
A reference that describes all of the important syntheses and reactions of oxazoles and oxazolones published through the first quarter of l984. Emphasizes the use of oxazoles as synthetic reagents as well as presenting the more classical treatments of oxazole chemistry. Contains the only extensive list of tables of oxazole derivatives and the most complete list of spectroscopic properties of oxazoles. Offers the most detailed treatment of mesoionic oxazoles including syntheses, specroscopy and reactions.


Presenting a wide-ranging view of current developments in protein research, the papers in this collection, each written by highly regarded experts in the field, examine various aspects of protein structure, functions, dynamics, and experimentation. Topics include dynamical simulation methods, the biological role of atom fluctuations, protein folding, influences on protein dynamics, and a variety of analytical techniques, such as X-ray diffraction, vibrational spectroscopy, photodissociation and rebinding kinetics. This is part of a series devoted to providing general information on a wide variety of topics in chemical physics in order to stimulate new research and to serve as a text for beginners in a particular area of chemical physics.


In this, the only up-to-date book on this key technology, the number-one expert in the field perfectly blends academic knowledge and industrial applications. Adopting a didactical approach, Professor Ronda discusses all the underlying principles, such that both researchers as well as beginners in the field will profit from this book. The focus is on the inorganic side and the phenomena of luminescence behind the manifold applications illustrated here, including displays, LEDs, lamps, and medical applications. Valuable reading for chemists and electrochemists, as well as materials scientists, those working in the optical and chemical industry, plus lamp and lighting manufacturers.


This unique handbook provides a comprehensive survey of the present status of Technetium chemistry and its radiopharmaceutical applications. All Technetium aspects such as ? natural and artificial occurence in the environment, ? isotopes and isomers, ? analytical chemistry and electrochemistry, ? thermodynamic data, stability and reactivity, ? intermetallic and binary compounds, and predominantly ? complex chemistry, and ? radiopharmacy are presented in an clear and precise manner. This outstanding presentation allows both experts and non-experts a quick access to the subject. Therefore this handbook is an indispensable reference for researchers at universities and research centers, in the nuclear medicine and radiopharmaceutical industries as well as consultants in government and environmental agencies.


Edited by one of the leading experts in the field, this handbook emphasizes why solid-state issues are important, which approaches should be taken to avoid problems and exploit the opportunities offered by solid state properties in the pharmaceutical and agricultural industries. With its practical approach, this is at once a guideline for development chemists just entering the field as well as a high-quality source of reference material for specialists in the pharmaceutical and chemical industry, structural chemists, physicochemists, crystallographers, inorganic chemists, and patent departments.


Das Standardwerk zur Ionenchromatographie jetzt in einer erweiterten und grundlich uberarbeiteten dritten Auflage! Seit vielen Jahren hat sich der «Wei?» als umfassendes Handbuch der Ionenchromatographie bewahrt. Der Anwender findet darin alle wesentlichen Informationen zu den Grundlagen, den Geraten, den stationaren und mobilen Phasen sowie zu den vielfaltigen Anwendungsmoglichkeiten. Neu in der dritten Auflage sind: – ein eigenes Kapitel zur Ionenaustausch-Chromatographie – Informationen zur Validierung ionenchromatographischer Methoden – Kopplungstechniken zur Massenspektrometrie, einschlie?lich ICP/MS – Anwendungen zur Analyse von Kohlenhydraten, Proteinen und Nukleinsauren – Viele neue Abbildungen und Chromatogramme Joachim Wei? arbeitet fur den fuhrenden Geratehersteller auf dem Gebiet der Ionenchromatographie und ist Gastprofessor an der Universitat Innsbruck.


