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      Origins of Biogeography: A Personal Perspective

       Malte C. EBACH

       University of New South Wales and The Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia

      1.1. Introduction: a history of scientific practice

      In the 1810 Preface of his Theory of Colours, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote, “The history of an individual displays his [or her] character, so it may here be well affirmed that the history of science is science itself” (Goethe, cited in Duck and Petry 2016, p. xxxv). What Goethe meant is that the past practices of scientists are instances of scientific practice regardless of age. In other words, scientists do not need historians of science to interpret past scientific practice. Scientific practice, no matter how old, will always remain a part of science.

      Where, then, does history fit in? Many historians and philosophers of science discuss scientific ideas rather than practice. The reason is that historians and philosophers of science do not engage in scientific practice and are therefore not always able to interpret what we do due to a lack of training or experience or both. British biologist Peter Medawar discussed this in 1968: “What scientists do has never been the subject of a scientific, that is, ethological inquiry… It is no use looking to scientific ‘papers’, for they not merely conceal but actively misrepresent the reasoning that goes into the work they describe” (Medawar 1968, p. 151).

      1.1.1. What is biogeography?

      The Oxford English Dictionary defines biogeography as “the branch of biology that deals with the geographical distribution of plants and animals. Also: the characteristics of an area or organism in this respect” (OED 2021). The definition is extremely broad, and present-day biogeographers work on a myriad of topics with very different aims and methods. In this sense, biogeography is multidisciplinary, namely the geographical aspect of any field of study that deals with natural objects, be it animals, plants, bacteria fungi, viruses, humans and abiogenesis. It has even made it into nursing pedagogy. In any case, biogeography is a field of enquiry that is dependent on the questions, aims and methods of a particular field. Ecological biogeography, for instance, endeavors to answer ecological questions using methods in ecology. Biogeography is not an independent science with its own unique methods, aims or goals, and attempts to unify it as an “integrative biogeography” have not been successful. Rather than unifying, integrative biogeography discarded a whole suite of approaches and goals in favor of others. We only need to look at the 18th century origins of plant and animal geographies to see that attempts at unification had posed theoretical as well as methodological problems, leading to a split by the end of the 19th century and an abrupt hiatus by the beginning of the 20th century.

      1.2. A history of phyto- and zoogeographical classification

      1.2.1. Terminology

      1.2.2. How classification works

      Without a classification, it is impossible to scientifically study any natural object. Organisms not only need names, but they need categories to convey meaning. Finding myself in the middle of the North American forest, my friend warned me from afar, “Watch out for the poison ivy!” I knew what ivy was, but how could you tell normal ivy from poison ivy? He could list a set of characteristics that diagnose poison ivy. I am not a botanist so these characteristics would be meaningless; moreover, I would need to touch the poison ivy in order to identity it. “It looks green!” came the reply. My friend was not a botanist either, so I was to avoid a green type of ivy, which I assumed was of a climbing variety. This basic form of communication is helpful to avoid danger or useful to discriminate an edible berry from the one which is toxic. Communication is an essential part of scientific practice as well as its goal. The first question any taxonomists would ask is “What is this?” followed by “What are its characteristics?” and then “What is it most like?” The same is true when we deal with the distributions of animals and plants. Kangaroos do not come from “over there”. They have a particular place in the world, which is determined through a hierarchical classification:


      Southern Hemisphere



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