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Susanne Schötz
Список книг автора Susanne SchötzАннотация
Do you speak to your cat? Do you feel your cat understands you and vice versa?Suitable for tablets. Some special characters may not display correctly on older devices.We recommend that you download a sample and check the ‘Note to the Reader’ page before purchase.Cat lovers across the globe know cats can speak. In this compelling new book, Susanne Schotz – a professor at Sweden’s Lund University – shares insights into her long-standing cat communication research. Proving that cats not only speak to one another, but also to their human caretakers.This clever book teaches us how to better understand our cats by translating their sounds, recognising their meaning in different situations and giving practical tips to understand them better.Unlocking the cat code, this crash course in cat phonetics is the perfect gift for cat-lovers everywhere.
Do you speak to your cat? Do you feel your cat understands you and vice versa?Suitable for tablets. Some special characters may not display correctly on older devices.We recommend that you download a sample and check the ‘Note to the Reader’ page before purchase.Cat lovers across the globe know cats can speak. In this compelling new book, Susanne Schotz – a professor at Sweden’s Lund University – shares insights into her long-standing cat communication research. Proving that cats not only speak to one another, but also to their human caretakers.This clever book teaches us how to better understand our cats by translating their sounds, recognising their meaning in different situations and giving practical tips to understand them better.Unlocking the cat code, this crash course in cat phonetics is the perfect gift for cat-lovers everywhere.
Oled kunagi mõelnud, mida su kass sulle öelda tahab? Kassid ei näu, kähista ega urise suvaliselt või sellepärast, et neil pole midagi targemat teha. Kass häälitseb alati kindlal eesmärgil, ja need häälitsused võivad kanda olulisi sõnumeid – olgu siis meie või teiste kasside jaoks. Susanne Schötz on teinud kassikõne koodi murdmisel ära suure töö. Ta töötab professorina Lundi ülikoolis Rootsis, kus tema juhitud pikaajaline uurimisprogramm on tõestanud, et kassid kasutavad tõepoolest vokaalset suhtlust nii omavahel kui oma inimestest kaaslastega suheldes. Inimeste ja kasside vahelise häälkommunikatsiooni strateegiate mõistmine võib avaldata tohutut mõju sellele, kuidas me oma lemmikutega suhtleme ning parandada arusaamist inimeste ja loomade vahel mitmes vallas, nagu näiteks veterinaaria, varjupaigad ja treenimine. „Kasside salajane keel“ pakub teile kiirkursust kasside foneetikasse. Autor annab täieliku ülevaate kaslaste häälitsustest ja selgitab, mida need erinevates olukordades võivad tähendada. Lisaks leiad siis hulga praktilisi nõuandeid, kuidas oma kassi paremini mõista.