
К показу на телеканале «Россия» сериала «Шпионский роман»! ГЛАВНАЯ ПРЕМЬЕРА СЕЗОНА! Советские спецслужбы против иностранных разведок. Новые приключения легендарного контрразведчика Сталинской эпохи майора Пронина, вдохновившего Бориса Акунина на создание его «Шпионского романа» и одноименного телесериала. Шпионский боевик в лучших традициях жанра! Только что закончилась Великая Отечественная война, но на «невидимом фронте» перемирий не бывает. Английские агенты совместно с эстонскими нацистами готовят теракт во время джазового концерта Леонида Утесова, на котором должны присутствовать главы иностранных государств и сам Л.П. Берия. Под подозрение попадает даже знаменитый композитор Дунаевский… Но майор Пронин оправдает невинных и выведет заговорщиков на чистую воду! Майор Пронин «даст джазу» врагам народа, разгадает шпионский гамбит и предотвратит покушение на Берию! Майор Пронин на страже государственной безопасности СССР!



Евгений Колесов – автор и ведущий программы «Открытие Китая» на Первом канале. Бизнесмен, учредитель компании Optim Consult (Гуанчжоу, Китай), специализация – оптовые поставки товаров и оборудования из Китая. Президент общественной организации «Сила закона» (борется с интернет-мошенниками и лжекоучами). Автор методики раннего развития. Отец шестерых детей, которые с раннего возраста изучают четыре иностранных языка, в том числе китайский, успешно занимаются спортом. Его сын Гордей в 6,5 лет победил в «Шоу талантов» на Центральном телевидении Китая и был назван ведущими СМИ России вундеркиндом. Сегодня Гордей добился побед в десятках престижных шахматных турниров России и Европы. Продолжение бестселлера – шпионского романа «Китаец». Наши дни, полковник ГРУ Алексей Назаров – начальник сверхсекретного отдела деофшоризации ГРУ. Он счастливо женат, воспитывает двоих маленьких детей. После объявления об окончании эпидемии коронавируса в Китае неожиданно на связь выходит китайский химик, которого Назаров завербовал в 2008 году. Передать секретные сведения он согласен только Назарову. На встрече химик инфицирует Назарова смертельно опасным штаммом биооружия направленного действия, якобы исключительно против русских. Массовая бактериологическая атака запланирована на середину осени 2020 года. Успеют ли российские ученые разработать и испытать вакцину? Мировая пандемия на самом деле рукотворная?


The Top Ten Sunday Times bestseller returns with a gripping new Ben Hope thriller.This time it’s personal…People going missing in the remote wilds of India is not unusual. But when the son of a wealthy Delhi businessman is kidnapped just weeks after his brother fell victim to an alleged bandit attack in the mountains of Haryana, it raises eyebrows.With the local police doing close to nothing, there’s only one man for the job: ex-SAS major Ben Hope. But for Ben, this is no ordinary rescue case. Because this plea for help is coming from a special person from his past, who now has nobody else to turn to.Ben’s mission will take him into the heart of the arid Indian wilderness, pitting him against ruthless gangs and desperate men. But Ben is determined to save the day. Whatever it takes.The master bestseller returns, with the most hotly anticipated thriller of 2019.‘If you’ve got a pulse, you’ll love Scott Mariani; if you haven’t, then maybe you crossed Ben Hope.’ SIMON TOYNE


If there were a God, he would have stopped me.That's the message discovered atop an elementary school in downtown Atlanta. Across the street are the bodies of fourteen people, each quickly and cleanly murdered. The sniper Galileo is on the loose. He can end a life from hundreds of yards away. And he is just getting started.Where others see puzzles, Esme Stuart sees patterns. These outside-the-box inductive skills made her one of the FBI's top field operatives. But she turned her back on all that eight years ago to start a family and live a normal life. She now has a husband, a daughter and a Long Island home to call her own, far removed from the bloody streets of Atlanta.But Galileo's murders escalate and her old boss needs the help of his former protege. But how can she turn her back on her well-earned quiet life? How would she be able to justify such a choice to her husband? To her daughter?And what will happen when Galileo turns his scope on them?


