
In 1755, on the eve of the Seven Years’ War, fifteen-year-old Nola and her Acadian parents face expulsion from Grand Pry the British. Nola, her friends Hector and Jocelyne, Nola’s grandfather, and a band of bold teenagers manage to flee by boat only to encounter challenges tougher than their wildest imaginings. Their destination is French-occupied Fort Louisbourg, but along the way hostile soldiers, a harsh environment, enigmatic Mi’kmaq, and superpowers at war turn their journey into a series of hair-raising adventures. As it turns out, the runaways’ route to freedom may be rudimentary technology. Using raw gypsum, limestone, coal, and salt, they forge coal-oil fire bombs that keep their attackers at bay for a short time but not long enough to ensure their survival. Will the resourceful teenagers finally discover what it takes to prevail in a continent poised on the edge of irrevocable change?


Winner of the 1993 Sheila A. Egoff Children’s Literature Prize, shortlisted for the Silver Birch Award and the CLA Book of the Year Award Jasmine is not sure she likes the idea of being stuck in Victoria while her father goes to China for a year. But on a field trip to Chinatown, she explores a curious shop in Fan Tan Alley and accidentally passes through a hidden door. She finds herself in Victoria’s Chinatown of the late 1880’s. Mistaken for a Chinese boy, she is soon caught up in a race through the Fraser Canyon to find a tiger amulet.


During a camping trip, 11-year-old Lee finds herself on a rough trail in a Vancouver Island forest. Halfway to an abandoned homestead, Lee trips and is knocked unconscious. She awakens in a world unfamiliar – all the usual landmarks have disappeared and the terrain is unpopulated except for a strange trailer and a herd of dogs. Lee investigates only to find an ornery woman at an easel who says she’s Emily Carr, and a family from the Depression-torn Prairies illegally logging the island’s mighty cedars.


In a tumble-down house carved out of the dunes lives an old man with second sight. He is the sifter of sands, the man who separates the sparkling mica, black lava, golden-reds, and misty grays. And as he sifts he mesmerizes Jessica and Andrew with his tales of the trickster-creator Raven and how a lonely young man lived to be 300 years old.


Due to circumstances beyond her control, 12-year-old Peggy Henderson has to move to the quiet town of Crescent Beach, British Columbia, to live with her aunt and uncle. Without a father and separated from her mother, who's looking for work, Peggy feels her unhappiness increasing until the day she and her uncle start digging a pond in the backyard and she realizes the rock she's been trying to pry from the ground is really a human skull. Peggy eventually learns that her home and the entire seaside town were built on top of a 5000-year-old Coast Salish fishing village. With the help of an elderly archaeologist, a woman named Eddy, Peggy comes to know the ancient storyteller buried in her yard in a way that few others can – by reading the bones. As life with her aunt becomes more and more unbearable, Peggy looks to the old Salish man from the past for help and answers.


Napachee is tired of Sachs Harbour, Northwest Territories. He is tired of the traditional Inuit hunt and of fighting with his father, who shuns snowmobiles for dog sleds and tents for igloos. When two men from the Edmonton zoo fly in to capture a polar bear cub, Napachee spies his chance at a trip to the big city, but soon discovers that life there is not what he had expected.


Short-listed for the 2009 Golden Eagle Book Award To the Gwich’in First Nation, Shildii Rock near Fort McPherson in the Northwest Territories is a place of deep mythological significance.When 12-year-old Robin Harris, the son of a Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer, spots someone on the rock staring at him, he just knows something is wrong. Robin and his friend Wayne Reindeer, a Gwichin youth, set out to discover what’s going on and to gain the respect of their fathers. But Robin is notorious for his overactive imagination and has a hard time getting anyone to believe him. To make matters worse, there’s a crazy Dutch trapper with an ugly disposition and murder in his eyes. And whenever possible a new boy in town throws wrenches into Robin’s plans. When murder comes their way, Robin and Wayne realize its too late to turn back. Will the boys unlock the secrets of Shildii Rock in time? Or will they, too, fall victim to a killer?


Dani and Caitlin, two 12-year-old Ottawa girls, have a talent for meeting ghosts. Fresh from their adventures with the spirit of fabled Canadian painter Tom Thomson, the girls find themselves in Quebec, across the river from the capital city of Canada, touring the Kingsmere estate of longdead prime minister William Lyon Mackenzie King. While there the friends run into someone famous for seeing ghosts himself the old prime minister, or at least his phantom! King, affectionately known as Rex, presents the sleuthing duo with a series of problems. It seems developers are keen on despoiling the dead prime minister’s estate, not to mention another city park dear to Caitlin’s heart. Thrown into the mix are a couple of murders, a former prime minister’s place in history, and maybe even a federal crime. Dani and Caitlin are on the job, and the politicians on Parliament Hill better watch out!


Fifteen-year-old Mackenzie Hill knows something is up when she arrives home to find her father making a home-cooked dinner, instead of his standard delivery pizza. But nothing prepares her for the bombshell announcement: Mackenzie and her dad, alone since the death of her mother a year ago, are moving to Jerusalem, where her father has taken a position as a visiting professor at a university. The adjustment from life in Canada to life in Israel is dramatic – though it’s eased somewhat when Mackenzie is befriended by an American girl in her new school. The biggest shock of all comes when Mackenzie faces the wrath of her new friends, new community, and even her own father after she begins dating a Muslim boy.


Just a Little Later With Eevo and Sim is the continuation of Once Upon a Time Long, Long Ago, the adventures of Eevo and Sim. The story is set about 50,000 years ago in the time of prehistoric man. Their parents, Shim and Dedu, have just returned from their long trip to the Wetlands Clan, the former home of Shim. They discover that, together, Eevo and Sim had overcome many dangers, discovered fire, rescued two wolf cubs and saved their home from starvation. Now Sim and Eevo are off on a long, dangerous journey back to the Wetlands Clan, accompanied by the wolves. Caught in a fierce sandstorm, they are separated from Shim and Dedu. Once again, this sister and brother take on many challenges, make new discoveries, and even encounter the Great One: the much-feared crocodile of the Great River. "Once Upon a Time Long, Long Ago was an incredibly popular book in my school library. The continuing tale, Just a Little Later With Eevo and Sim, proves to be an equally exciting story. Students from grades 3 to 8 will be enthralled by the adventures these two siblings encounter. From designing water bags made from an elk’s stomach to figuring out a way to capture a gigantic crocodile; from teaching the secret of fire making to planning how to hunt wild horses, Sim and Eevo prove how valuable they are to the clan. Both children make wonderful role models for all young people." – Lorna Embrey, Teacher-Librarian