
В финальной части игры Лени решил погрузиться в мёртвый разум Зевса, чтобы узнать про историю жизни Зевса и что было до и после Третьей мировой войны. Он загрузил себя в последнюю версию игры "Вайнар 4.0".


Начался следующий сезон игры "Вайнар" с новой версией 3.0. Из-за смерти Писклявого Лени решил свергнуть Зевса с престола вседержителя Вайнара и закончить эту игру. Но чтобы отрубить голову Зевсу и сменить власть на Земле, нужно войти в игру. Под руководством Лени группа новых игроков снова отправятся в игру, чтобы уничтожить Зевса, который спрятался от них на высшем уровне Вайнара. Добро пожаловать на последнюю битву в Вайнаре!


Как часто мы видим сновидения, почему не все их запоминаем. Можно ли верить в предсказания снов и бывают ли вещие сны.


Bodies are piling up with messages carved into their chests. Rival gangs are competing for control. New drugs have arrived in Glasgow, and they’ve brought a different kind of violence to the broken city. The law of the street is changing and demons from Detective McCoy’s past are coming back to haunt him.
Can McCoy keep his head up for long enough to deliver justice?


A man in a wolf mask bursts into a teepee in the middle of a sacred ritual, a peyote ceremony, and kills Michael Soto, the owner of Sabado Indian Arts on the Santa Fe Plaza. The next morning Detective Fernando Lopez, a member of an old Santa Fe family, receives a complaint from two Zuni that an important tribal object, a carved wooden war god called an ahayu:da, has been stolen from their pueblo. They show him an anonymous letter sent to the Zuni Tribal Council saying that Michael Soto was trying to sell it for fifty thousand dollars. Shortly after they leave, the police dispatcher reports that Michael Soto has been murdered. Establishing what happened and who was present at the peyote ceremony proves difficult. One witness says three men and one woman from Whitewater near Zuni attended the ceremony. Another says it was four men from Whitewater. One witness blames a skinwalker or a werewolf for Michael Soto’s murder. Detective Lopez’s investigation exposes the cultural and ethnic fractures in Santa Fe, a city of Native American, Hispanic, and Anglo cultures. The investigation also leads into the dangerous underworld of buying and selling stolen Indian artifacts. Along the way he encounters looters and grave robbers, rich gallery owners who buy and sell priceless tribal objects on the black market, and artisans who produce fake replicas of the objects to sell. The search for answers comes to a startling end in a violent confrontation at a trading post just north of Zuni Pueblo, when the truth is finally revealed. Includes Readers Guide.


Лени вынужденно попал в виртуальную смертельную игру "Вайнар" с версией 1.0, чтобы спасти жену от неминуемой смертельной болезни – рака. Он попытается пройти через все уровни игры, остаться в живых и, как может показаться, совершить невозможный этический выбор. Добро пожаловать в беспощадную игру "Вайнар 1.0".


Перу известного английского писателя середины XX в. Дениса Уитли, «королю триллера», «неутомимому исследователю необъяснимых явлений действительности», как его именовали современники, принадлежит более шестидесяти книг, изданных общим тиражом свыше сорока пяти миллионов экземпляров и переведенных более чем на тридцать языков. В предлагаемом произведении ярко обрисованы две главные темы в творчестве этого писателя: фантастическая и приключенческо-авантюрная. Музыка – Андрей Трушкин Звукорежиссер – Андрей Трушкин


"Diane Lawson's amazing insight into the mysteries and witchcraft of psychoanalysis . . . combined with her extraordinary writing skills makes this a one-of-a-kind novel that I found impossible to put down."—Abraham Verghese, author of Cutting for StoneSigmund Freud would have liked Dr. Nora Goodman, a sexy forty-something psychoanalyst with her handful of neurotic patients who can't seem to allow themselves happiness, love, or success. She's not exactly a steady customer herself, born to a ranting bipolar Talmudic scholar and a mother with a heart as cold as a slaughterhouse on the Kansas prairie in January. But now she has two kids and an overbearing psychiatrist husband. She hates him. She hates his insular social world. Nora wants a new life sans husband, but what she gets is something terribly different. It starts one Monday morning when her eight o'clock patient blows himself to smithereens. The following week, another patient dies. The police see the first as an accident, the second a straightforward suicide. Nora thinks her practice is being targeted by a killer. She hires private investigator Mike Ruiz, a tightly wound ex-cop who couldn't care less for Sigmund. «Oh, Freud,» Mike says. «Isn't he dead?» Freud is always watching while the unlikely pair struggle to an unexpected end.Diane Lawson was born and raised in La Russell, Missouri (population 128). She did her undergraduate studies at the University of Missouri, her psychiatric residency at Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago, and her psychoanalytic training at the Institute for Psychoanalysis, also in Chicago. She has two children and lives and practices in San Antonio, Texas.


"With an almost encyclopedic knowledge of the historic underbelly of Galveston and a ringing feel for dialogue, Long Fall From Heaven carries us along on a sordid yet seamless narrative of murderous mayhem." —Craig Johnson, author of the Walt Longmire Mysteries Cueball Boland and Micah Lanscomb—both ex-cops with troubled pasts—stumble into the path of a serial killer. The murderer leads them into the dark history of Galveston when the city was Texas’ Sin City. The killer has roots sunk deep into that history, but the FBI and the old Galveston families don’t want Cueball and Micah to solve the crimes. Listen closely. There’s an echo of another serial killer who stalked the city back during World War II. George Wier writes like he talks: Texan. In the 1990s he befriended the older novelist Milton T. Burton and the two became close friends. In 1998, Burton, worried about his health, told Wier this story and asked him to be his collaborator and principal writer. The two friends talked back and forth, and Wier wrote the novel. Meanwhile, impatient with the publishing industry, George Wier has very successfully e-published his Bill Travis Mystery Series. He plays classical violin and country fiddle, dabbles in art and photography, and is a born promoter of all that he does. This is his first trade-published novel. He lives in Austin, Texas with his wife Sallie. Milton T. Burton (1947-2011) authored four crime novels published by Minotaur/Thomas Dunne. Like Wier, Burton was a lifelong Texan who breathed the Texas lingo. Burton had been variously a cattleman, a political consultant, and a college history teacher. A cantankerous but generous man, he liked writing and he liked talking to his friends, especially George Wier. He died in December 2011.


Alasdair Cameron and Fergus MacDonald were childhood friends. Their fathers’ caps carried a blue hackle, the badge-feather of a distinguished Scottish regiment. Now the feather in Fergie’s cap is the decaying Dunasheen Estate on the Isle of Skye. His desperate schemes to save his home depend on a collection of historic artifacts, a handful of paying guests expecting a traditional Scottish New Year celebration, and the help of Alasdair and Jean Fairbairn, who plan to wed in the Gothic folly of Fergie's chapel. But if Alasdair and Jean can't untangle the threads of the past and net a present-day killer, then they and their wedding rings won't get to the church on time—and more blood will flow for the sake of Auld Lang Syne!