
Быть студентом и так не просто, но когда в твои руки попадает вещь, чье могущество и истинный смысл не объяснит никто, будь готов, что судьбу захотят вывернут наизнанку, в попытке отобрать смысл жизни. Первая книга из серии "Путь Двенадцати" Определение «жанровое чтиво» – пожалуй, самое точное описание данного рассказа. По задумке – триллер с упором на мистику и психологию. Жизнь как она есть. Беды и проблемы нашего мира в отражении альтернативного, и несколько простых людей, чьи судьбы безразличны для окружающих. Радость и грусть, дружба и предательство, страх и отчаянье, философия жизни и, как обратная сторона, полное отсутствие логики – разве это не наша жизнь? А в кульминации – любовь, как будто наперекор всему и всем. В обложке использована фотография Автора.


Милые будни доброго домового, живущего с тремя студентками. Суровые будни студентов.


A WORLD IN TURMOIL<br><br>In the wake of al-Qaeda&#39;s catastrophic attacks, western democracies scramble to meet a deadly new threat…<br><br>A LIFE IN TURMOIL<br><br>For legal secretary Grace Palliser, the war on terror is just background noise. Twenty-four years ago, her father shot her mother and then killed himself. Today, Grace&#39;s life is a torment of nightmares, drug addiction, and custody fights over her daughter.<br><br>Being framed for murder is just about the last thing Grace Palliser needs…<br><br>But her accidental discovery of a vast international fraud triggers a cascade of terrifying events. Within days, Grace is running for her life, hunted by both the Canadian police and the American FBI. She flees across the continent in a desperate search for the evidence that will clear her.<br><br>Hot on her trail is a corrupt former cop with a simple assignment…<br><br>… to kill Grace Palliser.


It&#39;s the summer 2010, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Doc Halladay has joined The Philadelphia Phillies in a bid to go back and win the World Series after losing to the New York Yankees in 2009. <br><br>6 months ago, Don Gunn&#39;s wife died in a car accident. Now he is on the verge of losing his job and career at Blake & Yurman, an advertising agency, because of his non-compete agreement which will keep him out of the industry for 2 years. <br><br>Things seem to look up for Gunn when he meets Kim Hunter, a woman who is nearly half his age, a woman that he can only dream about. He goes on a date with Kim that night which will be the beginning of his worst nightmare. Suddenly, people are following him, camping out by his apartment. 5 people are murdered by a serial killer and Kim Hunter is a person of interest in all of the murders. <br><br>As Gunn races through interviews in order to find a job before he is fired from Blake & Yurman, his life is spiraling out of control, putting the lives of his closet friends – Natalie Mendoza and Doug Kimball – in danger. As a result, Gunn is forced to determine who the serial killer is before he is the next victim. <br><br>A Hell Of A Woman is a story about love, friendship, and what happens when a man loses everything that he worked so hard for because of corporate greed in America.


Who killed the aspiring young actress, Megan Maguire, and just as importantly, why? Megan&#39;s parents hire R. A. Huber to find out. The seasoned sleuth and her spunky assistant Andi set about to unravel the obscure reason for the murder. The young victim&#39;s short life had revolved around an amateur theater group where she had played the lead character role of Vanity in the play From Sin to Virtue. Among the murder suspects are Megan&#39;s roommate, her employer, the Cubbyhole Theater owners, her acting instructor, and several fellow cast members, including the director. An old boyfriend is also probed, and the investigating pair cannot rule out her parents. The mystery comes to a climax when Huber and Andi put their own lives on the line in order to corner the villain.


Mia Ingalls, artist for a travel magazine and approaching retirement, revives an old passion&ndash;writing mystery novels. New to the Internet, she quickly discovers chat rooms and happily forms an anonymous relationship with another writer wannabe. For two years they enjoy sharing ideas and challenging each other in a writing game, but the fun ended the day she shared her idea for the perfect murder. Her young and obnoxious boss was nearly killed by her brilliant plot making Mia the prime suspect in a sadly more successful attack on his fianc&Atilde;&copy;e. To make things even worse, her internet pal suddenly becomes her deadly stalker.


