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possibly beyond the far boundaries of the field that begins immediately outside my yard. The corridor was bright, although the light bulbs were not visible, at least three meters wide, with a good ventilation system, which was felt by the movement of air. Here, it was definitely possible to put not even hundreds, but whole thousands of bags of mushrooms, but I still wanted to explore the entire corridor to the end. It wasn’t completely straight either, I encountered a few turns.

      Behind one of them, I literally ran into two small gnomes barely over one meter tall. In all other respects, there was a resemblance to the German warriors of the Middle Ages. They pulled out a small chest of forged iron plates from the corner of the corridor, counted and divided the gold coins contained in it. The coins were old and dull, very thin, flat and unusually square in shape, with small notches along the edges. Perhaps these were elements of a special golden chain mail.

      Of course, I was very surprised at everything I saw, but without showing any sign and smiling, I asked the gnomes to give me one gold coin. The gnomes were somewhat confused, but I asked them to take their time and think about my request, saying that I wanted to explore the corridor to the end, and I would find out their answer on the way back.

      Leaving the dwarves alone with their treasure and my request, I moved on down the corridor. After a rather long time, I nevertheless reached its end, and opening the door, I stopped amazed. Outside the door was early evening, a narrow strip of green grass and… the ocean. The evening warm ocean splashed softly ten paces away from me. Somewhere not very far away, the lights of a huge city shone on the shore, Indian music sounded, a lone elephant burst and trumpeted through the jungle. And then the thought came to me: «What is this India? I walked to India! It cannot be! It is incredible! Blimey!»

      Not far away, no more than a hundred meters away, one could see a small but very beautiful Indian temple, already almost captured and hidden by the jungle. I really wanted to see it, but I decided to wait until morning so as not to fall somewhere. I decided to spend the night in a hammock, which was found right behind the door, on the right in a corner twisted and hung on hooks from the ceiling. «It looks like this exit was once guarded, and the watchman in I was dozing on it,» I barely had time to think, sitting in a hammock and almost immediately falling into the deepest sleep of my life.

      Waking up from the chirping of some birds, I realized that morning had already come. Shivering from the morning chill, he quickly twisted the hammock and hung it from the ceiling just as it hung yesterday. As he headed for the door to go to the temple, he nearly bumped into a dwarf who was dozing on his haunches almost next to the door. It was one of the two dwarfs he met when they were counting gold coins. The dwarf immediately woke up, jumped up and introduced himself: «Lenne – at your service!» Lenne had a clear, open look and a broad, almost square figure. «Hello Lenna,» I replied to the greeting.»

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