
It is 1900, and 14-year-old Bertie McCross is a newspaper boy in downtown Toronto. Bertie’s family has fallen on hard times and can use every penny he brings home from hawking newspapers on the frigid streets. However, in order to do that Bertie has to keep out of the clutches of the Kelly Gang, a family of slightly older Cabbagetown toughs who are shaking down «newsies.» On Christmas Eve, Bertie is almost cornered by the Kellys but is saved by Tommy Fry and Milwaukee Ed, who introduce Bertie to the thrills of iceboat racing on Lake Ontario. Soon Bertie is swept up in the fast and dangerous sport and meets a whole crew of new friends, including Isobel, a girl from a wealthy family with a mansion on Jarvis Street. The continued pursuit by the Kelly Gang, a plunge into freezing harbour water, and the clash of classes all lead up to a spine-tingling race to end all races.


It's the summer of 1988 and 15-year-old aspiring artist Adam Zapotica has a big problem. He's crazy about dinosaurs, and a team of paleontologists and scientists at Milk River Ridge near Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park in southern Alberta has recently unearthed a major cache of dinosaur eggs. They need volunteers to assist them at the dig, but there's a catch – you have to be 18! Adam soon figures a way to get around that, and faster than a raptor the Calgary youth finds himself part of the dinosaur crew and knee-deep in intrigue and romance, especially after he meets Jamie, the teenaged daughter of the camp's boss. Someone is stealing fossils, and the suspects are almost as numerous as the dinosaur experts toiling amid the hoodoos and coulees. Adam and Jamie are determined to get to the bottom of the pilfering, but dinosaurs are big business and the danger could be deadly.


The year is 2099. North America is in chaos, ruined by years of war, terrorism, and ecological destruction. Marauding motorcycle gangs roam the land, while a secret society of mutants who practise devilish rites terrorize the innocent. Young Toby Johnson lives with his father, one of the Old Believers, a religious sect that clings to stern moral values. Although embarrassed by his father's quaint ways, Toby is horrified when a motorcycle gang attacks their modest homestead. To help the old man, the boy must travel with his dog across the dangerous countryside, a journey on which he is joined by a mysterious black man named Jim White, who seems to be in touch with higher powers and may himself be angel or demon. In the end Toby earns a saving gift for his father and meets Sarah – clever, beautiful, and haunted by a demonic past – who will change his life forever. A retelling of the biblical Book of Tobit, Demon in My View is a powerful breakthrough novel.


Commended for the 2006 Canadian Children’s Book Centre Our Choice Selection The year is 2014. Dylan Gibson is 16 and knows there is something unusual about him, but he doesn’t know what – aside from his fascination for things like insects, opera, old Japanese sci-fi movies, playing the didgeridoo, and the Loch Ness monster. After being dumped by his girlfriend, Caroline, who thinks he’s too strange, Dylan meets Robyn, who’s something of an outcast herself. Dylan’s father works for a big drug company, and his mom, a former geneticist, dropped out of research after a mysterious event. When Dylan discovers a mysterious photograph of himself at a younger age, he starts to suspect that there may be more to his identity crisis than he realized. With Robyn’s help, he begins to investigate the mystery that is his own life.


"Startled, Mishbee gasped, frozen with horror. She was staring down the barrel of a musket and was familiar with the sound those weapons made. The young girl knew muskets meant death." At the beginning of the nineteenth century in Newfoundland, the Beothuks, a First Nations people, have been decimated by disease, and their numbers dwindle further as they are hunted and persecuted relentlessly by European settlers. Young Mishbee, her older sister Oobata, and Oobata’s baby struggle courageously on Exploits Island against tuberculosis, misunderstanding, and prejudice. Mishbee tries to maintain the traditions of her people as she slowly befriends a young settler named John and attempts to bridge the deadly gulf between their two cultures. But has the friendship blossomed too late? Will Mishbee and John be able to show the settlers that the Beothuks arent a threat before they disappear completely?


Short-listed for the 2010 Saskatchewan Young Reader’s Choice Award – Snow Willow and for the 2010 Manitoba Young Reader’s Choice Award It is the year 2213. Fifteen-year-old Felix Taylor is the last person on Earth who can speak and read Latin. In a world where technology has defeated war, crime, poverty, and famine, and time travel exists as a distinct possibility, Felix’s language skills and knowledge seem out of place and irrelevant. But are they? A mysterious plague has broken out. Scientists can’t stop its advance, and humanity is suddenly poised on the brink of eradication. The only possible cure is Lupus Ridens, or Laughing Wolf, a flower once common in ancient Rome but extinct for more than 2,000 years. Felix must project back to Roman times circa 71 B.C. and retrieve the flower. But can he navigate through the dangers and challenges of the world of Spartacus, Pompey, and Cicero? And will he find the Laughing Wolf in time to save his family and everyone else from the Plague of Plagues?