Had Mason Chase gone to sleep that night he might be dead. The fact that he didn&#39;t might make him wish he was dead. <br><br>With his family gruesomely murdered around him in their comfortable suburban home, he is arrested, charged and convicted of a crime he claims he did not commit. In fact there is evidence &ndash; strong evidence&ndash; to suggest that Mason&#39;s claims of innocence are in fact true. But a Texas jury decides against him, finding him guilty and sentences him to death by lethal injection.<br><br>For close to a decade and a half, Mason sits on Texas death row while Rob Gilmore, his lawyer, and others work to get him set free. At times, mason comes within hours of his death. Not until Rob is killed in a traffic accident does the lawyer&#39;s wife discover Rob&#39;s secret &ndash; a secret that will aide in releasing Mason Chase of incarceration and freeing him from the looming death sentence that crowds him like an angry shadow. Rob&#39;s wife, a lawyer for the county, also discovers her own boss&#39; culpability in the botched conviction. She turns to the aid of a Houston law firm, who specialize in cases like Mason&#39;s. <br><br>The evidence is presented to a U.S. Federal Judge who frees Mason and gets him removed from prison and away from the horror of death row. <br><br>Months pass, Mason Chase decides to sue the county, its DA, lead investigator and criminal lab for damages and restitution for his wrongful conviction. Carol Gilmore, Rob&#39;s wife, now in private practice, leads the case and wins a huge multi-million dollar settlement for Mason, only to have the U.S. Supreme Court eventually rule against him. Mason is left with nothing. Again a victim. <br><br>After a few months, three justices who sit on the highest bench in the land disappear. (They happen to be the three that were the lead advocates that Mason&#39;s case was without merit.) There are no leads. There is no evidence. There is nothing to go on. The FBI is baffled until a freak traffic incident on a lonely Texas highway, just north of the Mexican border leads authorities to believe that the killer of the three Supreme Court justices is residing just on the other side of the Rio Grande.<br><br>A former Texas Ranger, Lucky Drake, is asked to snoop around in the desert of Northern Mexico, to see if he can &quot;unofficially&quot; sniff out anything like clues to the deaths of the three. He, in fact, uncovers the real killer: Jimmy McDermit, a man who has long been suspected as being the actual killer of the Chase family. But Lucky also discovers, that Jimmy seems to be taking is directions from a doctor in a small Mexican village. As he gets closer to the two, who are deep in conversation, Lucky discovers his camera lens is focused on, not a doctor, but Mason Chase. <br><br>We have come full circle.


Действия происходят в наше время, захватывая прошлое и будущее. Никто не знает, кто главная героиня, даже самое могущее существо – прародительница волшебного мира. Как она появилась и откуда. Родившая её волшебница ничего не помнит. Однажды она решила стать человеком, чтобы найти своего возлюбленного. Но жизнь человека ей пришлась не по вкусу. Сможет ли она вернуться в волшебный мир? Противостоять всем завистникам, кто хочет забрать её силу? Узнает ли она откуда пришла в наш мир и для чего?


«Его нашли дети в полях, там, где между двумя лугами пролегала цепочка невысоких холмов, поросших травой, и всегда гулял сильный ветер. Почему его раньше никто не видел? Ведь такую штуку, как шагающий танк, не заметить сложно. Но тогда никто об этом особенно не раздумывал. Может, осыпалась стенка одного из холмов, похожих на курганы, – и явилась на свет ржавая башня, увенчанная, словно рожками, пулеметными стволами. Мальчишки весь день бегали смотреть находку. Конечно, и внутрь пробраться пытались…»


[Japan] An intelligence analyst is murdered on temple grounds. [Manila] Two embassy guards go missing and a bizarre execution video is discovered by a special-forces team. [New York] Martial arts expert Connor Burke is hired as a consultant for an elite US Army training program. [Mindanao Philippines] A young Japanese ethnographer from Harvard University is kidnapped by a terrorist cell of Abu Sayeff. A renegade martial arts Sensei known as the Tengu has been recruited to train a splinter group of Asian terrorists with links to Al Qaeda. The Tengu mourns the vanished prestige and cultural heritage of Imperial Japan. He, like the men he trains, believes the West is responsible for destroying the spiritual essence of a once-great culture. In a series of violent clashes spawned by the bizarre intersection of contemporary fundamentalist terrorist ideology and the personal vendettas of the Tengu, Connor Burke and his martial arts teacher Yamashita are pawns in a game that will ensnare them while they search for the most deadly of foes: the Tengu.