
The Amish are peaceful, law-abiding people. They do not hold grudges and do not seek vengeance. Their strong belief in God prevents them from fighting or placing a lot of value on money or self-importance. Charity and Adam are a unique young couple. They married first out of duty to their families and then became so much in love that the entire Amish community admired and acknowledged them. Charity is opinionated and outspoken. Unlike the passive Amish women, Charity speaks her mind and stands firmly for what she believes. She sometimes upsets the church leaders but everyone knows she is a strong Christian and a faithful Amish. Her strong fortitude is called upon through horrors that happen to her family and to the Amish community. One of the “town boys” is found dead in an Amish barn. Who killed him and why was he placed in an Amish barn? About the Author: Sioux Dallas traces her ancestry back to Scotland, Holland, England and Wales. One branch of her family was traced back to the early 1400s to the Attanoughkomouck Indians. Dallas’ love of church and Bible study helps her to research many interesting people. She is a widow, and a retired public school teacher of both high school and grade school. Her love of music and her deep faith has carried her through life. Sioux Dallas is currently working on her next novel.


Sharon Donnelly is so nice and naïve, she’s unbelievable. After her abusive husband is killed, she moves from Texas to Florida to attend USF and to work with her sister on her horses for handicapped riders. She can’t understand why she’s having so many accidents; until her car blows up. Who is trying to kill her and why? Will the riding instructor or the police detective finally win her heart? About the Author: Sioux Dallas, a widow, is a retired high school coach and classroom teacher as well as a retired horse trainer and riding instructor. Her columns on sporting events and training horse and rider appeared for thirty-two years in five newspapers around Washington D.C. and later in Zephyrhills, Florida. She took journalism classes in college and is a member of a writing group in Zephyrhills. She has played many musical instruments but has had more pleasure in playing the bagpipes. She teaches square dancing on horseback (the horses do the dancing) and is a water aerobics instructor for a nationally known gym. Sioux has been a Bible teacher for many years. She has had short stories and poems published. In the late 1950s and early ’60s, Sioux taught blind and mentally challenged children, free of charge on her own horses and while she was teaching public school. She was invited to attend a brunch meeting in the Red Fox Inn in Middlesboro, Virginia to discuss open riding schools for the handicapped in the United States. Sioux is a past Organizing Regent for the DAR, Past President for the UDC, past High Priestess of the Ladies’ Oriental Shrine of North America, member of the Seventeenth Century Colonial Dames, a bagpipe playing member and Secretary of the Gulf Coast Pipe and Drum Corps who marched in parades and played for many social events, organizer and leader of the Bit and Bridle 4-H Club where she taught riding, correct care of equines, correct showing, stable care and taught the teens to be horse show judges. Sioux and her husband retired to Florida where she organized and led the only recognized riding club in Florida. She taught how to organize and run a horse show and keep written records for horse shows.


Doctor Bill Warner and Nurse Mary Swanson portray two real life healthcare professionals who tried to stop the pervasive takeover of our country and the deregulation of their professional healthcare standards. And by fighting this disparity in their service to humankind, they inadvertently placed their families’ and their own lives at risk. Eventually they realized this problem was promoted by a very wealthy international Oligarchy, which had coerced this country’s politicians into passing the 1946 McCarran Ferguson Act, which deregulated and decentralized FDR’s once world-renowned community rated healthcare prepayment system, immediately following FDR’s death. At a meeting with former President Gerald Ford, Dr. Warner was told the healthcare system would have to collapse before today’s dysfunctional Congress would ever give up their gifts and benefits from this shadow government. They also learned this Oligarchy protects their vast fortune of gold bullion in the Swiss Illuminati Bank of Rome, all acquired from their many wars, political scams, and acquisition of natural resources. Yes, this novel is based on actual events, which should motivate every American to become involved ─ for this time we have no place to run! About the Author: John R. Krismer, MHA-LFACHE has published five nonfiction and fiction manuscripts and is the founder and CEO of Health Systems Institute, which provided research, education and consulting for governments, hospitals, and clinics in both Canada and the United States. In his research, he has conducted hundreds of educational institutes while serving as the principal investigator involving five major universities in researching today’s vitally important health record database. He has also served as CEO of several major hospitals and corporations, and as a board member of two health insurance companies, and is often referred to as a visionary ahead of his time.