Kui Agnes näeb ühel hauakivil kummalist kirja, ei anna see talle enam rahu. Tasahilju hakkab põnev müsteerium lahenema ja puudutab üllataval kombel ka Agnese elu. Kõik saab alguse päeval, mil Agnes avab surnuaia värava. Ta on äsja kolinud igavamast igavamasse Harmala külla ning jätnud seljataha Helsingi ja vanad sõbrad. Kummaline sündmuste ahel tõmbab aga Agnese kaasa ja tema elu muutub põnevamaks kui kunagi varem. Kiri hauakivil ajab tal kananaha ihule, peagi hakkab ta unes nägema vanamoeliselt riides tüdrukut, kes peidab kuskile aeda ühe võtme. Kui selgub, et see aed asub Harmalas, tunneb Agnes, et peab võtme üles otsima. Millisesse lukku see võti sobib? Tuutikki Tolonen (snd 1975) on soome kirjanik ja sõnakunstiõpetaja. Tema populaarne sari „Kollivalve” on saanud Arvid Lydeckeni auhinna (2016) ja seda on tõlgitud juba rohkem kui 25 keelde. Kati Vuorento (snd 1973) on illustraator ja graafiline disainer. Vuorento müstilised illustratsioonid loovad Agnese raamatus salapärase meeleolu.


Вы держите в руках уникальный иллюстрированный атлас для детей с самыми интересными текстами и яркими картинками – мы не упустили ничего! Взяв его в руки, маленькие читатели познакомятся со странами и континентами, узнают об их истории, флоре и фауне и, конечно, людях. Любопытные факты и занимательная информация сделают путешествие по нашей планете увлекательным и интересным. Ответы на самые интересные вопросы детей: почему день сменяется ночью? Можно ли измерить весь мир? Что такое климатические пояса? Где протекает самая длинная река? Где зародилось человечество? В какое море невозможно нырнуть? Где живет самый богатый в мире король? Отправьтесь в самое увлекательное путешествие!


Maik Klingenberg ei mõista, miks inimesed teda igavaks peavad. Hästi, tal pole just palju sõpru (okei, tal pole ühtegi sõpra). Ja kõik saavad kõvasti naerda, kui ta klassis oma kirjandit ette loeb. Ja teda ei kutsuta kunagi pidudele – ka mitte populaarse klassiõe Tatjana sünnipäevale. Andrei Tšihhatšov hüüdnimega Tšikk (isegi õpetajad ei oska tema perekonnanime hääldada) on uus poiss koolis ja samuti ebapopulaarne, kuid teistel põhjustel. Ta näeb alati välja, justkui oleks äsja kakelnud, tema riided on totaalne katastroof ja ta ei räägi kunagi kellegagi. Ühel päeval ilmub Tšikk ootamatult Maiki juurde koju. Ka teda pole Tatjana juurde peole kutsutud, aga tal on plaan. Nad otsustavad „laenata” auto (väljavalituks osutub üks helesinine Lada Niva) ja nii saabki alguse kahe poisi pöörane suvine seiklus ilma vanemate, selge sihi, teekaardi ja mobiilita. Kas nad eksivad ära? Kindlasti! Kas nad kohtuvad igasuguste kummaliste aga vahvate tegelastega ja satuvad sekeldustesse? Igatahes! Kas sellest saab kõigi aegade ägedaim suvi? Kahtlemata! WOLFGANG HERRNDORF (1965–2013) õppis esmalt maalimist. Aastal 2002 ilmus tema debüütromaan In Plüschgewittern, 2007 Diesseits des Van-Allen-Gürtels, 2010. ja 2011. aastal järgnesid romaanid Tschick (ee „Miks me varastasime auto”) ja Sand. 2013. aastal ilmus postuumselt päevik Arbeit und Struktur ja 2014 poolikuks jäänud romaan Bilder deiner großen Liebe. „Miks me varastasime auto” sai suurepärase vastuvõtu osaliseks ja muutus kohe bestselleriks. Raamatust on välja antud üle 50 trüki ja saksakeelsete väljaannete tiraaž küünib kahe miljoni eksemplarini. Teos on tõlgitud 28 keelde. 2016. aastal valmis režissöör Fatih Akinil film „Tschick”, mis on linastunud ka Eestis kinodes.
