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Различные книги в жанре Публицистика: прочее, доступные для чтения и скачиванияАннотация
Christopher Hitchens—political journalist, cultural critic, public intellectual and self-described contrarian—is one of the most controversial and prolific writers of his generation. His most recent book, God Is Not Great , was on the New York Times bestseller list in 2007 for months. Like his hero, George Orwell, Hitchens is a tireless opponent of all forms of cruelty, ideological dogma, religious superstition and intellectual obfuscation. Once a socialist, he now refers to himself as an unaffiliated radical. As a thinker, Hitchens is perhaps best viewed as post-ideological, in that his intellectual sources and solidarities are strikingly various (he is an admirer of both Leon Trotsky and Kingsley Amis) and cannot be located easily at any one point on the ideological spectrum. Since leaving Britain for the United States in 1981, Hitchens's thinking has moved in what some see as contradictory directions, but he remains an unapologetic and passionate defender of the Enlightenment values of secularism, democracy, free expression, and scientific inquiry. The global turmoil of the recent past has provoked intense dispute and division among intellectuals, academics, and other commentators. Hitchens's writing during this time, particularly after 9/11, is an essential reference point for understanding the genesis and meaning of that turmoil—and the challenges that accompany it. This volume brings together Hitchens's most incisive reflections on the war on terror, the war in Iraq, and the state of the contemporary Left. It also includes a selection of critical commentaries on his work from his former leftist comrades, a set of exchanges between Hitchens and various left-leaning interlocutors (such as Studs Terkel, Norman Finkelstein, and Michael Kazin), and an introductory essay by the editors on the nature and significance of Hitchens's contribution to the world of ideas and public debate. In response, Hitchens provides an original afterword, written for this collection. Whatever readers might think about Hitchens, he remains an intellectual force to be reckoned with. And there is no better place to encounter his current thinking than in this provocative volume.
Historically, Black Americans have easily found common ground on political, social, and economic goals. Yet, there are signs of increasing variety of opinion among Blacks in the United States, due in large part to the influx of Afro-Latino, Afro-Caribbean, and African immigrants to the United States. In fact, the very definition of “African American” as well as who can self-identity as Black is becoming more ambiguous. Should we expect African Americans’ shared sense of group identity and high sense of group consciousness to endure as ethnic diversity among the population increases? In Black Mosaic, Candis Watts Smith addresses the effects of this dynamic demographic change on Black identity and Black politics.Smith explores the numerous ways in which the expanding and rapidly changing demographics of Black communities in the United States call into question the very foundations of political identity that has united African Americans for generations. African Americans’ political attitudes and behaviors have evolved due to their historical experiences with American Politics and American racism. Will Black newcomers recognize the inconsistencies between the American creed and American reality in the same way as those who have been in the U.S. for several generations? If so, how might this recognition influence Black immigrants’ political attitudes and behaviors? Will race be a site of coalition between Black immigrants and African Americans? In addition to face-to-face interviews with African Americans and Black immigrants, Smith employs nationally representative survey data to examine these shifts in the attitudes of Black Americans. Filling a significant gap in the political science literature to date, Black Mosaic is a groundbreaking study about the state of race, identity, and politics in an ever-changing America. Historically, Black Americans have easily found common ground on political, social, and economic goals. Yet, there are signs of increasing variety of opinion among Blacks in the United States, due in large part to the influx of Afro-Latino, Afro-Caribbean, and African immigrants to the United States. In fact, the very definition of “African American” as well as who can self-identity as Black is becoming more ambiguous. Should we expect African Americans’ shared sense of group identity and high sense of group consciousness to endure as ethnic diversity among the population increases? In Black Mosaic, Candis Watts Smith addresses the effects of this dynamic demographic change on Black identity and Black politics.Smith explores the numerous ways in which the expanding and rapidly changing demographics of Black communities in the United States call into question the very foundations of political identity that has united African Americans for generations. African Americans’ political attitudes and behaviors have evolved due to their historical experiences with American Politics and American racism. Will Black newcomers recognize the inconsistencies between the American creed and American reality in the same way as those who have been in the U.S. for several generations? If so, how might this recognition influence Black immigrants’ political attitudes and behaviors? Will race be a site of coalition between Black immigrants and African Americans? In addition to face-to-face interviews with African Americans and Black immigrants, Smith employs nationally representative survey data to examine these shifts in the attitudes of Black Americans. Filling a significant gap in the political science literature to date, Black Mosaic is a groundbreaking study about the state of race, identity, and politics in an ever-changing America.
