

The King James Bible has often been called the “Book of Books,” both in itself and in what it stands for. Since its publication in 1611, it has been the best-selling book in the world, and many believe, it has had the greatest impact.The King James Bible has spread the Protestant faith. It has also been the greatest influence on the enrichment of the English language and its literature. It has been the Bible of wars from the British Civil War in the seventeenth century to the American Civil War two centuries later, and it has been carried into battle in innumerable conflicts since then. Its influence on social movements—particularly involving women in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries—and politics was profound. It was crucial to the growth of democracy. It was integral to the abolition of slavery, and it defined attitudes to modern science, education, and sex.As Lord Melvyn Bragg’s The Adventure of English explored the history of our language, so The Book of Books reveals the extraordinary and still-felt impact of a work created 400 years ago.


Connects God’s Word to the day-to-day struggles that come with depression and anxiety Outlines practical steps and core self-care habits Includes portrayal of the hard days and how to prepare for them Organized in an eight-week format with reflection questions and an activity for each chapter that lend themselves to small groups and Bible studies


In John 1:48, Nathanael says to Jesus, “How do you know me?” Jesus replies, with a twinkle in his eye, “I saw you while you were still under the fig tree.” Lent is a time to slow down and journey with Jesus through his life, death, and resurrection. Under the Fig Tree is a book of 46 drawings, photographs, and paintings inspired by Lenten themes, readings, and stories for each day of Lent and Holy Week. The images, like snapshots, are colorful, inspired, and rife with emotion. The reader receives an opportunity to reflect, slow down, and walk with Jesus as a friend and disciple, to sit with Jesus under the fig tree and talk, listen, and glimpse the face and heart of authentic love.
• Foreword by Fleming Rutledge • Includes 46 full color images • Lenten devotional journal • Well-known artist and author of The Painting Table • Resource or gift for confirmation, pilgrimages, grief, prayer


У другому томі розкрито історію українського іконопису, графіки, скульптури; на основі мистецтвознавчого аналізу висвітлено художньо-стильові, іконографічні, семантичні особливості визначних пам’яток у контексті загальноєвропейських мистецьких здобутків епохи бароко, класицизму, романтизму, модерну. Для мистецтвознавців, істориків, музеологів, культурологів, митців, колекціонерів та всіх тих, хто цікавиться, шанує та вивчає українську культуру.


В этой книге собраны беседы известного современного проповедника архимандрита Андрея (Конаноса) о том, как правильно относиться к трудностям в жизни, как научиться из любой ситуации извлекать ценные уроки для себя, о доверии Богу и вере в то, что Он всегда, в любых трудных обстоятельствах, рядом. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет.


Choice Outstanding Academic Title for 2008 With infectious energy and a genuine gift for storytelling, Raymond A. Schroth recounts the history of Jesuits in the United States. The American Jesuits isn’t simply a book for Catholics; it’s for anyone who loves a well-told historical tale. For more than 450 years, Jesuit priests have traveled the globe out of a religious commitment to serve others. Their order, the Society of Jesus, is the largest religious order of men in the Catholic Church, with more than 20,000 members around the world and almost 3,000 in the United States. It is one of the more liberal orders in the Church, taking very public stands in the U.S. on behalf of social justice causes such as the promotion of immigrants’ rights and humanitarian aid, including assistance to Africa’s poor, and against American involvement in “unjust wars.” Jesuits have played an important part in Americanizing the Catholic Church and in preparing Catholic immigrants for inclusion into American society.Starting off with the first Jesuit to reach the New World—he was promptly murdered on the Florida coast—Schroth focuses on the key periods of the Jesuit experience in the Americas, beginning with the era of European explorers, many of whom were accompanied by Jesuits and some of whom were Jesuits themselves. Suppressed around the time of the American Revolution, the Society experienced resurgence in the nineteenth century, arriving in the U.S. along with waves of Catholic immigrants and establishing a network of high schools and universities. In the mid-twentieth century, the Society transformed itself to serve an urbanizing nation.Schroth is not blind to the Society’s shortcomings and not all of his story reflects well on the Jesuits. However, as he reminds readers, Jesuits are not gods and they don’t dwell in mountaintop monasteries. Rather, they are imperfect men who work in a messy world to “find God in all things” and to help their fellow men and women do the same.A quintessential American tale of men willing to take risks — for Indians, blacks, immigrants, and the poor, and to promote a loving picture of God— The American Jesuits offers a broad and compelling look at the impact of this 400-year-old international order on American culture and the culture’s impact on the Jesuits.


Winner of the 2018 Award for Excellence in the Study of Religion in Textual Studies, presented by the American Academy of Religion 2018 Outstanding Academic Title, given by Choice Magazine A new perspective on the role of religion in the work of Langston Hughes Langston's Salvation offers a fascinating exploration into the religious thought of Langston Hughes. Known for his poetry, plays, and social activism, the importance of religion in Hughes’ work has historically been ignored or dismissed. This book puts this aspect of Hughes work front and center, placing it into the wider context of twentieth-century American and African American religious cultures. Best brings to life the religious orientation of Hughes work, illuminating how this powerful figure helped to expand the definition of African American religion during this time. Best argues that contrary to popular perception, Hughes was neither an avowed atheist nor unconcerned with religious matters. He demonstrates that Hughes’ religious writing helps to situate him and other black writers as important participants in a broader national discussion about race and religion in America. Through a rigorous analysis that includes attention to Hughes’s unpublished religious poems, Langston’s Salvation reveals new insights into Hughes’s body of work, and demonstrates that while Hughes is seen as one of the most important voices of the Harlem Renaissance, his writing also needs to be understood within the context of twentieth-century American religious liberalism and of the larger modernist movement. Combining historical and literary analyses with biographical explorations of Langston Hughes as a writer and individual, Langston’s Salvation opens a space to read Langston Hughes’ writing religiously, in order to fully understand the writer and the world he inhabited.


Николай Николаевич Неплюев (11/23 сентября 1851 – 21 января /3 февраля 1908) – общественный деятель и писатель, религиозный мыслитель. Занимался обучением крестьянских детей в своем родовом имении Глуховского уезда Черниговской губернии. Организовал мужскую и женскую сельскохозяйственные школы, детский приют и Крестовоздвиженское трудовое братство. В издание включены все философские и публицистические работы Неплюева, отразившие становление и развитие его православного христианского мировоззрения. Издание подготовлено доктором философских наук, профессором А. Ф. Малышевским.


Николай Николаевич Неплюев (11/23 сентября 1851 – 21 января /3 февраля 1908) – общественный деятель и писатель, религиозный мыслитель. Занимался обучением крестьянских детей в своем родовом имении Глуховского уезда Черниговской губернии. Организовал мужскую и женскую сельскохозяйственные школы, детский приют и Крестовоздвиженское трудовое братство. В издание включены все философские и публицистические работы Неплюева, отразившие становление и развитие его православного христианского мировоззрения. Издание подготовлено доктором философских наук, профессором А. Ф. Малышевским.