
Donald Youngblood is a rich, bored ex-Wall Street whiz kid that returns to his East Tennessee hometown and on a whim gets a Private Investigator's license. Billy Two Feathers is a full-blooded Cherokee Indian, ex-convict and Don's best friend. Together they open Cherokee Investigations and for a few years just hang out. Then Don is summoned by the rich and powerful Joseph Fleet to find his missing daughter and son-in-law. All is not as it seems as Don and Billy go through the motions of investigating the disappearance, and soon a mysterious and sinister plot unfolds. Making matters even more complicated for Don is an unhappy girl friend, a beautiful blond police officer, a New York mob boss, Joseph Fleet's bodyguard and one very mean southern white trash scum hell bent on killing Don's new love. From the backwoods of East Tennessee to the coast of Florida to the streets of New York and half way around the world, Donald Youngblood, with the help of some well connected friends and a nose for trouble, chases an elusive and deadly foe to extract the ultimate revenge and realizes the chase has changed his life forever.


Repression, Imprisonment, Escape . . . Ivey Jane Doede is about to turn eighteen and is trying to leave home. She lives with her younger brother, Louie, and parents in Kansas with nothing but miles of cornfields in every direction. Ivey’s mom is abusive and her father is an alcoholic. Family life gets worse after a religious cult comes into the neighboring town, offering salvation. “Escape to Anywhere Else” connects to that part in all our lives when numbing is no longer enough. Ivey Doede must take a stand if she is to make it out alive.


Две эпохи. Две женщины. Одно проклятье. Месть пожирает гордую Вивьен Росс. Она жаждет отомстить сектантам, обезглавившим ее родителей. Спасаясь, девушка бежит в далекую Русамию к графу Мавросу – единственному человеку, которому доверял ее отец. Однако он отказывается помочь Вивьен найти убийц, и тогда она призывает древнюю магию, не ведая о расплате. Сто лет спустя Лилия Тигрова смиренно несет звание «Ледяной принцессы», но предстоящее замужество с графом Мавросом пугает ее. Она боится разозлить Смерть. Семейные скелеты жениха только усугубляют положение. И Лилия оказывается втянутой в древнюю вражду Ордена Мятежных сердец и Секты «Просветленных».


When twenty-three year old nostalgia buff Gary Tyler suddenly finds himself back in the year 1939, his romantic notions of the past are quickly dispelled. Before attempting to return to his own time, however, he is determined to prevent the murder of nine year old ‘Dolly’ Czarnowski, a task that proves to be more than a little complicated by a government agency in hot pursuit, several mysterious strangers lurking in the shadows, and a jealous competitor for the heart of Sarah, the dark-eyed beauty and star-crossed lover. About the Author: James A. Costa Jr. is the author of several novels. Having taught for many years in West Seneca, New York, he is enjoying retirement with his wife Jeannette.


We are born, live and die as life demands. Jeremiah was born on the same night his father died. He faces a lot of pressure from older boys to leave the Amish faith. He loves his mother and his relatives, but feels he is missing something in life. Will he overcome the temptations to leave the Amish faith? About the Author: Sioux Dallas traces her ancestry back to Scotland, Holland, England and Wales. One branch of her family was traced back to the early 1400s to the Attanoughkomouck Indians. She is a widow and a retired public school teacher of both high school and grade school. Sioux’s spirit has not been broken by cancer, broken bones or a myriad of trials and tribulations she’s had to overcome. You’ll never see her without a smile on her face or an encouraging word for anyone who is of need. Her love of her God and of people gives her all the peace and comfort she needs. Dallas’ love of church and Bible study helps her to research many interesting people. Sioux Dallas is currently working on her next novel and loves to hear from readers.


Borderland is the story of a young assistant bank manager, Logan Massey. She discovers hundreds of thousands of dollars missing from several elderly customers’ accounts while meeting with the daughter of one of the customers, Travis Morton, who has recently died. The missing money can be traced to an unscrupulous lawyer with an expensive cocaine habit, Jake Turner. After he is confronted with the evidence that will ruin his career and send him to prison, Jake commits suicide while in a drug-induced state. He crosses over into Borderland, which is the residence of the afterlife, and blames Logan Massey for his demise and the circumstances that follow. Desiring revenge, he comes back to earth determined to force her to kill herself and join him in the bowels of Hell. In the meantime, Travis Morton arrives in the afterlife and becomes an inhabitant of the Light, the higher elevation in Borderland. His assignment is to be a spirit savior, helping to prevent wicked souls like Jake Turner from wreaking havoc and placing innocent lives in danger. Along the way, others cross Jake’s path and some die in his evil quest for reprisal. Logan escapes her self-induced guilt over his death by taking a trip to her deceased parents’ cabin on the lake. She meets some very nice local people, including a kind, handsome county veterinarian named Tom Doherty, who helps her and faces danger in the process. The ultimate battle for Logan’s soul brings earthly and spiritual forces together in the peaceful isolated confines of Brown County State Park. When the struggle is over, who will win, good or evil? And, what will be the final destination and judgment for Jake Turner’s soul? About the Author: Jennifer Seet is the author of Borderland and Snow Signs. Both are fictional paranormal thrillers set in the hills of southern Indiana. Jennifer is a retired teacher from the Indiana School for the Deaf who lives in Brown County, Indiana, with her husband, Bob. She has always had a fascination for, and even some personal experiences with, the spirit world. Mrs. Seet has also written professionally on the subject of Deaf Education and Autism, having two adult sons with Autism. While working at the Indiana School for the Deaf, she wrote several short stories for a federally-funded literacy project for deaf children. Since retirement most of her writings have been the two books and several short stories, both fiction and non-fiction, for The Realm magazine.


