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The Colors Of A Optimistic World. Logan J. Davisson
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isbn 9783748513315
Автор произведения Logan J. Davisson
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Издательство Bookwire
Therefore, shopping addiction is not a recognized mental disorder in Germany to this day. From a medical point of view, it is counted as a non-substance-related dependency, impulse control disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder. If a physician is forced to name shopping addiction as a diagnosis, he must in most cases select the ICD code F63.9 "unspecified abnormal habits and impulse control disorders". These impulse control disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorders also include gambling addiction and kleptomania. In the case of an impulse control disorder, those affected are not in a position to withstand an impulse and give in to it in awareness of possible negative consequences. In Germany, it is estimated that 5 % of the population suffer from shopping addiction. How high the number of unreported cases is, however, is not known. Similarly, the group of people at risk of shopping addiction is not included in these censuses. The lack of concrete diagnostic criteria due to the lack of classification in the health care system makes it even more difficult to obtain a truly transparent number of those actually affected.
If you or an acquaintance, family member or friend suffers from buying addiction, this guide will tell you, among other things, what causes are responsible for buying addiction, how you can recognise buying addiction and how you can actively take action against it.
The shopping opportunities in the 21st century tempt many people to overconsume all kinds of goods. Shopping centres that are often open into the evening hours and advertising brochures and advertisements on every corner. In addition, bargains and sales are supposed to suggest that there is a unique opportunity that should not be missed. Shopping possibilities in the internet are still the cherry on the cream. Purchased with one click and already at home the next day. Advertising and marketing ensure that certain products promise to lead a happy and fulfilling life with exactly this purchase. Advertising is aimed at demonstrating the compelling social and psychological necessity of a particular product. The frequently used phrase "you have to treat yourself to something" is almost an absolution, why many people afford things with a clear conscience, which they neither need nor meet their financial budget. If the social media and television also show a reality in which living standards marked by luxury and expensive products belong to normality, many people feel excluded and their self-esteem diminishes. The assumption that one does not belong to society because this standard of living cannot be imitated quickly leads to ignorance of one's own financial limits. It is completely forgotten that the standards of living portrayed in the media rarely correspond to reality. Numerous unconsciously conveyed slogans or marketing campaigns in everyday life convey the message that shopping helps in every situation. What is for most people a nice change and deserved distraction, can quickly become a trap for psychologically attacked people.
Usually it is not a problem to regulate your buying behaviour accordingly and to have an awareness of whether this product is really necessary and to consciously encourage advertising to buy. Of course, everyone has bought something they knew was unnecessary when they bought it, but it may have been outrageously cheap or so fascinating and beautiful that you have to have it. At the latest, when the financial means are no longer sufficient, reason wins and further purchases are broken off - albeit with a heavy heart.
Buying addicts lack this feeling of whether they really need something. Even financial limits can be skilfully ignored. They act compulsively and experience an unbearable urge to buy something. At the beginning of this disease, there are always personal problems that are intended to distract from the addiction to shopping. Those affected are not addicted to a particular product or merchandise, but rather to the feeling that buying from them triggers it. Particularly fatal: In a consumer-oriented society, shopping addiction remains undiscovered for a long time, not least because those affected can hide their addiction for a long time. Shopping addiction is so easy to exercise, it can be hidden because it is socially recognized. The inhibitions like with drugs or alcohol, which are already stigmatized by society, are completely eliminated with shopping addiction.
Forced to spend money: Psychological causes
Despite the fact that shopping addiction is not listed as a mental illness in its own right, it should be taken seriously and should never be trivialised. Thus it is based on psychological causes that indicate the urgent need for treatment. It is not scientifically clear whether buying addiction is an impulse control disorder or an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Even the question of whether there is a real addiction could still not be answered from the perspective of science, although buying addiction fulfils numerous criteria of behavioural addiction. In doing so, shopping addiction can affect anyone and does not stop at social status or educational level. Both a nurse and a successful senior physician can be affected.
Young people are supposed to be a vulnerable group because of the brand fixation and the associated status. In addition, they are far less critical in their purchasing behaviour than adults and succumb to the belief that branded products are a guarantee of quality. The trend of so-called "Haul videos" can be critical, among other things. On YouTube young people present their "haul", the English term for raid. In a video the product is presented, quality and price are introduced, evaluated and a possible purchase recommendation is pronounced. What at first appears to be completely casual can become a shopping trap for many young people. It is also not without danger that young people grow up with the increasing cashless payment system and the Internet and often lack the connection to spending money. Those who rarely physically hand over cash tend to spend money more quickly that is not available at all. It is therefore not uncommon for young people in particular to quickly fall into debt traps. Due to the fact that young people usually still live at home, however, their pathological buying behaviour is noticeable earlier than that of an adult. The parents then settle the debts that have already arisen and try to put a stop to the compulsive behaviour of their child through various measures. The extent to which these measures are crowned with success depends on how precise they are. Responsible parents try to find a therapy place for their children and try to find out the causes of shopping addiction.
It is assumed that 90% of all shopping addicts are women, whereas an American study shows that men can be affected by shopping addiction in the same way as women. Younger people also tend to be more inclined towards shopping addicts than older people. Likewise, people who live in a supposedly happy partnership can satisfy their unfulfilled desire for love through shopping addiction. As ready as the spectrum of those affected may be, some commonalities can certainly be worked out. Nevertheless, the current state of research can be expanded in terms of frequency, who is particularly severely affected, what the concrete causes are and which mechanisms are effective in the case of shopping addicts.
For example, some scientists believe that a genetic disposition can be determined. This assumption, however, is of a more general nature and aims much more at the basic nature of the character. People who have emotional instability or low self-esteem and a tendency to develop depression are more likely to develop addictions. In psychology, a biological predisposition has been found in people who suffer from addiction. In patients with this condition, the reward centre in the brain should be less pronounced. Addiction fatally activates this reward centre, releases positive feelings and, in the case of shopping addiction, is associated with shopping. Nevertheless, there is no particular personality type that necessarily suffers from addiction. This phenomenon could not be scientifically proven. Thus, people can have the above-mentioned characteristics, such as a tendency to depression or an unstable personality, without ever in their life ever coming into contact with an addiction or showing an addictive behavior. Rather, science tries to explain that under certain circumstances it may be more likely to develop an addiction. However, this case does not necessarily have to occur. In addition to these biological dispositions, social and family factors also play an important role. People whose childhood was marked by withdrawal of love or performance orientation often grow up to become less stable personalities. The danger of getting addicted is thus increased if some components come together.
For example, it is assumed that shopping addiction is always based on a reduced self-esteem. The assumed correlation between shopping addiction and the frequent occurrence among women could be explained, among other things, by a lack of self-esteem. Psychological theories assume that women and fewer men in particular suffer