
Вечное возвращение всех вещей, здешнее как отражение запредельного… Эта доктрина, известная тысячи лет, смыкается с учениями Пифагора и Гераклита, атомистов и стоиков, даже неоплатоников, хотя формально последние и не принимали её. Связанная с ней полемика была интенсивной B ранней и поздней Античности, немного угасла B Средневековье и Новое время, но ныне, благодаря философу Фридриху Ницше, стала вновь актуальной. В книге рассматриваются основные положения этой доктрины, как выясняется, глубочайшие, при этом акцентируется её принципиальное отличие от концепции циклических повторений. В ракурсе данной доктрины обсуждаются «вечные вопросы», преследующие человечество с изначальных времён. Среди них происхождение мира, судьба мимолётного, перспективы по ту сторону смерти, смысл и бессмысленность жизни, вообще бытия, время обычное и время B вечности, звёздное небо и бесконечность, тайна ничто.


Another incredible novel from the #1 internationally bestselling author of The Alchemist.July 14, 1099. The city of Accra awaits the invasion of the crusaders who have surrounded the gates. There, within the city walls, men and women of every age have gathered to hear the words of a mysterious man known only as the Copt. He has summoned the townspeople to address their fears with truth, hope and comfort.They begin with questions about defeat and struggle; they contemplate the virtues of loyalty and solitude; and they ultimately turn to questions of beauty, love, wisdom, and what the future holds. “What is success?” poses the Copt. “It is being able to go to bed each night with your soul at peace.”* * *Now, centuries later, the manuscript containing the Copt’s extraordinary insights on courage, solitude, loyalty and loss has been unearthed from a cave in Cairo.A Manuscript Found in Accra is a revelatory exploration of our most enduring and transcendental values, and a testimony to everyday wisdom.


Philosophy for busy people. Read a succinct account of the philosophy of Dewey in just one hour.In early twentieth-century America John Dewey was regarded as the foremost philosopher of his age – no mean feat when his colleagues included the likes of Russell, Wittgenstein and Heidegger. Dewey produced a distinctly American philosophy, essentially different from that of his European contemporaries – his pragmatic theory of ‘instrumentalism’ or ‘experimentalism’, relying on modern experimental methods to prove truth and reality. Dewey saw the ultimate reality as being nothing more or less than that which we encounter in everyday life – there is no mystery hidden within.Here is a concise, expert account of Dewey’s life and philosophical ideas, entertainingly written and easy to understand. Also included are selections from Dewey’s work, suggested further reading and chronologies that place Dewey in the context of the broader scheme of philosophy.


Philosophy for busy people. Read a succinct account of the philosophy of Descartes in just one hour.Descartes was the first modern philosopher. His scepticism led him to doubt all certainties, until finally he arrived at his famous maxim 'I think therefore I am'. He would also apply his rationalism with great effect in science and mathematics, conceiving a scheme for scientific method and inventing Cartesian co-ordinates in geometry.Descartes: Philosophy in an Hour a concise, expert account of Descartes’ life and philosophical ideas – entertainingly written and easy to understand. Also included are selections from Descartes’ work, suggested further reading, and chronologies that place Descartes in the context of the broader scheme of philosophy.


Philosophy for busy people. Read a succinct account of the philosophy of Derrida in just one hour.Jacques Derrida’s ‘deconstructionism’ is nothing less than an effort to destroy all ‘writing’ by demonstrating its inevitable falsehood. The writer writes but does not know what he is writing. Derrida argues that all texts have their own hidden agenda and contain their own metaphysical assumptions – the writer’s very language inevitably distorts what he thinks and writes. The ‘truth’ of all our knowledge is thus undermined; post-structuralism arrives.Here is a concise, expert account of Derrida’s life and philosophical ideas – entertainingly written and easy to understand. Also included are selections from Derrida’s work, suggested further reading, and chronologies that place Derrida in the context of the broader scheme of philosophy.


A Buddhist life is lived with peace, joy and contentment: each day can be a step along the path to true enlightenment. To live by these values every day takes patience, skill and knowledge, but it is hugely rewarding. This book can show you how to begin to do so – in just 20 minutes.20 Minutes to Master Buddhism covers the history of the Buddha, the core ideas behind his teachings, from the importance of meditation to the value of life, as well as a range of techniques and practices to allow you to live through the teachings every day.You’ll learn about:• Meditation and the calming of the mind• Past lives and their significance• The importance of mantras and visualisation• The value of ritual and devotion.Previously published as Principles of Buddhism, this ebook brings together classic text from an expert in the field with a new chapter, placed at the end of the book, which condenses all the ideas and techniques into a digestible 20-minute read.20 Minutes to Master Buddhism will show you how to live with joy and purpose every day.This is part of the 20 Minutes to Master series, five indispensable guides that show you how to transform your life in simple and effective ways. Other titles in the series include 20 Minutes to Master Stress Management, 20 Minutes to Master Meditation, 20 Minutes to Master Your Psychic Potential and 20 Minutes to Master Wicca.


A Japanese-inspired guide to living a happier, more fulfilled life.Japonisme explores the Japanese art of findingcontentment and includes practical tips and tricksto live a happier, healthier, more thoughtful life.What is your ikigai (purpose)? How do you practice mindfulness in the unpredictability and chaos of everyday life?From shinrinyoku (forest bathing), calligraphy, ikebana(fl ower arranging) to tea ceremonies and their approach tofood, the Japanese have found contentment through traditions,philosophies, and the practice of art. This book shows how we can all incorporate aspects of Japonisme into our daily lives.Enhance your lifestyle and enrich your mind by looking at lifethrough the lens of wabi-sabi (the transient nature of life),kintsugi (repairing broken ceramics with gold) or kaizen(habit-forming techniques), in an accessible, practical way.

