
««Остановись, мгновение, ты прекрасно!» – Как часто говорим мы эту фразу? Бежим куда-то, вечность ожидая. Боимся ада, ищем в жизни рая.…»


Книга поэтессы Зои Ануфриевой «Ребусы и бусы» получила название по одноименному стихотворению. В книге собрана лирика разных лет о жизни, о любви, о природе, о творчестве… Особое место занимают стихи для детей и о детях, о детстве. Игра со словом, ритмом, многозначность образов, метафоричность, поэтические загадки создают ощущение нанизываемых на нитку жизни бусинок дней и ночей. Переплетение реалистического взгляда на мир и фантазии, мечты, ценность каждого мгновения – основной мотив книги.


Литвин Василий Васильевич – член Союза приморских писателей. Родился в 1943 году в селе Погребище Винницкой области. С трехлетнего возраста живёт в Приморье. Лейтмотив творчества – судьба человека обездоленного, поднимающегося с колен, судьба России, мысль о её возрождении, о преодолении трагических ситуаций. В поисках поэтической формы обращается к фольклору, к русскому эпосу. Поэт хочет достучаться до сердца людей, вспомнить о том, что мы не Иваны, родства не помнящие, что у нас была и будет великая история.


Борис Гребенщиков – тонкий лирик и пристрастный хранитель культуры, в том числе великой русской культуры, мировой духовной мысли. Не случайны в его творчестве строки: «Но, чтобы стоять, я должен держаться корней». Перед вами книга «Деcять Стрел», где собраны те песни, которые бесконечно слушают в авторском исполнении, те песни, которые чаще других просят исполнить на концерте, поют в компании под гитару…


Peter Jailall continues his search for the place called home in his third volume of poetry, exploring the «open, dangerous» landscape of a post-September 11th world. In this climate of globalization, none are untouched by the threats of terrorism or the spoils of modernization and its effect on our environment. As poet, teacher and storyteller, Peter’s unique gift for the blending of language – from Caribbean-accented English to Hindi – allows him to paint beautiful dichotomies between the Guyana of his birth, and the Canada that is his current home. «To those of us in the worldwide Guyanese diaspora, Peter’s poetry is cultural regeneration and joy. It generates the anchorage of identity and self respect in a sea of uncertainty and adjustment. To our host communities it provides insights into who we are as persons. It encourages the realization that hopes, fears, and aspirations are common across cultures and all are worthy of understanding and respect. To all who read Peter’s work come challenges to thought and imagination, glowing pride, and prolonged pleasure.» – Judaman Seecoomar, PhD, Author «Peter Jailall speaks poignantly to problems of identity and the painful feelings associated with movement and change in this fine new collection. He examines past and present and points to our need to find out and accept who we really are before cultural identity can be recognized.» – Bob Barton, Storyteller, writer, educator (OISE, University of Toronto)


Like the shifting and often turbulent skies of our own emotional meteorology, Rhonda Batchelor's poems forecast the shifting patterns of a marriage from quiet moments of a graceful dawn to stormy seas of absence, from brilliant love-strewn sunshowers to dark moments of loss and bitter nights upon the shore. In three sections, «Backbone of the Moon», «Ghostly Dialogues» and «Still Breathing», Batchelor explores the fleeting forever trilogy of expectations, unions and releases that comprise the tidelike phases of a lover's cycle. Dedicated to respected Canadian poet Charles Lillard, Batchelor's late husband, this work keens to the notes of a personal lament but emerges triumphantly healed and ultimately blessed.


Poetry or potsherds? That’s the surprising dilemma one of Canada’s well-known nature writers confronts in The Site: A Personal Odyssey , a highly personalized account of a lifetime’s involvement as an avocational archaeologist. With deft descriptive powers, Robert Nero leads us gently into this new facet of his amazing spectrum of interests. Not unexpectedly, there even is poetry in his approach to studying prehistoric remains! From childhood through adolescence, to wartime service with the U.S. Army in the Southwest Pacific, from exploring the vast sand dunes of Lake Athabasca to excavating a 3,000-year-old site he discovered west of Winnipeg, Nero allows us to share his enthusiasm and excitement in outdoor adventures. There is always a wonderful immediacy in his narrative, the mark of a gifted writer, whether expressed in prose or poetry.


In Purity of Absence, Dave Margoshes explores love in its waxing and waning, the extravagance of its fullness, the agony of its departure. Like an explorer charting new territory, he casts his eye on the rhythms and syntax of love, observing its aspects both quotidian and rare. The poems in this new collection, Margoshes’s first in a decade, chart the ekg patterns of love, not just the mature love between a man and a woman but love for a parent, friends, knowledge, place and, ultimately, life itself.


The psalms are among the most sublime poetry in the world, offering us inexhaustible wells of meaning. Herbert O'Driscoll adeptly dips into their sacred depths and draws up sparkling insights to refresh the soul. Our contemporary spirits can feel at home in the world of psalms. All of human experience is there – joy and sadness, love and anger, trust and despair. The gift of the psalms lies in their challenge to us; they invite us into dialogue with them and with the God who inspired them. The psalms guide us to express our deepest feelings to God, and their response floods the soul with assurance. Justice is done. Healing takes place. Grace is given. Praise for God with Us: The Companionship of Jesus in the Challenges of Life : "God with Us, approached in a spirit of openness and honesty, can be transforming. Its thought is deep but its language is accessible – written with sensitivity and spirituality." - Montreal Anglican


Actress Mae West once said «I've been things and seen places.» Poet Douglas Burnet Smith might well be able to lay claim to the same boast. In his latest collection of verse he takes the reader on a kaleidoscopic journey through Amsterdam's antique streets and canals, Tuscany's sun-soaked landscapes, Paris's Gallic gabble of monuments and madcaps, and the title poem's Finnish auditory and aural delights. In one poem we play Scrabble with Dadaist Tristan Tzara. In another work, «Sophia,» we encounter «the mangy wisdom of wild dogs on every street,/skulking, pawing rabid piles of garbage/choking gutters, begging at the front doors of restaurants/like reeducated ideologues.» In still another verse the poet's persona contemplates Italian artist Giotto in Colorado, citing «the copper hogbacks» in which «he sees layered/trecento shale-engraved depictions of Egypt and the Exodus.» And everywhere his Muse takes him, Smith injects his stopovers with fresh perspectives, lending credence to seventeenth- century English essayist Sir Thomas Browne's dictum: «Ready to be anything in the ecstasy of being ever.»