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and at the right time eyes open. In the eighth class, having been tired to cram portions of foreign words, I armed with a high-speed technique and for few weeks learned all school dictionary, and I had no more problems with cramming…

      And now I will explain to what I conduct. And so, on my strong belief, juggling is the occupation which is ideal for idlers. Already at least because all spent efforts pay off even not threefold and where a big prize. Thinking first it is simple to surprise the acquaintances, you unexpectedly for yourself will find out that you became the owner of really magic abilities! I managed to tell about some of them, but, honestly, this list should be repeated once again as in a case with juggling we receive a package of bonuses about which we first don’t even suspect.

      So, juggling:

      1. It is the most effective help to our sight

      2. It is a beautiful bearing and physical shape, an opportunity to train, without leaving the house

      3. This controlled mood, an opportunity to struggle with depressions, the fast and operated synthesis of hormones of joy

      4. It is a real opportunity to grow wiser and to noticeably move apart a framework of creative activity

      5. This strengthening of motility of hands and improvement of natural reaction

      6. This improvement of coordination between the right and left hemispheres of a brain allowing to solve effectively specific objectives, increasing attentiveness, strengthening memory

      7. It is the simplest self-massage – due to impact on reflexogenic zones of palms and fingers

      8. It is skill of planning and forecasting, ability to concentrate on the next specifics, on things there are enough abstract

      9. This increase in the immune status, ability to resist to both bad mood, and unexpected diseases (physiology and psychosomatics)

      10. It is an opportunity to get rid of addictions like a game addiction, smoking, alcoholism, overeating, etc. that is connected with “a phenomenon of substitution of hobbies” – one pleasure on another

      11. It is some kind of philosophy, capable “to disconnect” the person from a material world, immersing in the accelerated self-scrutiny stream, allowing to perceive quietly misses, falling and unfulfilled expectations…

      Whether all it? No, not everything, however you shouldn’t abuse your long-suffering. The immediate goal, in my opinion, is executed as I intended to depict the most important parties of juggling and to draw your attention to this most useful occupation.

      I remember how the books urging “to reformat a brain and memory guarded me”, assuring that for full-fledged life we need to make a turn by hundred eighty degrees. As it was sung in one popular song: “at the price of hard we have to get happiness, otherwise it won’t please”. Beautifully? Yes. And it is even metaphoric, however, if to become thoughtful, you begin to realize that in realities everything is absolutely on the contrary.

      Having fused and having worked too much, you won’t feel taste of happiness any more.

      And, perhaps, this is what scares radical recipes that require tough self-denial, colossal patience, iron diets and hard work. No, I don’t vote for the available lightness of everything, however, talking about juggling, I was going to present you with a magical fire, capable of carving out the sparks of happiness without plunging you into long-term agonising states. By undertaking to radically redraw our brains, we can easily damage and something vital. And it is especially good to juggle balls, since it does not imply dangerous extreme. And if we talk about the creation of new neurochains, then all these processes will go gently and naturally.

      And finally, another good news: a series of experiments conducted by scientists in various parts of the planet confidently proved that the changes observed in the human brain of a juggling person do not evaporate without a trace after graduation. Numerous tests already AFTER completing juggling training once again confirmed the stability of the changes that occurred, which formed the basis of a number of rehabilitation programs for people who have suffered traumatic brain injuries.

      I have already written that the ball is the optimal form of perception – both visually and associatively. Including it in the juggling process, we affect all senses at once – vision, touch and even hearing. It is this property that allows, according to doctors, to recommend juggling as the most effective means of therapy. That is why juggling is increasingly used to treat Alzheimer’s disease, the consequences of stroke, hyperactivity syndrome in children, autism, daunism, delayed mental development and even cerebral palsy.

      Perhaps I will surprise you even more if I add that such therapy can seriously affect ailments that seem to be far from movement, such as dyslexia (reading problem) and dysgraphia (drawing and spelling problem). And these are not some kind of pills there that give a one-time and dubious effect! The results achieved by juggling are more fundamental and long-term. Patients are not just treated, they are armed with an amazing and powerful tool that no longer needs to be found in pharmacies and hospitals.

      In other words – once you’ve learned to swim, start a fire, write, paint or cycle, you retain that ability for the rest of your days, and the same is seen with juggling skills. Having learned this art, you will never part with it. This means that you will be able to keep with you all the advantages that juggling gives a person.

      Chapter 5 Juggling and Not Getting Sick

      To be honest: when I just started juggling, the maximum I expected was to master the combinations called “ellipses” and “cascade.” I didn’t know about the medical benefits of balls then, believing that all this is a good physical education, a spectacular sight and nothing else. However, the very first acquaintance with the history of juggling, the study of the facts proving the serious impact of balls on our brain, our mood and our health, completely changed my attitude to the “fun hobby.” It turned out that the number of doctors who use juggling in their practice is extremely large – and every year their ranks only multiply. The reason is quite obvious: this is not just a “cheap and angry” medicine, but a medicine “cheap and cheerful.” The very cherished recipe that requires minimal volitional tension, more than compensating for all the efforts spent with a solid dose of joyful emotions.

      And when the troubles with the coronavirus began around, and the population was driven home, it became clear that here, too, juggling for many people could become a real salvation, because, depriving themselves of movement and elementary walks, even young people (not to mention the elderly) doom themselves to illness. No proper ventilation – wait for pneumonia and infections. You will not serve time in four walls, and no locks will save you from the virus. Saves daily movement, saves cheerful mood and tone, directly related to the human immune potential. Thus, juggling into a state to help us in this situation as well. According to a number of doctors, even 30 minutes of juggling in effect are quite comparable to an hour’s walk, and any room can become a place for classes. No wonder the manipulation of balls is called portable gymnastics by many. Is there no mood to get outside, they scare slush, rains and frosts? It’s all right! We open the window, pick up the balls – and organize a small training session.

      You can talk endlessly about the benefits of juggling. And today they say and write – and not just ordinary people, but specialists in the field of neurology and neuropsychology, defectologists, children’s doctors and adult doctors. Medicine has not yet studied the full range of possible assistance from juggling classes, since it is extremely extensive. But it is enough for us to know that the healing effect of balls is indisputable.

      In this book, I describe recipes for quickly mastering juggling. “Columns,” “ellipses,” “cascade,” “fountains” – all this is within the power of any of you.

      I note that the ideal option for teaching juggling is undoubtedly to teach the living – directly from an experienced

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