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>Winners of Evil

      Oleg Agafonov

      Translator Ishumael Muchanyu

      © Oleg Agafonov, 2023

      © Ishumael Muchanyu, translation, 2023

      ISBN 978-5-0059-5519-7

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      Why is the topic of confrontation between Good and Evil so exciting for all smart and thinking people? What happens if Evil finally wins?

      The question of the struggle of these two antipodes affects each one of us. What will these two contradictory concepts bring to us, as people?

      Good: increase in Love, purification of the soul, harmonious development of the individual and society, flourishing of creativity and achievements, work for pleasure with a decent income, happy families, cheerful healthy children, abundance and variety of environmentally friendly cheap products, care for nature, population growth, peacetime…

      Anger: leads to the weakening of Love, soils souls, total inhibition of development, hard and joyless work for a penny, vices and crimes multiply, indifference of rulers to the people and reciprocal hatred, divorces in families, unhappy children, famine, devastation, environmental disasters, wars are unleashed.

      If Evil wins, then development and all positive experience will be nullified, extinction due to hunger, disease and wars will accelerate, the death of the whole world of Humans is possible, but probably not only it…

      Therefore, for survival, a conscious choice of the side of Good is necessary, as well as an active struggle and the unification of all forces against Evil.

      One of the stories about this struggle could go something like this…

      Darkness permeates the Earth

      XX century (nineties). On one of the seemingly ordinary nights (in the northern hemisphere of our planet), ordinary rain fell on a large territory, ordinary lightning flashed, ordinary thunder rumbled.

      But at the some point, such a gigantic lightning flashed that it illuminated many countries. And hit the tall buildings of governments, ministries, banks, law enforcement and military departments. And in the morning of the next day, early visitors to the institutions were surprised by the appearance of a strange dirty gray fog that crawled along the walls of the buildings and went into the sewers through the cracks of closed manholes.

      No one guessed that the unusual substance brought the primordial Evil into this world, and in addition, it was saturated with the toxic bureaucratic aura, unrighteous ideas, thoughts and deeds. And having also absorbed the miasma of sewage and having reached the treatment facilities, it evaporated and condensed into a nightmarish black cloud.

      Since then, the situation in the Human World has deteriorated much: the climate has changed dramatically, there have been more prolonged rains, floods, tsunamis, the heat has intensified in the deserts; the number of various accidents, catastrophes, epidemics has increased; sowing crop seeds, as well as growing and harvesting crops became a big problem, famine intensified in poor areas, mortality increased, many wars broke out.

      But not having time to completely conquer the world of people, Darkness decided to capture the Magic world parallel to it, or the world of Miracles, in which people for the most part did not believe, and also to subjugate the entire universe.

      The fact that this needs to be stopped somehow was understood by many representatives of both worlds, but in the Magic, some knew how…

      The appearance of Galina. An invitation to a new life

      Just yesterday I was a respected person, a cardiac surgeon, already with some experience (almost a hundred heart operations!), although not even thirty years old. There was a job in a large medical center, and now I am nobody and I have nothing, except for the tools bought with my own money, which I naturally took after the scandalous dismissal. I have a special reverence for the device for conducting a biopsy of the heart, i.e. in other words, with its help, microscopic pieces are plucked from the heart for analysis.

      And it all started with the sudden nitpicking of the head of the department (ugly handwriting, sleepy appearance, etc.). The last straw was his demand to bring the completed patient’s medical history ten minutes after the end of the operation (the fifth operation in that day!). This is when I could no longer stand on my feet. Then she told him everything, including about her niece, a graduate of a medical university, whom he tried to put in my place. And then, throwing a letter of resignation to him on the table, she crushed the paper with a vase of flowers, which fell apart and flooded everything with water…

      And so, from the morning of a new day, I am standing in a small square of a small town with several bags, of which one stands out in particular: a hefty one, with red and blue small squares on narrow strips of polypropylene intertwined along and across, in such «sumars» bazaar traders carry goods to sale.

      There is no bus yet, I was going to go in an unknown direction, away from a bleak and boring life, while relaxingly inspecting the square and therefore «missed» when and where my bags disappeared. Seeing that some nimble old woman with a sly expression on her face was trying to slip into a small shop behind my back, it became clear to me that the grandmother was a witness or even involved in the theft of my things.

      «Where is my goodness?» – I quickly asked, after grabbing her by the sleeve of an old colorful blouse. The grandmother did not answer, she only stared at me with her black frightened eyes. «She has nothing to do with it,» – suddenly declared a short, fair-haired, pretty woman in a beautiful beige dress and an original hat to match the dress, suddenly appearing to my right. «This is done so that you do not cling to the old life, but more easily accept the new one.» – «What kind of new life are you talking about?» I asked, taken aback. «Come with me to this store, you will understand everything yourself,» she replied. We went down five steps and entered a small cozy establishment. Immediately, the owner himself came out to meet us from the inner door, a short, bald, dwarf-like elderly man in a white short-sleeved shirt, tie and worn glasses. At the same time, the lady whom I accompanied began to speak some kind of rubbish, remembering deep antiquity, gratitude for someone saved and coffins. The edge of one of them was visible in the gap of the open door. «Funeral agency,» – I thought. And then she completely stunned me when she told the owner of the store that we should cure a vampire lying across. «Across what is lying, and why is he lying like that, and is he really a vampire?» I wanted to ask many more questions to this strange woman, but she suddenly disappeared from the room. And then her voice was heard already outside the store: «Well, why are you standing there, you have to start a new life!»

      Oleg – is a lover of miracles and adventures

      Since I am far from being an oligarch in terms of my financial condition, I am always looking for an honest way to earn some more money, in addition to my very average official salary (especially now, when it has been delayed on our collective farm for almost two years). Living in Russia in the Kuban, having the position of an agronomist, a higher agronomic education and an itch for creativity, I prefer to find a part-time job or grow something than to steal from the farm or suck up to the authorities in the hope of getting opportunities for high and free money.

      And then one Sunday, having bought in the city on the market two dozen substrate blocks of oyster mushrooms, I (more precisely, I knew me with a load by car), delivered them to a farm, fifty kilometers from the city, where I inexpensively bought a dilapidated old hut, in the hope of growing them mushrooms and try yourself as a mushroom businessman.

      Meticulously inspecting all the sheds in the yard of my wretched household in search of the most suitable premises, I decided at the same time to examine the long-uninhabited hut-kitchen. Suddenly, behind the stove, under an old piece of «oilcloth» tablecloth, warped from the heat and faded from time to time, a door was found on the wall, the existence of which perhaps even its last owners did not know. Now I was wondering what could possibly

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