
Christian theology is increasingly recognized to be now a non-western enterprise since the high concentrations of Christians in the world are no longer found in the Western societies. Christian Theology and African Traditions takes seriously this present recognition of the southward movement of Christianity from the western world to a non-western setting. It seeks to reposition Christian theology and faith to engage the African traditions in classical category of theology proper, bibliology, anthropology, Christology, pneumatology, soteriology, ecclesiology, and eschatology and provides unique insights and problems that these classical and systematic categories poses to African Christianity. Similarly, it provides theological blueprint for non-Africans who are interested in knowing the nature and shape of the Christian theology in non-western settings. Consequently, Christian Theology and African Traditions goes beyond the mere criticism of Western misrepresentation of African traditions to seeing how the Christian theology in its systematic character engages the African traditions. With this methodological template, the work describes in the space of twelve chapters the different classical teachings of the Christian faith on God, scriptures, spirits and demons, the nature of the human person, the persons of Christ, salvation, the Holy Spirit, the church, and the future life in dialogue with some specific traditions of the African people.


The letters of John are some of the most simple yet profound texts in the New Testament. The Apostle John wrote three epistles at the close of the first century to counteract the heresy of Gnosticism and to focus on what it meant to know God by walking in His light. He contrasted the Christian life in stark opposites–light and darkness, love and hatred, truth and lies, life and death. In Living in the Light, Derrick McCarson reveals the heart of John's message: salvation is not found in hidden, secret knowledge, but in the fellowship of Christ. Moreover, the evidence of salvation is seen by loving others, abiding in the truth and obedience to God's commands. Living in the Light is a verse-by-verse commentary on the epistles of John. This volume is ideal for believers who are looking to go deeper in their discipleship with Christ. With an emphasis on practical application and precise exposition, this book will enhance the reader's personal Bible study.


In God and Man at Work Udo Middelmann argues that our ideas about daily activities are linked directly to our conception of the world. It is acquired by habit from the surrounding community as well as by reflection and personal preference. A person's attitude about the world explains the reason for most choices they make in work, love, and life. The biblical view of reality clarifies such empirical observations and frees them from sentimental assent. Communal faith may be colorful, but is mostly light in answers and repetitive in form. It lacks the substance to convince and to encourage. Religious cultural habits bind people through poetry and symbols. Many pastors, development workers, and business leaders are often long on devotional fervor but short on holistic connections to the whole of Scripture and rarely address intellectual fear and human suffering. God and Man at Work counters that with an appeal to the Bible's uniquely reasoned discourse and practical encouragement for people in the «imago Dei» to argue with nature and culture, and do well by doing good in every manual and intellectual endeavor. That moral effort will free them from religious enslavement and nature's indifference towards social and material improvement.


The Apostle Paul leaves no stone unturned as he encourages, enlightens, and informs the Ephesian believers (and us) regarding their duties and responsibilities as Christ's followers. Yes, there are duties and responsibilities for professing Christians, just as there are duties and responsibilities in every phase of life whether it be as children/parents; employee/employer; student/teacher; or whatever field of endeavor one may pursue.
The apostle is addressing those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and seek to follow Him, which as Paul knows is not easy. Therefore, in this portion of Scripture he stresses certain truths that will strengthen each and every Christian as they journey through life. The elements may sound simple to learn, but they are difficult to practice day in and day out. What are they? Obedience, discipline, priorities, knowing your heavenly Father (not just knowing about Him), being strong disciples in the faith, and separating ourselves. Developing these traits requires a commitment to adhere to Christ's teachings and commands.
Paul then switches our attention from what we are to do as Christ's followers and states emphatically that we are to be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. «Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles [schemes] of the devil» (Eph 6:1-11). Paul states unequivocally that we are to prepare to wrestle this implacable foe, since we belong to Christ and are His followers. He describes Satan, his evil characteristics and malevolent intentions. Christ recognized him for what he is. Should we do less? Unfortunately, in today's world we ignore him and fail to realize the harm he inflicts on ourselves and others. Paul concludes this portion of Scripture on a high note. He urges us to be properly prepared; to recognize heresies; to watch and pray; to know the difference between false and true teachings; and to know the Lord Jesus Christ and what He experienced during His earthly ministry.