Covering all aspects of this field, this volume also critically discusses recent results obtained with the use of nitroxides, while providing an analysis of future developments. Written by a group of scientists with long-term experience in investigating the chemistry, physicochemistry, biochemistry and biophysics of nitroxides, the book is not intended as an exhaustive survey of each topic, but rather a discussion of their theoretical and experimental background, as well as recent advances. The first four chapters expound the general theoretical and experimental background and the advantages of modern ESR technique. Chapter 5 focuses on fundamentals and recent results in the preparation and basic chemical properties, while the next two chapters briefly outline principles and current results in nitroxides as spin probes, and as redox probes and spin traps. These chapters form the basis for the subsequent more detailed studies of nitroxides in physicochemistry, while the final chapters concentrate on the advantages of magnetic materials on the basis of nitroxides. Finally, the concluding chapter considers the rapidly developing field of biomedical, therapeutic and clinical applications. With more than 1,100 references to essential literature, this volume provides fundamental knowledge of instrumentation, data interpretation, capacity and recent advantages of nitroxide applications, allowing readers to understand how nitroxides can help them in solving their own problems.


A new, full-color, completely updated edition of the key practical guide to chemometrics This new edition of this practical guide on chemometrics, emphasizes the principles and applications behind the main ideas in the field using numerical and graphical examples, which can then be applied to a wide variety of problems in chemistry, biology, chemical engineering, and allied disciplines. Presented in full color, it features expansion of the principal component analysis, classification, multivariate evolutionary signal and statistical distributions sections, and new case studies in metabolomics, as well as extensive updates throughout. Aimed at the large number of users of chemometrics, it includes extensive worked problems and chapters explaining how to analyze datasets, in addition to updated descriptions of how to apply Excel and Matlab for chemometrics. Chemometrics: Data Driven Extraction for Science, Second Edition offers chapters covering: experimental design, signal processing, pattern recognition, calibration, and evolutionary data. The pattern recognition chapter from the first edition is divided into two separate ones: Principal Component Analysis/Cluster Analysis, and Classification. It also includes new descriptions of Alternating Least Squares (ALS) and Iterative Target Transformation Factor Analysis (ITTFA). Updated descriptions of wavelets and Bayesian methods are included. Includes updated chapters of the classic chemometric methods (e.g. experimental design, signal processing, etc.) Introduces metabolomics-type examples alongside those from analytical chemistry Features problems at the end of each chapter to illustrate the broad applicability of the methods in different fields Supplemented with data sets and solutions to the problems on a dedicated website Chemometrics: Data Driven Extraction for Science, Second Edition is recommended for post-graduate students of chemometrics as well as applied scientists (e.g. chemists, biochemists, engineers, statisticians) working in all areas of data analysis.


The first edition of Chromatography: Concepts and Contrasts, published in 1988, was one of the first books to discuss all the different types of chromatography under one cover. The second edition continues with these principles but has been updated to include new chapters on sampling and sample preparation, capillary electrophoresis and capillary electrochromatography (CEC), chromatography with mass spec detection, and industrial and governmental practices in regulated industries. Covers extraction, solid phase extraction (SPE), and solid phase microextraction (SPME), and introduces mass spectrometry Updated with the latest techniques in chromatography Discusses both liquid chromatography (LC)and gas chromatography(GC)


Includes a Foreword by Dr. James D. Watson, the co-discoverer of the DNA double helix, and Dr. Jan A. Witkowski. «From the Foreword by Drs. Watson and Witkowski: 'DNA: Forensic and Legal Applications is a comprehensive and invaluable guide to the field, covering topics ranging from collecting samples in the field to presenting the complex results to a jury. We are sure that it will play its part in promoting this most powerful tool in the forensic scientist's armamentarium.'» DNA: Forensic and Legal Applications covers the technology and laws related to DNA, as well as the use of DNA evidence in the legal system. This combination of science and law makes it the first comprehensive title of its kind and an appropriate reference for those with both elementary and advanced knowledge of the topic. It draws together in one source information that would previously have required extensive research and reliance on experts to obtain, offering both breadth and depth in a clear style without s acrificing scholarly goals. With material from both scientific and legal areas, DNA: Forensic and Legal Applications covers the latest advances in technology. It provides an ideal text for forensic scientists and students of forensic science, analytical chemists, lawyers, judges, police officers, and detectives.