The precise legal nature of the relationship between the United States and the people of Puerto Rico was not explicitly determined in 1898 when the Treaty of Paris transferred sovereignty over Puerto Rico from Spain to the United States. Since then, many court cases, beginning in 1901, have been instrumental in defining this delicate relationship.While the legislation has clearly established the nonexistence of Puerto Rican nationhood and lack of independent Puerto Rican citizenship, the debate over Puerto Rico's status continues to this day.Malavet offers a critique of Puerto Rico’s current status as well as of its treatment by the U.S. legal and political systems. Puerto Rico is a colony of the United States, and Puerto Ricans living on this geographically separate island are subject to the United States’s legal and political authority. They are the largest group of U.S. citizens currently living under territorial status. Malavet argues that the Puerto Rican cultural nation experiences U.S. imperialism, which compromises both the island's sovereignty and Puerto Ricans’ citizenship rights. He analyzes the three alternatives to Puerto Rico's continued territorial status, examining the challenges manifest in each possibility, as well as illuminating what he believes to be the best course of action.
Информация о книге
Автор произведения Pedro A Malavet
Жанр Публицистика: прочее
Серия Critical America
"Seeing ourselves through others' eyes is often instructive…[Prime Minister Giulio] Andreotti, a fixture of postwar Italian government, brings [to this examination of U.S. politics] a keen mind and the perspective of a political system in which charisma is suspect…"— Foreign Affairs «Rich, not only in the usual anecdotes of the author's encounters with famous Americans, but also in reflections on the moments that molded the extraordinary relationship between Italy and the U.S… [Andreotti] will be judged by historians to be, warts and all, one of Italy's, and Europe's, truly remarkable statesmen.»— Choice
«Записка» составлена Н.М.Карамзиным по просьбе великой княгини Екатерины Павловны, младшей сестры Александра I и представлена императору в марте 1811 года в Твери. В этом произведении Карамзин выражает взгляды наиболее дальновидной части консервативной оппозиции, недовольной ходом либеральных реформ Александра I и деятельностью М.М. Сперанского. Содержание «Записки» – это блестящий очерк истории России и ее современного состояния, пронизанный мыслью о незыблемой и спасительной роли самодержавия как основы российского государственного порядка. Карамзин впервые формулирует в «Записке» многие политические идеи, вокруг которых развернутся жаркие общественные споры XIX века. Автограф Карамзина, по-видимому, утрачен, но текст произведения сохранился в многочисленных копиях. Публикация «Записки», находившейся в XIX веке под цензурным запретом, растянулась на столетия, и первое ее издание, отвечающее современным научным требованиям, состоялось только в 1988 г.
От автора мемов про колорадскую ленточку и отца Пигидия, самого рейтингового публициста страны, главного атеиста и поповеда, блестящего интеллектуала, циника, острослова и просто святого – Александра Невзорова.
В книгу вошли избранные цитаты и выдержки из эфиров программы «Невзоровские среды» на радио «Эхо Москвы» (2017–2018).
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Комсомольская правда. Санкт-Петербург
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Автор произведения Редакция газеты Комсомольская правда. Санкт-Петербург
Жанр Публицистика: прочее
После распада СССР русский народ стал самым большим разделенным народом в мире. Во многих новых странах, возникших на обломках великой страны, русские стали не просто меньшинством, но меньшинством, пораженным в основных правах, иногда вплоть до права на жизнь. В прибалтийских странах до убийства русских пока дело не дошло. Но зато «новые европейцы», особенно в Латвии, пытаются «убить» в наших соотечественниках если не тело, то русскую душу. Однако мировое сообщество, столь озабоченное положением во всем мире гендерных, сексуальных и этнических меньшинств, в данном случае как воды в рот набрало. О том, как русские люди в Латвии сражаются за свою национальную идентичность, за право иметь русское имя, воспитывать своих детей русскими, как защищают русское Слово и русский язык, рассказывает автор этой книги, Руслан Панкратов, депутат Рижской думы, руководитель правозащитной НКО «Верните наши имена!».
Экономика лжи. Валовой виртуальный продукт и деньги «с неба» - Валентин Юрьевич Катасонов
Финансовые хроники профессора КатасоноваАннотация
Очередной выпуск финансовых хроник профессора Катасонова содержит не только обзор важнейших экономических событий последних месяцев, непосредственно влияющих на нашу повседневную жизнь, но и ретроспективу финансовой деятельности знаменитого Ордена тамплиеров, а так же расскажет о тайной жизни доллара США, знание о которой изменит все ваши финансовые планы.
Правда ли, что 20 % наличных долларов, которые мы прячем под матрасом, фальшивые? Кто их изготавливает – ЦРУ или ФРС? Что такое «супер-доллар» «глубинного государства» и стоит ли его хранить? Откуда растет «хвост» современной ростовщической цивилизации, который «виляет» нашим миром? Что такое «вертолетные» деньги и просыплются ли они с неба на Россию? Действительно ли Трамп спасет экономику США и почему это важно для нас?
Читайте и будьте в курсе ближайшего будущего ваших финансов!