
A seance in a snowbound Dartmoor house predicts a grisly murder…In a remote house in the middle of Dartmoor, six shadowy figures huddle around a small table for a seance. Tension rises as the spirits spell out a chilling message: ‘Captain Trevelyan… dead… murder.’Is this black magic or simply a macabre joke? The only way to be certain is to locate Captain Trevelyan. Unfortunately, his home is six miles away and, with snow drifts blocking the roads, someone will have to make the journey on foot…


Spannende Kriminalgeschichte, die ihren Ursprung im 15. Jahrhundert in Schottland hat. Was haben ein Skelett aus dem Mittelalter, eine Tote, die vor 27 Jahren ermordet wurde, und eine Leiche im Kofferraum miteinander zu tun – außer dass sie alle ein markantes Zeichen auf der Stirn haben? Während Chief Inspector Steve Brennan und seine Assistentin Inspector Roberta Foster an der nördlichen Küste von Schottland die Untersuchungen aufnehmen, werden weitere Frauen in England umgebracht. Alle wurden mit dem Gift des Bilsenkrautes getötet. Nach längerer Fahndung und Verfolgung können die Inspectoren den Täter festnehmen, trotzdem geht das Morden nach dem gleichen Muster weiter: diesmal an jungen Männern. Sind es Ritualmorde oder steckt eine uralte Familienfehde dahinter? Werden Steve Brennan und Roberta Foster dieses Mysterium aufklären?


Sommer 2020: die Corona-Lockerungen spalten die Gesellschaft. Die Kanzlerin ärgert sich intern voller Sorge über den Virus-Irrsinn, den Donald täglich aus dem Weißen Haus über den Globus twittert. Während ihre geheimnisumwitterte Vertraute M wegen der konstanten Beliebtheit des bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten finster drauf ist. Im Provinzkaff Heiligbrück hadert der abgehalfterte Reporter Sepp Teufel mit seinen Gefühlen zur ruppigen Kriminalkommissarin Karola Honigmann. Da spuckt der Fluss eine Mädchenleiche ins Morgengrauen. Im hauchzarten Negligé. Erfüllt sich der Fluch der Weißen Frau nach der alten Legende? Oder ist eine makabre Geistersexorgie hinter einer Biedermannfassade im Villenviertel aus dem Ruder gelaufen? Der Oberbürgermeister und seine Amigos sind nervös. Derweil in Heiligbrück Mordlust ausbricht. Nur dem Pathologen fehlen Leichen im Keller. Spuren führen Teufel und Honigmann im Wettkampf gegeneinander ins Rathaus und zur Beautyklinik Elysion, in ein Labyrinth von kleinstädtischen Machtspielen, Eifersüchteleien, Drogen- und Jugendwahn. Im Kanzleramt blüht der Verrat in eigenen Reihen. M sieht ihre Stunde gekommen, die drohende Kandidatur des Bayern zu hintertreiben. Die letzte Botschaft einer sterbenden alten Frau lässt Teufel das politische Ausmaß des Wespennests ahnen, in dem er stochert. Im Gefühl, dass er benutzt wird.


When a man plunges down a cliff, two adventurous young friends decide to find his killer…While playing an erratic round of golf, Bobby Jones slices his ball over the edge of a cliff. His ball is lost, but on the rocks below he finds the crumpled body of a dying man. With his final breath the man opens his eyes and says, ‘Why didn’t they ask Evans?’Haunted by these words, Bobby and his vivacious companion, Frankie, set out to solve a mystery that will bring them into mortal danger…


WHEN THE DEAD WANT TO SPEAK SHE IS THEIR VOICECassandra Allen's gift is so uncanny that even the skeptical police now consult her on murder investigations. But when she's called in to investigate a rash of serial murders, her mind is assaulted by a terrifying being from beyond….Cass believes the evil force attempting to possess her is involved in the killings. But how? Then she meets Malcolm McDonough, brother of the first victim. He's successful, attractive, unsettling… and he doesn't believe that Cass hears the dead. Yet even as Malcolm denies her claims, he is counting on Cass to lead them to the killer.Because all the victims have one thing in common–her.


I am Allie Whirlwind, shaman.With my father a ghost, my sister a psychic, my great-grandmother a vengeful Apache witch and my mother on death row, I'm no stranger to the supernatural–or the struggle between good and evil.When I painted his image on canvas–this dark-winged warrior–I imagined an angel, but he's far more. Dark. Delicious. Sinfully sexy…and cursed. My painting released him from a spell, but the transformation was incomplete. Now he lingers in twilight, half man, half raven. If I don't find a certain talisman before the curse comes full circle, he'll suffer eternally. I cannot let that happen….


An Unlikely Partnership Shrouded in Secrets…Framed for embezzlement and hunted by killers, investigator Kira Kincaid will go to any lengths to clear her name – even team up with Dalton Matthews, her deceased husband’s brother. But she didn’t expect to feel such undeniable, unwelcome desire for the brooding tycoon.Dalton plans to protect the headstrong widow and walk away once she’s safe. If only her beautiful green eyes didn’t erode his emotional defences. When their mission exposes an earth-shattering family secret from both their pasts, Dalton must choose between his brother’s betrayal and the one woman he should deny.


Toxic chemicals and instant chemistry in this tale of murder, medicine and combustible attraction!One minute Hannah Baker is a quiet science professor. The next, a possible murder suspect. Six victims, one per week, all poisoned with the same exotic chemical Hannah once worked with. Now she's wanted by Houston detective Owen Randall–but is it to enlist her help, or arrest her? Owen knows the prim Hannah is hiding something, but he isn't sure she's a killer. Especially after some unfortunate incidents. Is she the next victim of the chemical killer? Torn between duty and his growing feelings, Owen only knows he has less than a week to save her…


Return to a world of magic and adventure from best selling author Raymond E. Feist. This bundle includes the complete Darkwar Trilogy.The bundle includes: Flight of the Night Hawks (1), Into a Dark Realm (2), Wrath of a Mad God (3).A new evil threatens Midkemia, its web stretching from the deepest criminal underworld all the way up to the highest seats of power in ancient Kesh.In the middle of the night on Sorcerer’s Isle, the powerful sorcerer Pug is awakened from a nightmare that portends destruction for all of Midkemia. A vast army of alien invaders is heading to Midkemia, an army so formidable that even the might of the Tsurani Empire might fall before its fury.


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