Snow Signs is the story of a retired female state police detective who is haunted by the unsolved case of a young deaf woman who disappeared four years ago. It tests the boundaries of belief by including the possibility of life beyond. After retirement, Claire Dungarven begins her second career as an author by writing about her most compelling and frustrating case. Libby Newman vanished off the face of the earth and Claire wants to find her. Maybe by writing about her, she can find peace for herself and, in the process, find out what happened to Libby. As she explores the facts of the case, she comes face-to-face with signs in the snow that mirror the truth. Could these signs be clues to the mystery? Or, are they sinister reminders left in the yard? The cryptic signs mount, and Claire is threatened by their existence… and by the uncertainty of who put them there. She enlists the help of Jim Hoppes, the chief deputy sheriff of the lakes conservancy where she lives, and together they work to uncover the answer of what happened to Libby Newman. They need help along the way and get it from the most improbable sources–skeptical fellow police officers, a psychic and a spirit. The mystery unravels in the dark confines of a nature park, where the investigator, the perpetrator and the victim all share their identities. The revelations might lead to truth… or another disappearance. About the Author: Jennifer Seet is the author of Borderland and now Snow Signs. Both are fictional paranormal thrillers set in the hills of southern Indiana. Jennifer is a retired teacher from the Indiana School for the Deaf, who lives in Brown County, Indiana, with her husband, Bob. She has always had a fascination for and even some personal experiences with the spirit world. Mrs. Seet has also written professionally on the subject of Deaf Education and Autism, having two adult sons with the disability. While working at the Indiana School for the Deaf, she wrote several short stories for a federally-funded literacy project for deaf children. When she started her writing career after retirement, her fellow teachers at the school urged her to include deaf characters in her books. Snow Signs is a first offering at fulfilling that promise to her dear friends at the school and in the Deaf community.


Sugar Land and Galveston, Texas are facing horrifying news. Twenty-three-year-old Daniel Cortland is disgusted with the mothers who push their daughters on him in hopes of cashing in on his family’s fame and wealth. He agonizingly cries, “I wish a nice girl would fall for ME and not my family name or wealth.” His desperate wish is answered, but it brings trouble and threats to several lives. How can Daniel overcome the vicious law breakers and enjoy his life? About the Author: Sioux Dallas, a widow, is a retired high school coach and classroom teacher as well as a retired horse trainer and riding instructor. Her columns on sporting events and training horse and rider appeared for thirty-two years in five newspapers around Washington, D.C. and later in Zephyrhills, Florida. She took journalism classes in college and is a member of a writing group in Zephyrhills. She has played many musical instruments but has had more pleasure in playing the bagpipes. She taught square dancing on horseback (the horses did the dancing) and was a water aerobics instructor for a nationally known gym. Dallas’ love of church and Bible study helps her to research many interesting people. Her love of music and her deep faith have carried her through life.


Even at the height of his popularity, Sherlock Holmes couldn’t solve the exciting cases of the Lost Cause Detective Agency more intelligently. Hannah Rutherford, owner and Senior Investigator, and her staff, Victoria Stallard and Herbert Muller, many times facing threats to their own lives, bring about conclusions that will have the reader on the edge of their seat and admiring them. Eye witnesses to murder and a conversation between strangers about a fantasy murder lead to someone fearing for their own life. Also a horror in the detective agency has the entire county up-in-arms. Can these horrors be solved? Can you read this book by yourself at night? About the Author: In addition to teaching school, raising, training, showing horses and giving lessons, working in her church, volunteering in the community, keeping house and taking care of her family, Sioux Dallas trained to be a detective. She has always had a desire to know about what was involved. Dallas will be the first one to admit she is far from perfect, but she does love writing these books now that she is unable to participate in the activities she loved so much. After she retired from teaching, she trained to be an aerobics instructor and worked for a well-known gym for eight years. Now in a wheelchair, she rolls joyfully through life and writes about real happenings with fictional people.


From the author of A PALER SHADE OF RED – Memoirs of a Radical; FLIGHT FROM EIN SOF and THE INVENTOR comes this collection of gritty, satirical, chilling, iconoclastic, always ferocious and unrepentant dystopias. Death and virgin birth, immortality and cannibalism, paradise and hell, the cosmos, bigotry and vigilantism, close encounters, wars to end all wars, hallucinations, disquieting prophecies and insanity – mainly insanity – are the forces that drive ONE NIGHT IN COPÁN. Oscillating between parody and polemic, allegory and unalloyed horror, paradox and hyperbole, the apocalyptic canvases W. E. Gutman paints can be read as one man’s antidote for the despotism of inflexible creeds and the paralyzing effects of groupthink. A work of hyper-realism, this collection of thirteen tales uses bizarre, fantastic, sometimes ghoulish, always disquieting devices to capture and expose truths that people ensconced in ideological cocoons ignore, shirk or refute. About the Author: Born in Paris, W. E. Gutman is a veteran journalist. A former writer at the late-great futurist magazine, OMNI, and former U.S. editor of the Moscow-based SCIENCE IN THE USSR, he worked in Central America from 1994 to 2006. He lives with his wife in southern California.


