
Люди часто задают вопросы о счастье. Но что такое счастье? Как его описать? Счастье – это просыпаться утром в объятиях любимого? Или, может, оно в том, чтобы обрести смысл жизни, занимаясь любимым делом? Можно ли назвать счастьем радость новому дню, который сулит встречу с чем-то неизведанным? Счастье ли быть благодарным за то, что у тебя есть этот бесценный дар – жизнь? На самом же деле быть счастливым легко. Но путь к счастью может быть труден. Книга расскажет вам о том, что конкретно делала героиня, чтобы стать счастливой. Ведь человек запрограммирован на счастье. И вы – тоже!


Практика и поиск новых путей повышения результативности коррекционно-развивающей работы в группах компенсирующей направленности позволяют определить в качестве средства оптимизации этого процесса метод наглядного моделирования. Активное использование данного метода обучения способствует решению широкого круга как речевых, так и интеллектуальных задач.


Книга для женщин, которые ощущают эмоциональную травму после расставания с любимым мужчиной, потери или развода и намерены избавиться от боли, чтобы построить новые гармоничные отношения. Достоверные знания, личный опыт, ценные рекомендации, 15 техник расставания и 6 рефлективных исцеляющих практик.


Эта книга – о том, как анализировать и интерпретировать сны. Основу книги составляют многолетние терапевтические наблюдения автора. Сны рассматриваются с разных точек зрения: фрейдовской сексуальности, адлеровского стремления к власти, юнгианских архетипов, экзистенциального столкновения со страхом смерти. Персонажи сна взаимодействуют как субличности в психодраме, якобы несущественные детали выглядят как гештальтистский фон, отображающий темные закоулки души. Материал снов анализируется с учетом жизненной ситуации клиентов и их психических особенностей. Показана диагностическая и терапевтическая роль снов. Рассмотрены результаты собственных исследований образных переживаний, внушенных в гипнозе. Приводятся несложные тесты и упражнения, с помощью которых читатель сможет понять язык своих снов и использовать их как для практических целей, так и для личностного роста. Книга предназначена для широкого круга читателей, которых интересует роль сновидений в жизни человека и которые готовы использовать их для саморазвития.


Depression: the imprisoning experience of isolation and fear which comes when we realise that there is a serious discrepancy between what we thought our life to be and what it actually is.From birth onwards we create our own secure worlds of meaning. Challenged seriously enough, these worlds can crumble, leaving us despairing, frightened, isolated, helpless. But we are not helpless. We can resolve to save ourselves by embarking on a journey of understanding and self-acceptance, and finally and for ever break free of the bonds of depression.Dorothy Rowe, the internationally renowned psychologist and expert on depression, brings together in this book what twenty-five years of research have shown her about depression, and shows us how every one of us can take charge of our life and find the way to happiness, hope and freedom.


NLP, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming, is an approach to communication, personal development and psychotherapy, allowing you to reach your full potential and achieve your life goals.This book guides you through the core ideas and processes of NLP in an accessible and clear way – and shows you how to master them in just 20 minutes.If you want a simple but structured way to achieve your goals, flourish in everything you do and enhance your life, NLP is the discipline you’re looking for.NLP encompasses a wide variety of processes and techniques, which enable people to become successful in a field or area of their choice. This guide focuses on the following key points:• The origins and development of NLP• How to apply NLP in social relationships and for personal growth• How to use NLP to achieve your goals in business situationsPreviously published as NLP Made Easy, this book brings together the classic text, written by an expert in the field, with a new chapter that condenses all the ideas and practices into a simple, digestible 20-minute read.This is part of the 20 Minutes to Master series, ten indispensable guides that can show you how to transform your life in simple and effective ways. Other titles in the series include 20 Minutes to Master Past Life Therapy, 20 Minutes to Master Feng Shui, 20 Minutes to Master Yoga and 20 Minutes to Master Pilates.


