
IntersectionAllies isn’t just a book. It’s a mirror in which kids of all genders, races, sexualities, abilities, cultures, and origins can see their whole selves reflected, respected, and celebrated. In a world increasingly fractured by xenophobia, racism, ableism, homophobia and transphobia, and other forms of injustice, IntersectionAllies teaches the meaning of “community” to kids and parents alike, along with rhyming strategies to support and celebrate each other’s differences. IntersectionAllies is perfect for: Kids in diverse schools, cities, churches, and other settings who would benefit from having a basic understanding of the lives of their friends and other people around them, along with ways they’re similar and differentKids who ask a lot of questions about the news they overhear on TV and the radio—and parents who are stumped for answersActivist parents who want to engage their children in age-appropriate activismParents, educators, and practitioners who are searching for ways to connect world events and injustices to children’s livesKids who have yet to see themselves and their experiences reflected in books and other mediaAdults still trying to grasp the concepts of “intersectionality” and “allyship” themselvesLibrarians looking to build community and create dialogue in their neighborhoods, diverse or otherwiseBooksellers looking to build out their diversity-related offerings to kids in the most inclusive way possibleAnyone hoping to help raise thoughtful, caring, educated allies and world citizens—and anyone hoping to become this themselves, too


White people need tools in order to translate this moment of consciousness into meaningful change. Not My Idea is a tangible tool by a children’s book author with a great track record for tackling difficult topics. We can’t dismantle racism and white supremacy without white people — Not My Idea helps kids understand American past and present, and gives them the tools to have a more equal future. As Ta Nehisi Coates has said on NPR: “If I were a kid right now, I would want to understand, why did they kill Eric Garner? Why is that OK? I don’t need you to make me feel good about that, but I need to know what happened. People deeply underestimate the freedom that comes from at least understanding.” Not My Idea faces whiteness and racism head on and supports children (and grown-ups) as they face it, too. Not My Idea picks up where Peggy McIntosh’s Invisible Backpack left off and unpacks whiteness for kids. Every page is beautifully illustrated using found materials. The only thing Higginbotham pays for are glue sticks, demonstrating that all of the tools to narrate one's own story are already in a child's hands.