From the winner of the CWA Ian Fleming Steel Dagger 2012 for Best Thriller of the Year comes a gripping and suspenseful new spy novel. Perfect for fans of John le Carré, Charles Cumming is ‘the master of the modern spy thriller’ (Mail on Sunday)Thomas Kell is a disgraced agent who longs to come in from the cold. When MI6’s top spy in Turkey is killed in a mysterious plane crash, his chance arrives… for Kell is the only man Service Chief Amelia Levene can trust to investigate the accident.In Istanbul, Kell soon discovers that there is a traitor inside Western Intelligence. Then he meets Rachel- the dead spy’s daughter- and the stakes grow higher still.From London to Greece and into Eastern Europe, Kell tracks the mole. But a betrayal close to home transforms the operation into something more personal. Soon Kell will stop at nothing to see it through.


Winner of the CWA Ian Fleming Steel Dagger 2012 for Best Thriller of the Year. Selected by the Sunday Times and the Guardian as Best Thriller. Perfect for fans of John le Carré, a gripping and suspenseful spy thriller from ‘the master of the modern spy thriller’ (Mail on Sunday) WITH AN EXCLUSIVE AFTERWORD BY THE AUTHOR.Six weeks before she is due to become the first female head of MI6, Amelia Levene disappears without a trace.Disgraced ex-agent Thomas Kell is brought in from the cold with orders to find her – quickly and quietly. The mission offers Kell a way back into the secret world, the only life he’s ever known.Tracking her through France and North Africa, Kell embarks on a dangerous voyage, shadowed by foreign intelligence services. This far from home soil, the rules of the game are entirely different – and the consequences worse than anyone imagines…


A Sunday Times top ten bestseller, perfect for fans of THE NIGHT MANAGER, from the winner of the CWA Ian Fleming Steel Dagger for Best Thriller of the Year and ‘the master of the modern spy thriller’ (Mail on Sunday).A NEW COLD WAR IS LOOMINGFormer MI6 officer Thomas Kell thought he was done with spying. Until the Russian agent he blames for the death of his girlfriend is spotted at a Red Sea resort – in dangerous company.ONE SPY WANTS REVENGETaking the law into his own hands, Kell embarks on a mission to recruit his rival. Only to find himself in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse in which it becomes increasingly difficult to know who is playing whom.THIS TIME IT’S PERSONALAs the mission reaches boiling point, rumours of a terrorist attack suggest a massacre on Britain soil is imminent. Kell is faced with an impossible choice. Loyalty to MI6 – or to his own conscience?


Confessions of a Regency duke…When the Duke of Winterbourne proposed to Olivia, she felt like the luckiest girl alive. Their happy marriage was the envy of the Ton. But all that changed when Gabriel wasn’t there the night Olivia gave birth to their son…Gabriel’s life is rooted in darkness and he’s learnt the hard way not to trust anyone with the truth. Yet, now, his wife wants to try for another child… and Gabriel must bare his secrets in order to bring Olivia back into his bed, and by his side for ever!


The heat is on…Book 2 in the ‘Wild Heat’ series – the hottest firefighter series of the year!Cassie Wolford has crushed on fireman Quinn Gallagher ever since he moved to Clearwater three years ago. There’s just one problem: he’s always made it clear dating is out of the question. But once a Wolford sets their sights on someone, that person doesn’t stand a chance! Cassie decides it’s time for Quinn to get a dose of his own medicine… and sets out to show him what he’s missing!Quinn knows only too well what Cassie’s up to but he can’t give her what she wants. He isn’t good for anyone, much less someone as sweet as his angel. Fighting her off hurts like hell, but giving her false hope of a happy ever after would be damn cruel. That’s why he has to leave Clearwater.Unfortunately, someone from his past has different ideas and when Cassie’s life is threatened this former CIA operative is staying put, prepared to crawl through hell and back to keep her safe. And it looks like he might just have to.