Today there is an increasing awareness and availability of the sacred writings of the world's religions. This raises important questions about the Christian Scriptures. What is distinctive about these writings? What role do they play in the Christian story? What makes these particular texts «holy»? The modern «battle for the Bible,» with its narrow focus on proving (or disproving) biblical inerrancy, has made it difficult to provide sufficient answers.
This work of constructive theology rethinks the concepts, categories, and assumptions that have dominated the modern approach to the Bible by returning to the biblical narrative and its focus on the cross. It identifies the Scriptures as the written form of the living and active Word of God, which was spoken by the prophets and apostles and became human in the person of Jesus Christ. This conception of the Bible provides Christians in this postmodern world with a solid ground from which to address pressing questions about canon, authority, and interpretation of their Scriptures.


The aim of this book is to promote more serious theological discussion in the Church, especially in the mainline Protestant churches and the Episcopal Church, on the issue of homosexuality. George Hobson provides a theological perspective informed by biblical insights, on the one hand, and by analysis of the development and significance of the all-encompassing reality of science-technology, on the other. The question of technology is the determinant issue in the lives of modern men and women, for whom virtually every aspect of daily existence is controlled and oriented by technological imperatives. The central argument of the book is that reflection on the sexual revolution of our day, including the issue of homosexuality, cannot be carried forward effectively without consideration of this context of technology. A constructivist ideology, rooted in our technological power, underlies the fashionable notion that sexual behavior, even gender identity, is entirely culturally determined. Hobson opposes this notion on theological grounds and argues that the liberal disposition in the Protestant churches prevents them from seeing how the authentic Christian gospel is being subverted by this constructivism and the technologically driven quest for total control over every feature of reality that it represents.


Strengthening families of different varieties and ending abuse in the myriad of forms through which it surfaces is God's way of bringing peace and safety to Christian homes across the world. We challenge congregations, their leaders, and the men, women, and youth who faithfully support them to consider their personal role in bringing this vision–inspired by the Scriptures–into reality. Together our voices can be strong. We are united in our belief that every home should be a safe home, every home a shelter from the storms of life, every home a place where we are supported, treated with respect and dignity, and every home a place where men and women are encouraged to be all they can be. It is a tall order. It is a dream to guide our personal conduct and to measure our congregational and community life. We are far from reaching this goal–but toward it we strive.


This book views the triune God from a Pentecostal viewpoint. In so doing, it offers a fresh articulation of the theology of the Trinity that starts with Pentecost and with the Spirit. It concludes that the Trinity cannot be adequately appreciated using any single model–whether social, modal, or psychological. Instead, it presents three models–relational, instrumental, and substantial–that need to be held in paradoxical tension with one another. Of these, the relational is the foremost. Pentecost offers rich potential for seeing these relations between the Father, the Son, and the Spirit as a dynamic reciprocal «dance» in which each person empties self in order to exalt the other.


Nearly thirty years ago, George Lindbeck wrote his seminal and highly influential work The Nature of Doctrine. Since that time, there has been no serious attempt at moving beyond the problems he lays out, in particular the problem of foundationalism. Upon This Rock is not merely a response to George Lindbeck's important work; it is an attempt to show how theology and religious discourse can truly move past the particular problems posed by foundationalism–the assumption of and search for so-called objective and universal standards–by looking at just one important discussion within the field: the modern discussion on the nature and function of doctrine. Upon This Rock offers an account of doctrine–an account that includes such topics as the authority of Scripture, biblical interpretation, and the role of the Church and the nature of her doctrine, among others–that moves the Church past the problems of foundationalism and back to her one true rock: Jesus Christ, her Lord.


These essays represent William Campbell's ongoing challenge over the last two decades to a residual aspect of the paradigm of Paulinism, namely that of interpreting Paul in antithesis to his Jewish roots. Campbell has proposed a new approach to Paul focusing on such themes as diversity, identity, and reconciliation as the basic components of transformation in Christ. The stance from which Paul theologizes is one that recognizes and underpins social and cultural diversity and includes the correlative demand that since difference is integral to the Christ-movement, the enmity associated with difference cannot be tolerated. Thus reconciliation emerges as a fundamental value in the Christ-movement. Such reconciliation respects and does not negate the particularities of the identity of Jews and those from the nations. This paradigm transformation implies the reevaluation of all things in Christ, whether of Jewish or Gentile origin. An underlying trajectory permeates these essays. What unites them is the emphasis on continuity between Judaism and the Christ-movement, particularly as exemplified in Paul's letter to the Romans. Such continuity is vitally important not only for understanding the past and present of Christ-followers, but even more significantly for the contemporary understanding of the identity of both Judaism and Christianity.