
What if… Queen Elizabeth II had no legal right to the British throne?<br><br>What if… The Queen&#39;s entire line, all the way back to George III&#39;s fifteen children, was… illegitimate?<br><br>SUCCESSION is based on a little known historical fact.<br><br>SEPTEMBER 6, 1997<br><br>Across the world, two-and-a-half billion people sit glued to the broadcast of Princess Diana&#39;s funeral. In Bayonne, New Jersey, surgical resident Dr. Emma Parks watches the somber proceedings over her morning coffee, then hurries to get ready for work. Today&#39;s shift, she expects, will be no different from any other… fixing broken bodies, one emergency at a time. But Emma couldn&#39;t be more wrong. Today, she&#39;ll discover a lover&#39;s betrayal. Today she&#39;ll save a man&#39;s life using a procedure she was never trained for. Today she&#39;ll receive a mysterious call from a man riding in a London taxi. And, before the day is out, she&#39;ll be suspended from her job.<br><br>But that&#39;s just today…<br><br>Tomorrow, a very determined killer will try to end her life.<br><br>Emma Parks always figured her life was pretty ordinary. She&#39;s about to discover how extraordinary it really is.<br><br>&#39;Succession&#39; was reviewed in the May/June 2014 issue of Cayman Airways in-flight magazine (p. 16):<br><br>http://caymanairwaysskies.customtravelmags.com/publication/?m=7080&amp;l=1


A WORLD IN TURMOIL<br><br>In the wake of al-Qaeda&#39;s catastrophic attacks, western democracies scramble to meet a deadly new threat…<br><br>A LIFE IN TURMOIL<br><br>For legal secretary Grace Palliser, the war on terror is just background noise. Twenty-four years ago, her father shot her mother and then killed himself. Today, Grace&#39;s life is a torment of nightmares, drug addiction, and custody fights over her daughter.<br><br>Being framed for murder is just about the last thing Grace Palliser needs…<br><br>But her accidental discovery of a vast international fraud triggers a cascade of terrifying events. Within days, Grace is running for her life, hunted by both the Canadian police and the American FBI. She flees across the continent in a desperate search for the evidence that will clear her.<br><br>Hot on her trail is a corrupt former cop with a simple assignment…<br><br>… to kill Grace Palliser.