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I like to be kind to anyone! Because it’s the guarantee of friendliness.

      Emre: Thank you, it’s oke. I understand.

      Me: So, people in Russia always grudge about something.

      Emre: Why?

      Me: I don’t know. And sometimes, the temperature falls down to minus 30 degrees!

      Emre: Same here.

      Me: Really?

      Emre: Yup. Last time, I felt cold to the core! So, what will you do on Christmas? In Turkey, we don’t celebrate it.

      Me: Here, people celebrate New Year on January 1st. And Christmas – on January 7th. So, now, you know such facts about Christmas here.

      Emre: Yup.

      Me: So, when do you celebrate these holidays?

      Emre: The last day of December. On January 1st, we have a one-day vacation.

      Me: And then? Do you study again?

      Emre: Yup.

      Me: Here, people have a 10-day vacation. Including January 7th. And when do you have Christmas?

      Emre: We don’t have Christmas.

      Me: Oh. I see. Because of the religion. I’ve forgotten.

      Emre: Yup. But I wanna see the celebration of Noel or Christmas.

      Me: Noël is celebrated in France. Christmas – in the rest of Europe. The USA. Etc.

      Emre: Noel – Japan as well!

      Me: Noël is a French word.

      Emre: Wow. You know a lot of things, but I have to search for them.

      Me: Haha. French is also my majoring.

      Emre: Omg. Really?

      Me: I study both English and French. Evet. Haha. And a bit of Greek and Turkish.

      Emre: Jamapel Emre. Lol. Or something like this.

      Me: Je m’appelle Emre (my name is Emre).

      Emre: Yup.

      Me: Yes = Oui.

      19 December 2017

      Emre: Hey! How’re you?

      Me: I’m fine, thanks! Wbu?

      Emre: I found a photo from my childhood.

      Me: Haha, oh, really? And what did you look like?

      Emre sent me a photo of him when he was a baby, which I’ve been keeping up to today. Although Emre got angry when I showed him the photo now… I’ll try to fix the things, so that he’ll be happy when I do it again.

      Me: What a cute baby! I love children!

      Emre: Thank you, but I’m not cute now. I lost all my being cute when I stopped being a child.

      Me: I was a chute child too, haha, but, in all this mess, I’m unable to find the photo.

      Emre: It’s oke. Don’t’ worry. I understand how you feel. Anyway, what do you do in your free time? If you don’t wanna get bored?

      Me: Ah, I usually watch some series online. I read. And I help my family.

      Emre: You’re a great daughter, then.

      Me: 10q. Haha.

      Emre: Don’t you ever hang out with your friends? It’s interesting.

      Me: Not really. I have nowhere to hang out with my friends in. Or there are places with a bad reputation.

      Emre: What is the last book you’ve read?

      Me: It’s «The Moon and Sixpence’. By Willian Somerset Maugham.

      Emre: I wanna get our conversation to quite a different level, much more difficult than now. And use more complex grammar.

      Me: Why actually not? Good idea!

      Emre: If we talk about specific subjects, I’ll get experience in new things. So, what’s the genre of the book? I mean, fantasy? Crime? Horror?

      Me: Realistic.

      Emre: Oki. Haha. Perhaps, you can tell me the summary. Cause I haven’t read it before.

      Me: Well, a broker wants to get out of this world. And he becomes a painter. He leaves England and then moves to Tahiti.

      Emre: A broker. Wow! Interesting! Oke. Let’s talk tomorrow. Take care. See u.

      Me: See u!

      20 December 2017

      Emre: Hey! You know what? I realized I don’t know you as much as you know me.

      Me: Oh, why?

      Emre: Because you haven’t talked about you. I’ve just learned where you live. Well! I think you can tell me some stories about you, if you don’t mind. Because I’m curious about your life as well. You must be careful about people who you meet on the Internet, though. But I’m not a dangerous one.

      Me: Well, I’ve got lots of them.

      Emre: Them? Stories or dangerous people?

      Me: Stories, of course! The latter is not to be mentioned!

      Emre: Oke. Maybe, let’s talk tomorrow. You’ll tell me about your high school life, love or other things. Haha. If you want you can tell a

      lie. Lol.

      Me: Okay. See you! Good night!

      Emre: Slatkikh snov!

      22 December 2017

      Emre: Hey! How was your day?

      Me: Lots of tests! Grammar, authentic listening, and so on!

      Emre: And how was your test?

      Me: Fine, thanks! What’re you doing?

      Emre: Drawing something. Can you draw?

      Me: Well, I can draw a heart. Or a flower. And, probably, that’s it. Haha.

      Emre: Did you try to improve your skills?

      Me: I don’t have any time, and, what’s more, motivation for it!

      Emre: If you imagine a thing, you can draw it very well. By the way, if you can draw a heart, you can draw every single living being! Because our heart is an important part of our body. You can love with your heart, and if you love drawing, you’ll have enough time to do it.

      Me: Haha. As Lord Byron wrote, «Juan was a bachelor of arts, and parts, and hearts.»

      Emre: Who? Lol.

      Me: Lord Byron. An English poet.

      Emre: Okay. I’ll look his name up.

      Me: So, what would you like to hear my story about? Life, family, university?

      Emre: I dunno. It’s your choice.

      Me: So, I’ve got a friend, Kate. Today, I was going to my classes, when suddenly, I saw someone looking exactly like her! But it wasn’t her, it was someone else!!! So, that’s my story.

      Emre: Haha. Interesting.

      Me: Let’s talk tomorrow. I must go now. Bye-bye!

      Emre: Good-bye!

      30 December 2017

      Emre: Hey! By the way, you haven’t taken a photo of yourself yet! And you know it! You told me something like, «I’ll go for a walk and take a selfie.»

      Me: Haha. I can take a selfie now, but it seems like I’ll scare you. Because I have a few scars.

      Emre: You can take it whenever you want.

      31 December 2017

      I sent

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