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with unknown people who have flown here.

      A variety and a huge number of flowers that have grown around, happily shimmer, in the resulting glades, between the fishing lines. Insects in the grass, working hard to form small empires of power, in their tiny, short lives.

      In the blue sky, birds are constantly flying and from time to time, you can even see their love scenes, then severe battles for territory.

      Although there are no people, high-rise buildings, or smart cars on Malonga One, there is a fuss of those in whom life is located and it always seems to flow. For the crew, the fauna appeared in a completely different form. Not a cold planet, but a kind place, almost a second home. The pleasant energy was felt everywhere.

      Large blocks of stone, sometimes cutting through glades, stand like statues created by natural factors. The silent witnesses of time, its constant companions, parts of the structure of the universe, rest here on Malonga One.

      Next to the expedition base, there is a small river. Clear water, which does not hide the water world and you can easily see the fish and swimming plants living there. And the water itself, warm to the touch, charming and excellent!

      Being on the planet involves a lot of mysterious and unusual things, which may not be seen on Raibonne, despite all its similarities with Malonga the first. Although here, the same trees grow, but they are not the same, a little thicker and longer. This is how it happens, with the whole world around us, in space, on the planets, the views change.

      Gathered in a quickly assembled one-story building, the crew of the "Flying Ferix" began to discuss the latest tasks of the assigned expedition.

      – Today, we are going to our planned place, which is, as everyone knows, a day's drive from here. As you understand, we can't land directly on that point, because of the underground, non-stone terrain there, which is bad for landing, – Tomaka said.

      – Our first task now is to get to the point, find a denser ground and launch the assembly and preparatory transport, – he continued.

      – The scouting robots are back, nothing dangerous has been detected, so we can work calmly and confidently, – Dr. Vella told Tomake.

      – That's good. I think everyone is ready to work and if no one needs medical help or no one has changed their mind, then we continue our expedition, – Tomaka said.

      The crew went to their places, and an hour later, to the edge of the forest, a logger flew up, followed by four land vehicles and another, working transport. All these actions were carried out according to the "Traffic Map", so the crew only had to be bystanders until the arrival point.

      Lesolom launched the gears and spikes with which he clears the path and headed forward to the set point. Its metal tentacles began to grab the animals menacingly and throw them into a circular hole in the belly, which began to suck everything into the car like a light vortex.

      The whole expedition and its equipment followed him, along a cleared, fresh, cut strip, where just now, there was a forest, instead of which, nothing now remains.

      From the side, you could see how a huge iron machine, breaking almost into splinters, trees and stones. On the ground, a terrible monster crawled, devouring everything in its path, blowing up swirls of gray dust. And even, it is impossible to imagine that there is a force that can stop this forest break.

      But the truth is that this is just the appearance of one side of the picture, and on the other, if you look, the canvas is white. Lesolom, absolutely safe car. It's just an ordinary metal dispenser for the materials he found. And what falls under its gears, spikes and tentacles, everything is immediately analyzed by the computer and transferred to special compartments. Part of the non-live mass is immediately processed into fuel or return cargo, and the live, along the conveyor, is sent to the cargo compartment and there, unloaded into special cages. The procedure of his actions is thought out to the smallest detail and does not harm anyone. The gears will not crush you, no thorn can pierce you, and the tentacles will not kill the living. This is a brilliant invention of cargo-handling machines, which, while it does not require modernization, will serve people for more than one generation.

      All the cars began to move forward, leaving nothing behind.

      – I certainly won't, – Tomaka said.

      – No, I won't, – Timba said, too.

      – I'm very happy about that, because I'm the only girl here, – Vella said, more boldly.

      – Of course, the only girl, our princess, – Tomaka said.

      – Thank you, but I'm not like that, just a good doctor, – Vella replied jokingly.

      – So, we spent a day in space, and already the tackles have gone, – Pythons laughed.

      – They would have sent him out to cut wood, and then, when they had cleared everything, they would have caught up with him. And what are we, following him? – Timba asked dully.

      – You can not, suddenly a failure or something! It will go away for a few days ahead, then chase after it, return it, – replied the Python.

      – Yes, I agree, it's better to go quietly after him than to look for him and fix what he makes, – Tomaka said.

      – I see, this is done to keep our brains from boiling, – Timba said, and laughed.

      – That's right, – Vella said, laughing.

      In such a casual conversation, the crew drove all day, according to the calendar of Malonga first, that is, the entire distance, to the designated point.

      On the spot, upon arrival, the logger stopped. The crew breathed a sigh of relief as they settled themselves and installed the equipment and supplies they had brought with them.

      Huge but thin metal pipes, covered with glass disks, like mushrooms, grew everywhere. Inside, each of them has already begun the process of pumping out everything of value from the ground. The air was filled with sharp and ringing sounds, coming from invisible cracks in the pipes, from the white and gray colors of the gases. They were like thousands of nuclear explosions rising to the sky in an instant. All the living things around him had almost disappeared, leaving only the grating of metal and the clouds of vapor that covered everything. Work is done!

      The modular Expedition Crew Room, further MEEP, was installed by robots, in the center of everything that is happening here, for more convenient guidance over the working moments. At the level of the glass disks, an equally large glass ball appeared, and this was the MEEP. From all the disks, wires and cables, ribbed and smooth pipes, stretched to it, through the air, it all combined into one working cycle.

      The crew went up to the MEEP and immediately gathered in the last compartment, with a glass outer wall.

      – This is a moment of bliss, – Timba said.

      – Is this what we've been waiting for? – Vella said, ignoring Timba's words.

      Everyone stared through the glass, their eyes frozen. This is what they needed. They felt like giant needles digging into the ground and tearing it from the inside, sucking everything in. The material, part of the Malonga first, twisted like minced meat, is flowing out of it now, into their pockets. A truly mesmerizing moment!

      – I feel like a thief! – Tomaka said.

      – No, you're wrong. We're not thieves, we'll just take some, – Pitons corrected Tomaku, reassuring him of their honest intentions..

      – That's right, here later, everything will be restored anyway. Is it bad that we will be happy with this? – Timba asked Tomaka, without any remorse.

      – Later, later, later. Okay, we're here for this, and we'll take it home with us. And now, I ask everyone to go about their personal business, – Tomaka ordered.

      – I need to go to the men's room, – Timba said, and, satisfied, the first one disappeared from the compartment.

      – I've picked up some biological specimens along the way, and I'm going to do some magic with them, – Vella said.

      – If

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