Dave Olson worked during his vacation from college for a Canadian and a U.S. copper mining company which hired him to gather soil samples for copper in the northern wilderness areas of Canada and the United States. Then one evening, while bathing in a refreshing stream, he found several nugget shaped rocks that looked like gold and hid them for safekeeping. And although it was highly unlikely they were gold, they sure looked like gold even though gold was seldom found in this part of the country. The following morning, four defiant Indians methodically trashed his campsite, telling him in no uncertain terms to leave immediately, or risk not leaving at all. Needless to say, he took their advice, but later found out that those shiny nuggets were not only pure gold but they netted him close to one thousand dollars. The following summer Dave and two of his closest friends, Ed Nelson and Bill Warner, decided to try and find more gold, and after numerous mind-boggling experiences they found what turned out to be an astonishing fortune in nuggets and gold flakes. Then after much soul searching, they decided to establish a non-profit foundation to benefit humanity, in direct opposition to the powerful one percent of today’s profit seeking International Oligarchies and their corrupt group of Plutocrats that currently comprise the nemesis of our Democracy. About the Author: John R. Krismer, MHA-LFACHE has published five nonfiction and fiction manuscripts and is the founder and CEO of Health Systems Institute, which provided research, education and consulting for governments, hospitals, and clinics in both Canada and the United States. In his research, he has conducted hundreds of educational institutes while serving as the principal investigator involving five major universities in researching today’s vitally important health record database. He has also served as CEO of several major hospitals and corporations, and as a board member of two health insurance companies, and is often referred to as a visionary ahead of his time.


It is Tzarist Lithuania in 1904. Hanna Barlak is an 18-year-old seamstress in a small village, the sole support of three young siblings. She is in love with Stephen, a Russian university student. Innocently implicated in a plot against the Tzar, she must flee her homeland with Jakob, a Hasidic prince. In Germany, she learns that Stephen and the children have suddenly disappeared, and that the dreaded Okhrana, the Russian secret police, have sworn revenge. Using her sewing abilities, she builds up her trade, spending all she earns to protect Jakob and herself from the Okhrana and to search for her loved ones. World War I makes her a wealthy woman, and in later years, she becomes a tycoon fighting for her very existence against the Krupp Munitions Cartel, her emotional feelings for Bernard, a Dutch doctor, and the wrath of the Nazi regime, whose goal is to destroy her. About the Author: Lester Taube was born of Russian and Lithuanian immigrants in Trenton, New Jersey. He began soldiering in a horse artillery regiment while in his teens, where in four years he rose from the grade of private to the exalted rank of private first class. During World War II, he became an infantry platoon leader and participated in operations in the Bismarck Archipelago, was attached to the 3rd Marines for action on Iwo Jima, and finally combat on Okinawa, the last battle of the war. After leaving the army and recuperating from wounds and malaria, he became general manager of a 400 employee electronic company in California, manager of a 450 employee paper stock company in Pennsylvania, and finally opened a logging and pulpwood cutting operation in Canada. Called back to duty during the Korea Police Action, he served as an advisor to the Turkish army, then as an intelligence officer and company commander in Korea. During the Vietnam period, he was stationed in France and Germany as a general staff officer working in intelligence and war plans. Prior to retirement as a full colonel, he moved to a small village in the mountains of North Tyrol, Austria, and kept a boat for five years on the Côte d’Azur, France. He began writing novels while in France, and after producing four books, which were published in a number of countries, and selling two for motion pictures, he stopped – “as there was heavy soldiering to do and children to raise”. Returning to the U.S. after 13 years overseas, he worked as an economic development specialist for the State of New Jersey helping companies move to New Jersey or expand therein. He has four children, all born in different countries.


A cache of trouble lies hidden in the woods near Cassidy’s canyon hideaway. The stash of banknotes has turned a greedy man to the wrong side of the law. With Cassidy in the mix, even the local search and rescue is drawn into the hunt. Will Cassidy live to see her wedding day? Will this be a cache of trouble, or the catch of trouble? And by whom? About the Author: Kelly Rysten is the author of three Cassidy Callahan novels. She lives in Southern California with her husband and a crazy Shetland sheepdog. Kelly has two grown children. She enjoys geocaching, oil painting, and exploring the deserts and mountains near the Antelope Valley. She is working on further installments of Cassidy’s adventures.