
Long, long ago, in a land far away, lived a perfect little tree named Small Pine. Small Pine hoped to maintain its perfect form and be selected by the Queen as her Christmas tree. But as the warm-hearted little tree gave shelter to birds, rabbits, and deer in the forest, its branches became damaged. Fortunately, the Queen had a different idea of perfection… Young readers will want to read and reread the story of how Small Pine's love and charity for its friends helps make it the most «perfect» Christmas Tree of all. This magnificently illustrated story of a warm-hearted Christmas tree will surely become one of the most beloved classics of future generations. Schneider's storytelling will enthrall children and adults alike.


That Blessed Christmas Night is the story of the first Christmas night told in poetry form. The wonder of the first Christmas is seen through the eyes of children reenacting the story. The simple things of earth – the clear, starry sky; a humble stable filled with animals; shepherds caring for their sheep – suddenly become bolder, clearer, and richer as the children don costumes and sing their praises to the Child.


«Весть» – учебное пособие по ангельской любви. Необусловленная любовь к безымянному Высшему, сущему без исключения и трепетное благоговение перед Небом и Землёй противопоставляются вере. Идёт рассказ об ангельской любви, как о драгоценном духовном «камне», высвечиваются его сверкающие грани. Пламя такой любви в духовном сердце людей способно отвратить землян от надвигающейся гибели, полагаетавтор на основании личного духовного опыта.



Перевод одного из важнейших в истории восточно-христианской мысли трактата «Триады в защиту священно безмолвствующих», написанного св. Григорием Паламой, бывшим уже к моменту написания этой книги монахом, известным на Афоне святостью своей жизни. Трактат был создан в полемике с Варлаамом Калабрийским, против его пренебрежительного отношения к древней церковной практике умной молитвы, против упразднения нетварного света, в котором присутствует само Божество, против замены живого богообщения вечными истинами ума и природы. В «Триадах» содержится учение о приобщении аскета к не-тварным энергиям Творца. Это учение называется исихазмом в том понимании, что среди полноты божественных энергий утверждается деятельный покой. Перевод сделан по новейшим критическим изданиям текста «Триад», снабжен подробными комментариями и статьей о жизни и мысли св. Григория Паламы.



This charming devotional book takes readers on an inward journey to the miracle of Christ's birth in the little town of Bethlehem. Many who will read this book probably haven't actually traveled to Bethlehem. «But that is of little consequence to the adventure of arriving there, to the adventure of discovery that awaits the mystery and wonder in the birth of Jesus,» Todd Outcalt writes. The devotions are both personal and challenging. «I hope readers can discover something new that they may have overlooked in the old, old story,» says Outcalt. It's important to stay alert on the pilgrimage to Bethlehem, Outcalt reminds readers, for they may encounter Jesus in unexpected moments and surprising people or when they are most tired or confused. «The way to Bethlehem is saturated with stops and starts, with both darkness and light, with angels and the common touch of shepherds,» writes Outcalt. Let Us Go Now to Bethlehem contains devotions for the 28 days of Advent, the 12 days of Christmas, and the day of Epiphany. For small-group leaders, the book includes a 6-week study guide with weekly questions for reflection and conversation, a suggested scripture passage for each week, and an invitation to ponder the happenings of that week. As the Gospel of Luke attests, Let Us Go Now to Bethlehem is both an expectant declaration filled with mystery and a declaration of faith. Each day can offer these same expectations and wonders for readers if they open themselves to awe and joy.


Providing daily devotions for Christians as they prepare to celebrate Christ's birth, this annual favorite is a wonderful resource for churches to give to each family to emphasize the importance of the Advent of our Lord. Each day’s reading, from December 1 to Christmas Day, is based on the Revised Common Lectionary and includes the Scripture, a short devotion, and a closing prayer.   Larger font for ease of reading. Sold in packs of 10, booklets are designed to fit in a #10 envelope, enabling churches to include them in Advent mailings, and making it easy to mail to visitors or share as a part of home-bound or prison ministry.