The ultimate guide to mastering your mental strength with revolutionary new strategies that work of everyone.Everyone knows that regular exercise leads to physical strength. But how do we strengthen ourselves mentally for the truly tough times? Or as psychologist Amy Morin asks, what should we avoid when we encounter adversity? Through her years counselling others and her own experiences navigating personal loss, Morin realised it is often the habits we cannot break that are holding us back from true success and happiness.Now, for the first time, the author expands upon the 13Things from her viral post that reached millions world wideand shares her tried-and-true practices for increasing mental strength. Morin writes with searing honesty, incorporating anecdotes from her work as a psychotherapist as well as personal stories of how she had to bolster her own mentalstrength when tragedy threatened to consume her.Increasing your mental strength can change your entireattitude. It takes practice and hard work, but with thespecific tips, exercises, and troubleshooting advice, it is possible to not only fortify your mental muscle but also drastically improve the quality of your life.


Why do we lie?Because we are frightened of being humiliated, being treated like an object, being rejected, losing control of things, and, most of all, we are frightened of uncertainty. Often we get our lies in before any of these things can happen. We lie to maintain our vanity. We lie when we call our fantasies the truth. Lying is much easier than searching for the truth and accepting it, no matter how inconvenient it is. We lie to others, and, even worse, we lie to ourselves.In both private and public life, we damage ourselves with our lies, and we damage other people. Lies destroy mutual trust, and fragment our sense of who we are.Lies have played a major part in climate change and the global economic crisis. Fearing to change how they live, many people prefer to continue lying rather than acknowledge that we are facing a very uncertain but undoubtedly unpleasant future unless we learn how to prefer the truths of the real world in which we live rather than the comforting lies that ultimately betray us. We are capable of changing, but will we choose to do this?


The bestselling relationships author of How to Make Anyone Fall in Love With You is back: Leil Lowdnes has written a lively and empowering book that will help anybody who lacks self-confidence or is held back by shyness. If you're the kind of person who wants to hide in the kitchen at parties, Leil will help you get out and mingle like a pro.Written with insight, humour and empathy, Leil Lowdnes reaches out to anybody who gets jumpy in social situations and offers clear guidance on becoming a social success in the most gruelling of situations. Even better, she’ll turn dread into enjoyment.Leil covers a wide range of scenarios including:• New Friend Fidgety – Uneasiness when meeting new people• Phone Phobia – Hesitant to answer or talk on the phone• Party Panic – Anxiety at gatherings• Job Jumpy – Fear of job interviews and shyness at work• Cold Sweat Stage Fright – Panic when people are watching• Presentation Paralyzed – Petrified at making a speech• Boss Bashful – Speechless around superiors


Why some men cannot love, why we still love them, and what we can do about it.What do you do if you are in love with an emotional vampire? Can he actually control his behaviour? Why does he behave the way he does?Since the ancient Greeks told the story of Narcissus, we have recognised that some people are simply self-obsessed. But there is now evidence to suggest that narcissism is shaping our times, and most of all, our relationships.Today narcissism is a quality that is being continually reinforced by our celebrity-obsessed, high achievement, sell-yourself culture. It is increasingly being recognised as a behavioural disorder (Narcissistic Personality Disorder), with clinics such as the Priory claiming 16% of their patients have this disorder. With real-life case studies and questionnaires, All About Me will reveal whether you are in love with a born narcissist.In this original and compelling book, Simon Crompton explores what this means for our relationships today, and is guaranteed to make you think about yourself and your partner in an entirely new light.Chapter breakdown:1. It's all about me: What is a narcissist?2. Look in the mirror: Are you a narcissist?3. Enter Mr Darcy: Why everyone falls in love with narcissists4. When Mr Right goes wrong: What it's like to suffer at the hands of a narcissist5. A world without love: What creates a narcissist?6. Generation me: Narcissism as a product of our culture7. I'm a celebrity narcissist: Why narcissism helps people get places8. Narcissism as a disease: Narcissistic Personality Disorder9. The hollow men: What it's like to be a narcissist10. Getting helpContacts and bibliography