
Fascinating, bizarre and hilarious facts about the most universal of experiences of life – birth, death and matrimony …All the female eggs needed to produce the next generation of the human race could be contained in the shell of one chicken’s egg … Winston Churchill was born in a ladies’ cloakroom … Attila the Hun drank himself to death on his wedding night … in Tanzanian weddings the bride and groom sit on the lap of an old woman … Indian Chief Blackbird was buried sitting on his horse …From Roman births to Bedouin wedding feasts, from the touching tale of the marriage of two white rhinos to the gruesome stories of the final resting places of Oliver Cromwell’s head and Gallileo’s fingers, Hatches, Matches and Dispatches reveals the true facts of life!


A fun present for cat lovers everywhere: a light-hearted self-help guide to help you live more like your catLET YOUR CAT BE YOUR LIFE COACH.Do cats worry about their pension? Nope. Do cats take on work they don’t want to do? As if! Do cats rush around hectically when they’d rather be licking their paws and looking out of the window? Please.Cats are free. They are calm, observant, wise, elegant, charismatic and proud. In fact, cats have found nothing less than the secret of how we should all live, whatever species we are! And in this book, Stéphane Garnier will show you what he’s learned over fifteen years of closely observing his cat, and teach you all the ways in which you too can apply the secrets of cats to your own life – at work, at home and with your friends.Unplug your laptop. Throw away your alarm clock. It’s time to live like your cat!


Do you speak to your cat? Do you feel your cat understands you and vice versa?Suitable for tablets. Some special characters may not display correctly on older devices.We recommend that you download a sample and check the ‘Note to the Reader’ page before purchase.Cat lovers across the globe know cats can speak. In this compelling new book, Susanne Schotz – a professor at Sweden’s Lund University – shares insights into her long-standing cat communication research. Proving that cats not only speak to one another, but also to their human caretakers.This clever book teaches us how to better understand our cats by translating their sounds, recognising their meaning in different situations and giving practical tips to understand them better.Unlocking the cat code, this crash course in cat phonetics is the perfect gift for cat-lovers everywhere.


Due to the complicated layout, this ebook is best viewed on a tablet.Ever wanted to see Harry Hill’s nuts? Fancy a cuppa with Karl Pilkington and his Clippable Coasters? Ever wondered how Michael Jackson defied gravity with his dance moves? Then read on!Our nation’s best-loved celebrities, from Jamie Oliver to Harry Hill, the Stig to Sherrie Hewson, Karl Pilkington to Peter Jones, Ruby Wax and beyond, have been scratching their heads to come up with logic-defying, bizarre and random inventions to improve our lives.From shrink rays to teleporters, foldable skis to airbags for clothes and a vacuum-cleaner that sucks away your wrinkles, you’ll be amazed by what these celebs have been dreaming up in their spare time!The Big Book of Celebrity Inventions offers a fascinating, hilarious and utterly unique look at the extraordinary business of inventing, seen through the eyes of our favourite stars.And there are even ones that work! For example:• Did you know that Margaret Thatcher invented soft-scoop ice cream?• That Prince invented a space-age musical keyboard?• Or that Roald Dahl helped advances in neurosurgery?From the ridiculous to the sublime and those that fail magnificently, one thing’s for certain: The Big Book of Celebrity Inventions is the ultimate celebration of oddness, originality and ingenuity, sure to fascinate, baffle and inspire you!


From the creators of the original Twitter feed that started oneof the biggest cultural memes in recent history, a hilariouslyquotable companion book to the Shit Girls Say Twitter and YouTube sensation.I just love tiny things…I hate the word moist…I have so many stories for you…I’m so pale…I had such a good sleep…What’s your dog’s name?…Ice cream makes me cough.


The perfect gift book for cat lovers everywhere! Assess your cat’s genius in a series of fun and easy tests and activities, in this follow-up to the best-selling TEST YOUR CAT.Cats are known for their intelligence, independence, and agility, always landing on their feet and able to find food and an unattended cat flap anywhere in the neighbourhood.Sure your cat is clever, but can he play you like a fiddlefor human food? How about work a remote control?Or fend off uninvited relatives?The all-new Test Your Cat: Genius Edition is full of fun tests and activities you can do with your cat to confirm whether the marvellous Master Monty really is a prodigy on four paws.


The perfect gift book for new parents everywhere! Assess your baby’s genius in a series of fun and easy tests and activities, in the next title in the best-selling TEST YOUR series.Wait, I know what you’re thinking. You may feel you don’t have a spare minute to take a shower, let alone conduct elaborate psychometric tests on your mewling new-born bundle of love (and constant nappy changes). But with Test Your Baby, all the hard work has been done for you. You need only stay awake long enough to monitor your mini me as they navigate life on the outside.Is little Olivia more likely to munch her crayons or create a modernist masterpiece? Do precious Oliver’s gurgles sound more bebop than Beethoven? Does the old ‘spoon as airplane’ line do the trick, or does baby Georgie demand the exact nutritional content before considering his next spoon of mush? With Test Your Baby, discover more about what lay beneath those coos and squeals with a series of fun tests and activities to confirm whether your baby really is an undiscovered genius.



Whatever happened to middle England? Two of our funniest writers set out on a journey through conservative country – with hilarious results.The Women's Institute. Polo matches. The Duke of Edinburgh. Nimbys, shooting and game fairs. Pall Mall clubs, the Countryside Alliance and Boris Johnson. Hampshire Police’s brass band, the rubber chicken circuit – and of course the Conservative party itself.Middle England, with all the social rituals, institutions and traditions that hold it together, has lasted for a long time. And Chris Horrie and David Matthews, two left-leaning journalists – Chris is from Manchester and David's parents are from Guyana – are fascinated by it.So off they go, armed with two ballpoints and a sharp sense of humour, to see what they can see. Sometimes, it’s as simple as hanging out at the proms, munching scones with the vicar at a village cricket match, or chatting with Michael Howard. And other times, a bit more guile is needed – so Chris and David baffle Conservative party members by helping out with their campaigns.With backgrounds as investigative reporters, the authors infiltrate Middle England and capture its denizens at their least guarded. What they find is at times cheering, and sometimes a bit worrying – but it is always very entertaining.True Blue is Bill Bryson meets Spitting Image – and a must-read for fans of John O’Farrell, Private Eye and Jon Ronson.


Optimised for larger screens.If you're younger than 15 or older than 50, there is an 87% chance that something in this book will offend you.The #1 web comic, Cyanide & Happiness, is back with a brand new collection of comics sure to leave you gasping in horror or guffawing with laughter.Featuring 150 comics, including 30 brand new strips, each jam-packed with more inappropriate jokes and deviant behaviour than ever before! Laugh at Obese Maurice, Ass Rape Man, the Purple-Shirted Eye Stabber, and the not-so-loveable superhero, Superjerk.You'll never see stick figures this twisted! Also features a brand new “activity” section where you can draw your own Cyanide character, build–a–boner, or connect the dots to reveal a hidden image!