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and Classification of Animals. Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, London.

      Takhtajan, A., Crovello, T.J., Cronquist, A. (1986). Floristic Regions of the World. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.

      Von Marilaun, A.K. (1863). Das Pflanzenleben der Donaulander. Wagner, Innsbruck.

      Wagner, A. (1844–1846). Die geographische Verbreitung der Saugethiere. Abhandlungen der Königlich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse, 4(1), 1–146; (2), 37–108; (3), 1–114.

      Zimmermann E.A.W. (1777). Specimen zoologiae geographicae, Quadrupedum domicilia et migrationes sistens. Theodorum Haak, Leiden.

      Zimmermann E.A.W. (1778–1783). Geographische geschichte des menschen, und der allgemein verbreiteten vierfüssigen thiere, 3 Volumes. Weygandschen Buchhandlung, Leipzig.

      1 1. For a detailed account of the history of 18th and 19th century biogeographies, see Ebach (2015).

      2 2. I avoid using the phrase “Father of”. Coining a term does not justify ownership of the whole field. Herman Jordan and Clinton Hart Merriam used the term only once. Jordan casually refers to the term as though it was already in use, and Merriam uses it to describe his “Bio-geographic map”.

      3 3. Later, Gareth Nelson was to note that “the concepts of station and habitation are important in Candolle’s view, for they define two different sciences, which persist into the modern era […]. No matter, the terms as used by Candolle, have modern counterparts: ecological and historical biogeography. Ecological biogeography is the study of stations; historical biogeography, the study of habitations” (Nelson 1978, p. 280, footnote 31, 281).

      4 4. The Tableau lacks the actual lines, but instead has a table on either side of the cross-section depicting the temperatures at elevation. Essentially, Humboldt has created a sophisticated isothermal line.


      Analytical Approaches in Biogeography: Advances and Challenges

       Isabel SANMARTÍN

       Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Madrid, Spain

      2.1. Introduction

      The last decades have seen an explosion of analytical approaches in biogeography. Amid the plethora of new methods competing for attention, a researcher is expected to get lost. From parsimony-based cladistic and event-based biogeography, we have moved into the expanding world of parametric model-based methods. This chapter mainly focuses on the latter, which are less than a decade old, but I also review previous approaches, as they provide a background on the shifting focus from phylogenetic relationships and Earth history to the integration of other disciplines (ecology, paleontology and population genetics), to understand historical processes that shaped Earth’s biodiversity.

      2.2. From narrative dispersal accounts to event-based methods (EBM)

      The next biogeographic school was “event-based biogeography” (EBM, Ronquist 1997, 2003). Biogeographic processes or events are tied to weights or “costs”, and the analysis consists of finding the pattern of area relationships with the minimum cost in terms of these processes. Four biogeographic events are considered in EBMs (Figure 2.1): vicariance, duplication, dispersal and extinction. The last two are tied to a speciation event and have also been termed “partial dispersal”, or “sorting, extirpation, and range contraction” for partial extinction. Within dispersal, we may distinguish “jump dispersal”, where a lineage migrates from one area to another (A to B) followed by speciation, and “range expansion”, where a lineage expands its range, leading to a temporally widespread distribution (A to AB); the latter is termed “geodispersal” when it affects multiple lineages (Lieberman 2003). Two biogeographic events are not considered in EBMs because they leave no observable traces in the phylogeny, that is, no descendants survive in the ancestral range (Sanmartín 2012): “full dispersal”, colonization of an area that is not followed by speciation, and “full extinction”, when the lineage entirely disappears from its ancestral range, that is, lineage extinction (Figure 2.1).

Schematic illustration of four types of biogeographic processes are considered in event-based biogeography.

      2.2.1. Parsimony-based tree fitting

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