Open gunfire in an elementary school with Cassidy “Trouble” Michaels around and you better run. Run for the hills, but don’t leave tracks and don’t take time to look back. She will track you down, send you to the pen, and throw away the key. You never know when she might strike because adventures and mishaps ambush her as well, but eventually, when you are not expecting it, she will catch up and when she does she arrives with force… the entire police force. About the Author: Kelly Rysten was born in Rockledge, Florida and grew up in Las Cruces, New Mexico. She enjoys geocaching, oil painting and exploring the deserts and mountains of the southwest. She lives in Southern California with her husband, Gary, has two grown children, two grandchildren and a Shetland sheep dog. She has published five novels starring Cassidy and has many more of Cassidy’s adventures waiting to be published.


Cassidy Callahan uses her tracking talents for good, but sometimes doing a good job has bad consequences. Follow Cassidy through more crazy adventures as she helps Rusty Michaels bring in a serial killer, deals with tigers, feral dogs and rattlesnakes. Car troubles abound as she sets her sights on the Police Reserve Academy. Cassidy does her best to enter the world of the Joshua Hills Search and Rescue organization, but will she graduate or become Tyrone Trent’s next victim? About the Author: Kelly Rysten was born in Florida and raised in the deserts of New Mexico. She and her husband presently reside in southern California where she continues to follow Cassidy’s wild adventures and strives to put them into print. Her interest in writing and tracking spans many years, which allows her to bring a real authenticity to her characters and the adventures in her novels. She is the author of Triple Trouble, the first book in the Cassidy Callahan Adventure series. Kelly and her husband have two grown children and a crazy Shetland sheepdog named Pippin.


Paul Sanderson, a thoroughgoing young Victorian gentleman, is having a high old time with a regiment of Don Cossacks, fighting, raping, pillaging and burning in the time-honored manner, when he is recalled to England to inherit a dukedom. Soon he is on his travels again, this time to the Territory of New Mexico where the old Duke had bought but never taken up the Three Barbs ranch. Unfortunately, Paul is not the only person who is interested in that particular piece of real estate, and he soon learns that a land-hungry railroad tycoon wants to have him killed to possess it. What happens when Paul meets the daughter of his would-be assassin on a wolf-infested mountain, starts a chain of horrific events that will keep the reader on the edge of his chair right up to the startling climax. About the Author: Lester Taube was born of Russian and Lithuanian immigrants in Trenton, New Jersey. He began soldiering in a horse artillery regiment while in his teens, where in four years he rose from the grade of private to the exalted rank of private first class. During World War II, he became an infantry platoon leader and participated in operations in the Bismarck Archipelago, was attached to the 3rd Marines for action on Iwo Jima, and finally combat on Okinawa, the last battle of the war. After leaving the army and recuperating from wounds and malaria, he became general manager of a 400 employee electronic company in California, manager of a 450 employee paper stock company in Pennsylvania, and finally opened a logging and pulpwood cutting operation in Canada. Called back to duty during the Korea Police Action, he served as an advisor to the Turkish army, then as an intelligence officer and company commander in Korea. During the Vietnam period, he was stationed in France and Germany as a general staff officer working in intelligence and war plans. Prior to retirement as a full colonel, he moved to a small village in the mountains of North Tyrol, Austria, and kept a boat for five years on the Côte d’Azur, France. He began writing novels while in France, and after producing four books, which were published in a number of countries, and selling two for motion pictures, he stopped – “as there was heavy soldiering to do and children to raise”. Returning to the U.S. after 13 years overseas, he worked as an economic development specialist for the State of New Jersey helping companies move to New Jersey or expand therein. He has four children, all born in different countries.


Young and impetuous, Kristine Larkin sets out to fulfill her dreams of becoming an award winning journalist – never mind the consequences. With the help of an unexpected source, she uncovers the story of a lifetime. She charges full-steam ahead certain this byline will bring her the fame, fortune, respect and adoration for which she longs. More concerned with one-upping her rivals than the consequences of her actions, Kristine gets her byline but loses everything in the process – even who she is. Starting over as someone new won’t be easy… especially when her old life comes back to haunt her. Hold on for a wild ride full of adventure as she uses her intelligence and strength to live again, and maybe even love! About the Author: Kimberly Vinje graduated from Northern Kentucky University earning a BA in Journalism and a minor in Writing. While in college, she worked at The Cincinnati Enquirer as a copy clerk and Sports stringer. She left to finish her degree at NKU where she was a writer and copy editor for The Northerner. She was recognized by the Kentucky Collegiate Press Association for an editorial she had written criticizing the naming of an alleged rape survivor by local media. Today, she works for one of the world’s largest consumer goods companies and enjoys writing as a hobby. Bylines & Deadlines is her first book. She lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her dog Cody. Her website is: www.kimberlyvinje.com