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If the optical axes are in half a degree, then 80x120 = 9600 optical axes will work on the reflector. If a completely independent part of the 3000x2200 mm reflector works on each such axis, then the total area will be more than 60,000 m2 (3 m x 2.2 m x 9600 = 63360 m). Only half of the reflector area will work on the edges of the reflector. Then the total effective area of one reflector will be more than 30,000 m2. And two reflectors are more than 60,000 m2.

      Thus, a spherical volumetric focal zone with a thickness of 16 cm, marked in red, will be formed. And a very high concentration. In such a situation, a parabola will honestly concentrate radiation parallel to its main optical axis from 250 thousand plants to a point and THAT’s IT. The radiation from the blades of grass from other directions of the parabola will not concentrate. For example, if a TV parabolic antenna tuned to a satellite is rotated at least a couple of degrees, then the signal from the satellite will disappear. Therefore, if we imagine the technical possibility to install thousands of parabolas with a size of 3000x2200 mm each with thousands of optical axes that will all be directed to one focal zone, then it would probably be possible to get about the same effect. Using only one parabola for Biotron technology is thousands of times less effective than using only one sphere.

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