
'Savage talked about his life as a re-offender. How could someone be offended by the same thing twice? Was nothing learnt?'[/i]Beerlight, the city of all of our futures, is not a safe place. Weaponry, rather than fast cars or designer clothes, is the ultimate status symbol. The populace is dedicated to law-breaking, politically incorrect views and hurling abuse and hand grenades at each other. Combining elements of surrealism, film noir and punk rock ethos, Aylett creates a darkly comic landscape that's a cross between a Tarantino film and a Bosch painting, where murder is the ultimate expression of art. The cast of hoodlums includes burglar extraordinaire Billy Panacea, conman-cum-lawyer Harpoon Specter and other fun-loving felons who hang out at the Delayed Reaction Bar on Valentine Street reading the Parole Violators Bugle.


–National Book Award nominee (Rena’s Promise) -Literary thriller, Macadam’s first novel. -Akashic has had much success with mysteries (i.e., Edgar nominations, wonderful reviews, excellent reception within general mystery community, bookstores)


Inspector Ghote, 'one of the great creations of detective fiction' (Alexander McCall Smith), discovers why blackmail is known as the 'iciest sin' when he sets a trap for a blackmailer �– and falls into it himself, in this classic mystery with a brand-new introduction by bestselling author Vaseem Khan. Miss Dolly Daruwala may well be the most practised blackmailer Bombay has ever seen, or so Inspector Ghote's superiors tell him. Dolly has angered – and impoverished – many highly placed officials, and has become an embarrassment to the influential Parsi community. They want an end to her vile practices. To his deep dismay, Ghote discovers that he has been selected to conduct a highly irregular, and illegal, act of his own: break into the blackmailer's apartment and catch her in the act. But what the good detective ends up witnessing, from his uncomfortable position under Miss Daruwala's bed, is a crime of an even great magnitude: murder. Shaken and confused, Ghote hesitates – and allows the murderer to escape, setting in motion a chain of events that has the power to rob Ghote of everything he holds dear . . .


Inspector Ghote, 'one of the great creations of detective fiction' (Alexander McCall Smith), investigates the curious case of a stolen exam paper in this classic mystery - with a brand-new introduction by bestselling author Vaseem Khan. Bombay University is in the grip of a cheating scandal, centred on one of its most deplorable colleges. A final exam paper has been stolen and sold prior to the test, leading to calls for the principal's immediate resignation. The prime suspect for the theft, the student Bala Chambhar, is in a coma, after taking an overdose of sleeping pills. Inspector Ganesh Ghote of the Bombay CID is sent in to wrap up what appears to be a straightforward case: how did Bala steal the paper from Principal Bembalkar's locked office? But what he finds soon leads him to ask a different question: did Bala try to take his own life – or was he poisoned? Hindered by student protests, and under pressure from his superiors, Ghote investigates with his usual thoroughness, only to find corruption, scandal and chaos wherever he looks . . .


Sister Fidelma returns in the thirty-first Celtic mystery by Peter Tremayne. Ireland. AD 672. The body of a dead man has been found on a lonely mountain road and taken to the isolated abbey of Gleann Da Loch for a proper burial. The abbot quickly identifies him as Brehon Brocc, who had been travelling to the abbey on a secret mission with Princess Gelgeis and her steward. When news reaches Colgu, King of Muman, that his betrothed, Princess Gelgeis, has disappeared, Fidelma with her trusted companions, Eadulf and Enda, enter the hostile Kingdom of Laigin in search of the truth. But one death is quickly followed by another and warnings of demonic shapeshifters and evil lurking in the mountains must be taken seriously. Are there really brigands stealing gold and silver from the ancient mines? And are rumours of a war between the Kingdoms of Laigin and Muman to be believed? As Fidelma searches for answers, she must do everything in her power to avoid danger and death in a land where no one is to be trusted . . .


He will claim her as his own. Olly, dressed as a young boy to keep her identity as an unclaimed omega a secret, is searching for food when she is grabbed and taken to Garron, the great commander, to work for him as a bought and paid for servant. But when he discovers who and what she really is, he wastes no time in claiming her for his own. Now, they must learn to exist as Alpha and omega while fighting the biggest fight of Garron's life as a great warrior. Enjoy how this fifth and final book in the Alpha's Woman series brings together all the characters of the previous books for a spectacular ending. Publisher's Note: This action filled Alpha/omega romance contains graphic scenes and a theme of power exchange.


Neither of them wanted this, but he knew what he had to do. He didn't even know her name. She looked – and acted – more like a man than a woman. He wasn't looking for a new Omega. She didn't want what was happening to her, and it didn't help that the man who controlled her career – and thus, her life – was the very one who seemed to be bringing some kind of awakening to it. Neither of them wanted this, but he knew what he had to do. Publisher's Note: This steamy Omegaverse romance contains elements of power exchange. While it is the fourth in the Alpha’s Woman series, it can be enjoyed as a standalone.


She is nothing more to him than a means to obtain children. When she is released from the stasis she voluntarily entered, the world that greets Emily Harding is far from what she expected. It more closely resembles a post-apocalyptic novel than the rolling green Tennessee hills she’s left behind. Worse than that, it seems that the rule of law is a thing of the past, and that society has devolved into what it was thousands of years ago – feudal tribes warring with each other over precious and rare supplies, which includes females. One type of female in particular. It is raw, unforgiving, and animalistic. Much like the behavior of the man who takes her captive and holds her there, forcing her to learn that even she is not unaffected by the changes that have been wrought on the world, proving to her time and time again that she is nothing more to him than a means to obtain children. And making her scream in agonizing pleasure as he does so. Publisher’s Note: The Alpha's Woman is a dark tale with some explicit themes.


Ciaran had a mission of his own: an Omega on which to breed sons. It was in a very tiny village that the Omega Ebby had grown up, surrounded by women who knew what she would become, as well as a few men to whom she was unattractive, all of whom participated in training her to defend herself. They had also all vowed to protect her with their lives. And in the end, because of him, that was exactly what they had done. Ciaran, an Alpha born in one of those more successful city-states, had risen through the ranks of what passed for the Army to command a battalion that combed the wasteland; defeating enemies, making the occasional ally. Their military mission was to collect whatever might benefit them immediately – or the base, when they returned. But he was conducting a mission of his own for that which he had wanted all his life: an Omega on which to breed sons. They had received intelligence that there was something very valuable hidden in a village not far away. And there was. Ebby. Publisher's Note: This steamy, post-apocalyptic romance contains power exchange scenes.


An extraordinary case for Detective-Inspector Napoleon Bonaparte opens when a police car is bombed from the air on a lonely outback road by a mysterious pilot who plans to conquer a nation. The trail through the land of burning waters tests Bony's endurance to the limit and takes the detective as close to death as he has ever been. Welcome to Central Australia!<br /> <br /><i>This is surely one of Upfield's strongest books. It is filled with various kinds of symbolism – of religion, of clothes v nakedness, of action, of the fruits of love of white for aboriginal. Throughout the prose is rich, resonant, compelling. In this book are passages which are as rapid, graphic and enspiriting as in any other book.</i> – from <i>The Spirit of Australia </i>by Ray Browne.