
Forbes – самый влиятельный независимый деловой журнал в мире. Forbes имеет доступ к первым лицам компаний, их владельцам, политикам и получает информацию от самых осведомленных источников.Forbes пишет об историях успеха и поражений предпринимателей, новых идеях для бизнеса и инвестиций, публикует авторитетные рейтинги.


A deep look into the agency that implements the president’s marching orders to the rest of the executive branch The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is one of the federal government’s most important and powerful agencies—but it’s also one of the least-known among the general public. This book describes why the office is so important and why both scholars and citizens should know more about what it does. The predecessor to the modern OMB was founded in 1921, as the Bureau of the Budget within the Treasury Department. President Franklin D. Roosevelt moved it in 1939 into the Executive Office of the President, where it’s been ever since. The office received its current name in 1970, during the Nixon administration. For most people who know about it, the OMB’s only apparent job is to supervise preparation of the president’s annual budget request to Congress. That job, in itself, gives the office tremendous influence within the executive branch. But OMB has other responsibilities that give it a central role in how the federal government functions on a daily basis. OMB reviews all of the administration’s legislative proposals and the president’s executive orders. It oversees the development and implementation of nearly all government management initiatives. The office also analyses the costs and benefits of major government regulations, this giving it great sway over government actions that affect nearly every person and business in America. One question facing voters in the 2020 elections will be how well the executive branch has carried out the president’s promises; a major aspect of that question centers around the wider work of the OMB. This book will help members of the public, as well as scholars and other experts, answer that question.


[b]Why did so many traditionally “blue” communities break for Donald Trump in 2016? Will they do so again in 2020? Will they become Republican strongholds? Looking for answers, Muravchik and Shields lived in three such “flipped” blue communities, finding that these voters still like the Democratic Party, but it’s not the party many of this book’s readers will recognize. In these communities, some of the most beloved and longest-serving Democratic leaders are themselves Trumpian—grandiose, combative, thin-skinned, nepotistic. Indifferent to ideology, they promise to take care of “their people” by cutting deals—and corners if needed. Stressing loyalty, they often turn to family to fill critical political roles. Trump strikes a familiar figure to these communities, resembling an old-style Democratic boss. Although Trump’s Democrats have often been pictured as racists, Muravchik and Shields find that their primary political allegiances are to their town or county—not racial identity. They will spend an extra dollar to patronize local businesses, and they think local jobs should go to their neighbors, not “foreigners” from neighboring counties—who are just as likely to be white and native-born. When these citizens turn their attention to the nation and their place in it, their thinking is informed by their sense of belonging in their town. Thus, “America first” nationalism is largely localism writ large. The good news for Democrats is that the appeal of Trump does not yet extend to the rest of the GOP. The Democratic Party can reclaim its historic place as the home of working and lower-middle-class Americans. The first step is to gain better understanding of Trump’s Democrats.


Forbes – самый влиятельный независимый деловой журнал в мире. Forbes имеет доступ к первым лицам компаний, их владельцам, политикам и получает информацию от самых осведомленных источников.Forbes пишет об историях успеха и поражений предпринимателей, новых идеях для бизнеса и инвестиций, публикует авторитетные рейтинги.


Forbes – самый влиятельный независимый деловой журнал в мире. Forbes имеет доступ к первым лицам компаний, их владельцам, политикам и получает информацию от самых осведомленных источников.Forbes пишет об историях успеха и поражений предпринимателей, новых идеях для бизнеса и инвестиций, публикует авторитетные рейтинги.


Forbes – самый влиятельный независимый деловой журнал в мире. Forbes имеет доступ к первым лицам компаний, их владельцам, политикам и получает информацию от самых осведомленных источников.Forbes пишет об историях успеха и поражений предпринимателей, новых идеях для бизнеса и инвестиций, публикует авторитетные рейтинги.


Общественно-политическая газета


Еженедельная газета «Аргументы и Факты» – одно из самых популярных изданий в России и за рубежом. Основные темы: информация о событиях в России и за рубежом, политика, культура, экология, социальные проблемы и многое другое. В 1990 году за самый большой тираж в мире (33,5 млн. экземпляров) была внесена в книгу рекордов Гиннеса. Еженедельник «АиФ» рассчитан на широкий круг читателей.


Общественно-политическая газета
