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Haha. Really?

      Emre: Yes. I’m serious.

      Me: I see.

      Emre: When did you wake up?

      Me: Bon appetite, then! I woke up at 10 am.

      Some time later…

      Emre: Happy New Year!

      Me: Oh, thanks a lot! What’re you doing?

      Emre: Yeah, New Year. And I’m sitting.

      Me: Just sitting?

      Emre: And singing. Haha. What about you?

      Me: What song? As for me, I’m sitting and eating.

      Emre: A Turkish traditional song. Haha. Same thing. Do you have free time tomorrow?

      Me: Tomorrow – a lot.

      Emre: Perhaps, we can talk on Skype.

      Me: Why not?

      Emre: Oh, really? Oke.

      Me: Or, maybe, here. Which one do you prefer? Skype or Facebook?

      Emre: Tbh, it doesn’t matter. Which one do you use most?

      Me: Facebook. Haha. And you?

      Emre: Oke. Facebook is oke. But I must warn you that I’m not good in conversation. Haha. And I have a bad connection.

      Me: Well, do you think I have a good one?

      Emre: I think so. Isn’t it? I think you’re better than me.

      Me: Oh, why so? 10q anyway!

      Emre: I’m sure you’re a very good speaker. Anyway, I must go now.

      Me: Okay. Sure thing!

      Emre: Because my battery is almost over. See you soon.

      5 January 2018

      Emre: Hey! How’s it going?

      Me: Everything’s fine, thanks. And what about you?

      Emre: I’m fine too. Preparing for my exams. Just finished it.

      Me: Really? So, now, you know everything! And what’re you doing now?

      Emre: Drawing something. In my bed.

      Me: Haha. What’s this «something’, to be closer?

      Emre: I’ll send you a link.

      There was a drawing of a Japanese girl.

      Me: Amazing!

      Emre: But I’ve broken my computer. It’s my birthday on January 23rd. So, I’ll tell my parents, «Could you buy me one, please?»

      Me: Wow! Your birthday is coming!

      Emre: Yup. Do you think a beautiful woman can be happy?

      Me: I think so. Yes, that’s true. I also think a woman can make herself beautiful.

      Emre: I think a woman can put some make-up on her face.

      Me: Well, I never apply any make-up. I’m not kidding.

      Emre: I wanna say something. I know many people who judge one another by their appearance.

      Me: But their core is their heart.

      Emre: And I was one of them. Tbh, I’m still one of them. However, if you really met someone who suffered a lot from love or something like this, they don’t care what they become when they break up with someone.

      Me: Yes. There are a lot of people like this.

      Emre: And I’m talking about myself. If you (or someone) know a man’s psychology, I feel you (or this «someone’) have just used me. So, I’d like to understand each other with my girlfriend. Also, I like to flirt with beautiful people. But just for flirting. Nothing serious. It’s just my idea.

      Me: I think you just have to love a man or a woman, and that’s it. You mustn’t use any information in order to harm them.

      Emre: Come on! Indeed? Do you have to love them? I don’t think so.

      Me: Why so?

      Emre: Did you tell me you must love only one person throughout their whole life?

      Me: Haha. But I think it’s near to impossible. Seriously. I loved many people. Of different ages. Of different professions.

      Emre: It’s clear now. Lol. Actually, I don’t like to talk about love, these feelings, or emotions. What’s more, I don’t think I can love someone. Because I don’t need it anymore.

      Me: Haha. I thought so too. But when I was 17, I fell in love for the first time.

      Emre: Tell me if you don’t mind…

      Me: Well, it was marvelous and at the same time awful. I cried every night. Seriously.

      Emre: How old was your beloved?

      Me: Well, he was – don’t get mad! – 14! And now, he’s 18, accordingly.

      Emre: And you were 17.

      Me: Yup. Crazy, isn’t it?

      Emre: Err… I don’t think so.

      Me: Emre, maybe, let’s talk tomorrow. Must go to bed. See you! Take care!

      Emre: Take care.

      6 January 2018

      Emre: Hey! How’re you?

      Me: Fine, 10q! Wbu?

      Emre: I’m going to buy a pack of chips. Lol.

      Me: They’re tasty. And yasty! Yasty = yummy+tasty. A complex word. So, what brand of chips?

      Emre: Ruffles.

      Me: And are they tasty?

      After some time… Emre didn’t reply, but I decided to ask him if he was okay. I myself don’t know why and what made me do so. Maybe, I did so because of sympathy and kindness towards anyone.

      Me: Are you alright?

      Emre: Why did you ask?

      Me: Sorry. Because you haven’t answered yet.

      Emre: You don’t have to say «sorry’.

      Me: So, I decided to ask if everything’s all right.

      Emre: Sorry! You waited for an answer…

      Me: Yes, I always do. So, what’re you doing now?

      Emre: Writing a story. And I’m really sorry.

      Me: That’s ok. Never mind.

      Emre: But I feel bad.

      Me: Oh, why?

      Emre: Because of this situation.

      Me: Ah, haha, oke. Don’t worry, everyone always treats me like this! You’re the first person to say «sorry’ for that sort of thing!

      Emre: I’m really sorry, but I dunno what I should do. Because we’re online friends, and I didn’t care about online friends until I met you…

      Me: Haha, 10q a lot! I always do!

      Emre: Actually, I wanna say something to you.

      Me: Really? Haha.

      Emre: First of all, I don’t trust you about who you are. Even so, I’m talking to you because I wanna learn something from you. It doesn’t matter if you tell me lies or not because I can learn a new word or phrase. But now, I’m asking you, so, please, tell me the truth. I don’t wanna think «What if she just messed around with me?»

      Me: What do you mean by «lie’?

      Emre: Are you a real person?

      Me: Of course! Do you

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