
Chills race up and down young solicitor Jonathan Harker's spine as he enters the eerie castle of a Transylvanian count. His host, Count Dracula, is a curious creature that becomes enamored with the photograph of Harker's fiancee, Mina. Dracula decides he must find the enchanting Mina and have her as his own. He boards a boat and makes the long journey to find Mina as the ship's crew mysteriously disappears one by one. Van Helsing, called to care for Mina's friend Lucy, senses there is something different about Dracula. Mina is drawn to Dracula's seduction and tries to fight this overwhelming power. But can she?


A gloomy New England mansion provides the setting for this classic exploration of ancestral guilt and its expiation through the love and goodwill of succeeding generations. Nathaniel Hawthorne drew inspiration for this story of an immorally obtained property from the role his forebears played in the 17th-century Salem witch trials. Built over an unquiet grave, the House of the Seven Gables carries a dying man's curse that blights the lives of its residents for over two centuries. Now Judge Jaffrey Pyncheon, an iron-hearted hypocrite and intellectual heir to the mansion's unscrupulous founder, is attempting to railroad a pair of his elderly relatives out of the house. Only two young people stand in his way a visiting country cousin and an enigmatic boarder skilled in mesmerism.


Commonly considered to be Jack London's tour de force, The Call of the Wild tells the story of Buck, a domesticated dog ripped from a comfortable life when he is stolen from his home on a California ranch. Sold to a pair of men in Canada, Buck is trained as a sled dog in cold wilderness of the Klondike region. However, Buck's ordeal has only begun, as he is forced to learn how to overcome both in the brutal conditions and as the primal social facets as a member of a dog sled pack.


The Russian River Valley—laid-back, marijuana-steeped, and off-the-grid—is the backdrop for Bart Schneider’s new mystery featuring the tough and dogged detective Augie Boyer.Augie takes a break from the bite of another Minnesota winter by visiting the California homestead of his longtime friend Bobby Sabbatini, who is celebrating the opening of his poetry-infused tavern, Ginsberg’s Galley. But Augie’s notoriety precedes him, and his arrival is met with a trip to a murder scene. Ruthie Rosenberg, a local who has fallen into a life of drugs and dependence, has been found at The Last Judgment Campground, shot twice in the head.At the request of the Deputy Jesse Coolican, who’s loved Ruthie for years, Augie promises to investigate the case himself. No sooner than he starts to ask questions, Augie discovers the trail leading to Ruthie’s killer—or killers—is tangled with politics, religion, bold-faced lies, and suspicious double-lives. Even his closest friends are part of the fray.Is Ruthie’s murder the work of a copycat? An escalated statement by the religious right? Only an outsider can discover the painful truth—and Augie must work quickly before the insular community buries the truth deep among its ever-growing secrets.


A note is left on a car windshield, an old dog dies, and Kent Nerburn finds himself back on the Lakota reservation where he traveled more than a decade before with a tribal elder named Dan. The touching, funny, and haunting journey that ensues goes deep into reservation boarding-school mysteries, the dark confines of sweat lodges, and isolated Native homesteads far back in the Dakota hills in search of ghosts that have haunted Dan since childhood.
In this fictionalized account of actual events, Nerburn brings the land of the northern High Plains alive and reveals the Native American way of teaching and learning with a depth that few outsiders have ever captured.


Internationally bestselling author Val McDermid is one of our finest crime writers, and her gripping, masterfully plotted novels have garnered millions of readers from around the globe. In Broken Ground , cold case detective Karen Pirie faces her hardest challenge yet. Six feet under in a Highland peat bog lies Alice Somerville’s inheritance, buried by her grandfather at the end of World War II. But when Alice finally uncovers it, she finds an unwanted surprise—a body with a bullet hole between the eyes. Meanwhile, DCI Pirie is called in to unravel a case where nothing is quite as it seems. And as she gets closer to the truth, it becomes clear that not everyone shares her desire for justice. Or even the idea of what justice is. An engrossing, twisty thriller, Broken Ground reaffirms Val McDermid’s place as one of the best crime writers of her generation.


А чего вы боитесь? У вас есть детские страхи? По-взрослому, до мурашек по телу…


Несправедливо осужденный молодой парень Шон Галлахер попадает в лечебницу. Переступив её порог он навсегда прощается со своим разумом и мечтами. Теперь его голову окутывает туман абьюзивных пристрастий, подавленных воспоминаний, одиночество и зависимость. Книга интересна своей визуализацией миров, иллюстрациями и цикличным повествованием. Имеет 5 частей основных сюжетных арок, символизирующих головной мозг. Читатель начинает чтение с середины арки, с конца, а заканчивает её началом, или же начало истории на самом деле является её концом? Легкий дух Берроуза и Пинчона прослеживается в мотиве повествования, поэтому смело можно сказать что эта книга не для всех. Содержит нецензурную брань.


Что делать, если прекрасную принцессу похитил дракон? Разумеется, найти благородного рыцаря и отправить его за ней! Но что делать, если принцесса для многих далеко не прекрасна, рыцарь благороден только по происхождению, да и дракон – не совсем дракон? Чего ждать, если спасение девушки из лап чудовища становится политической игрой, где многие кукловоды и их куклы норовят ухватить свой кусок? Это уже не сюжет сказки или легенды – это то, что потом укажут в исторических хрониках как события, послужившие началом чего-то великого. Это не сказка и не реальность – это нечто дальше. Содержит нецензурную брань.


Старшеклассник Леонид Сорокин и трое его друзей живут спокойной жизнью. Но однажды к ним в село приезжает незнакомец, семнадцатилетний парень, который представляется внуком местной ведьмы. С этого момента в жизни ребят начинаются очень странные события.