
“I’m just looking at the Moon,” she said listlessly. “It’s green. Green as a beer bottle, green as emeralds, green as leaves with sunshine striking through them and green grass to lie on.” She couldn’t help saying those last words. They were her token to the face, even though it couldn’t hear.


Two men receive a lot more than meal and a bed when they visit a tavern in the Black Forest, in this spooky story by Fantasy master Robert E. Howard.


The clangor of the swords had died away, the shouting of the slaughter was hushed; silence lay on the red-stained snow. The bleak pale sun that glittered so blindingly from the ice-fields and the snow-covered plains struck sheens of silver from rent corselet and broken blade, where the dead lay as they had fallen. The nerveless hand yet gripped the broken hilt; helmeted heads back-drawn in the death-throes, tilted red beards and golden beards grimly upward, as if in last invocation to Ymir the frost-giant, god of a warrior-race.


Conan receives more attention than he needs in this wild adventure that nearly costs him his life. Who will win his love, and at what cost?


Conan has claimed the throne of Aquilonia, but now he must defend it from rival armies and sorcery most vile. Evil magicians and neighboring armies loom on the horizon and all that stands between Conan and certain death is the strength of his sword arm and his wits. Little does Conan know the lengths that he will have to travel to keep his crown. Perhaps Robert E. Howard's greatest work.


The Hyborian Age is an essay by Robert E. Howard pertaining to the Hyborian Age, the fictional setting of his stories about Conan the Cimmerian. It sets out in detail the major events of the prehistorical period, before and after the time of the Conan stories. In describing the cataclysmic end of the Thurian Age, the period described in his Kull stories, Howard linked both sequences of stories into one shared universe. This essay also sets out the racial and geographical heritage of the fictional peoples and countries of the Age.


In the last of the Conan stories to be published, there is no end to the action and adventure. He pursues a beautiful former pirate, fights a dinosaur, discover an ancient city, and so much more, as Howard leads the reader through a labyrinth of unexpected twist plots.


Klaus took a look at them, leaning over Hendricks’ broad shoulder. “You can see what we’re up against. There’s another type. Maybe it was abandoned. Maybe it didn’t work. But there must be a Second Variety. There’s One and Three.”


An interstellar revolution is brewing, and young Tony finds himself in the middle of it, questioning who his friends are, and who are his foes.


The gun was huge. Stark and immense it pointed up at the sky, a mass of steel and glass, set in a huge slab of concrete. Even as they watched the gun moved on its swivel base, whirring underneath. A slim vane turned with the wind, a network of rods atop a high pole.