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8Table 8.1 Phase formation during solidification of different types of AM ste...Table 8.2 Phase formation during solidification of different types of AM Al ...Table 8.3 Chemical composition of different superalloys.Table 8.4 Post solidification phases of In625.Table 8.5 Post solidification phases of IN718.Table 8.6 Different types of Stellite.Table 8.7 Post solidification phases of Stellite.Table 8.8 Post solidification phases of Ti alloys.Table 8.9 The estimated cooling rates necessary to obtain various morphologi...

      6 Chapter 9Table 9.1 Summary of microstructures formed in TMCs.Table 9.2 Mechanical and wear property of CP‐Ti and different kinds of TMCs ...

      7 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Metal additive technologies compared with key design consideratio...Table 10.2 Topology optimization of point loaded structures.Table 10.3 Objectives and constraints for topology optimization of arbor pre...Table 10.4 Arbor press components and mass composition.Table 10.5 Design space and optimized result of arbor press components.Table 10.6 Design iterations for framework.

      8 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Co‐axial mounted based sensors used in LPBF and LDED.Table 11.2 Off‐axial mounted based sensors used in LPBF and LDED.Table 11.3 Some commercial sensors mounted on the LPBF machines.Table 11.4 Some commercial sensors mounted on LDED machines.Table 11.5 Calibration of RGB values with temperature. For colorful spectrum...Table 11.6 Machine learning methods used in LPBF and LDED.Table 11.7 Performance of different SOM dimensions based on the SOEDNN.Table 11.8 Types and print parameters in print 1.Table 11.9 Types and print parameters in print 2.Table 11.10 Applying the detection algorithms on the five consecutive layers...Table 11.11 The range ofp‐value from ANOVA single‐factor analysis of the var...Table 11.12 The percentage of identification for each size of the defect and...Table 11.13 Confusion matrix to compare the prediction of the algorithm (AL)...Table 11.14 Evaluation metrics of AL algorithm based on the CT scan result f...Table 11.15 Evaluation metrics of AL algorithm based on the CT scan result f...

      9 Chapter 12Table 12.1 Related potential hazards by metal AM process category [3].Table 12.2 DifferentKst values for different materials and their severity.Table 12.3 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards [13].

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Global public interest trends for “3D Printing”.Figure 1.2 AM chain, enabling physical parts from digital design.Figure 1.3 Complex parts made by AM. The spherical nest has three spheres in...Figure 1.4 Lightweight structure made by AM. In this typical bracket, the we...Figure 1.5 Consolidation of around 300 parts to one part printed by AM.Figure 1.6 Functionally graded materials (FGMs); (a) Laser DED with multiple...Figure 1.7 A fiber optic embedded in a metallic cutting part using a combine...Figure 1.8 A mold insert with (a) conformal cooling channels, (b) conformal ...Figure 1.9 LDED used to rebuild turbine blades.Figure 1.10 Total AM market size by segment that includes all technologies (...Figure 1.11 Metal AM market size in AMPower Report.Figure 1.12 Timeline for adopted, emerging, and future applications of AM.Figure 1.13 Most important metal AM processes versus part size, complexity, ...Figure 1.14 (a) Dental crowns printed by LPBF(b) joint implants printed ...Figure 1.15 LPBF‐made combustion chamber (left) and the engine in finished c...Figure 1.16 Small‐size, lightweight, one‐piece, AM‐made antenna.Figure 1.17 Hydraulic parts made for the oil and gas industry.Figure 1.18 (a) Ford's custom anti‐theft wheel lock being printed in EOS PBF...Figure 1.19 MX3D smart bridge (a) main structure (b) side wall.Figure 1.20 (a) Three different geometries made of Ti‐6Al‐4V by different pr...

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Schematic of (a) LPBF and (b) EB‐PBF.Figure 2.2 A view of melt pool and ejected spatters in LPBF.Figure 2.3 Samples of metal parts made via PBF for (a) aerospace, (b) toolin...Figure 2.4 The CT scan results of (i) cylindrical, (ii) triangular prism, an...Figure 2.5 Schematics of (a) powder‐fed laser DED with lateral nozzle(b)...Figure 2.6 Applications of DED: (a) Near‐net‐shape production.(b) Freefo...Figure 2.7 A sample of repaired rotating part using Optomec® LENS DED system...Figure 2.8 A schematic of binder jetting technology.Figure 2.9 ExOne binder jetting technology in Action.Figure 2.10 HP multi‐jet fusion technique steps.Figure 2.11 Sample part made using BJ technology.Figure 2.12 Comparison of traditional binder jetting and Desktop Metal's bin...Figure 2.13 Schematic of material extrusion system.Figure 2.14 A sample metal filament from Desktop Metal. In contrast to polym...Figure 2.15 Visual prototypes made using (a) 17‐4 PH stainless steel on Mark...Figure 2.16 Schematic of material jetting technology.Figure 2.17 XJET's NanoParticle Jetting technique is one of the emerging met...Figure 2.18 Sample parts made using XJET system.Figure 2.19 Ultrasonic consolidation mechanism.Figure 2.20 FGM parts made using Fabrisonic's ultrasonic consolidation syste...Figure 2.21 Process design parameters for LDED, LPBF, and BJ techniques.Figure 2.22 Melt pool and clad/track bead geometrical parameters.Figure 2.23 Relative density vs. energy for various ferrous alloys (a) relat...Figure 2.24 Normalized density vs. specific energy techniques.Figure

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