys, the immunity falls, children begin to be ill. By the way, at schools with other psychological approach other picture is observed absolutely.

      Perhaps, someone from you will be surprised, but today more often identify a depression with a true pandemic. Psychiatrists of the whole world sound the alarm, appealing about developments of state programs on prevention of a depression. Physicians seriously assure that in some 15—20 years every second inhabitant of the planet will already suffer from a depression! The reasons for that a set, but the main difference from centuries past (too not angelic) is that if earlier stresses had temporary (situational) character, then today they became horrible daily occurrence – almost norm. In fact all information market is based on the panic attacks. Humour with music to some extent try to keep balance, however these directions, unfortunately, lose in quantitative ratio. It is simpler to frighten people, than to make laugh or plunge into deep thoughts. And therefore daily and hourly the real tsunami from dramas, black sensations and accidents fall upon us. News on television are supported with messages of the Internet and radio. It is necessary to add personal disorders, loneliness problems, professional problems, price increase, social shocks to it.

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