
Though best known as the author of the landmark 1961 work The Destruction of the European Jews , the historian Raul Hilberg produced a variety of archival research, personal essays, and other works over a career that spanned half a century. The Anatomy of the Holocaust collects some of Hilberg’s most essential and groundbreaking writings—many of them published in obscure journals or otherwise inaccessible to nonspecialists—in a single volume. Supplemented with commentary and notes from Hilberg’s longtime German editor and his biographer, it not only offers a multifaceted look at the man and the scholar, but also traces the evolution of Holocaust research from a marginal subdiscipline into a diverse and vital intellectual project.


First Published in 1992, this classic David Suzuki title is now available with a new introduction. A meticulous gathering of both scientific insight and Native knowledge, Wisdom of the Elders offers a way to reconcile our place in nature, by listening to our elders.From the foundations of time, the big bang, and the creation of the cosmos, to the fate of the earth as predicted by leading scientists and the sacred stories and traditions of Native peoples, this acclaimed collection of the world’s wisdom shows that the future of the planet lies in listening to both these worldviews.Co-published with the David Suzuki Foundation.


“Directed by Desire . . . is a powerful addition to the entire canon of American poetry.”—Booklist Now in paperback, Directed by Desire is the definitive overview of June Jordan’s -poetry. Collecting the finest work from Jordan’s ten volumes, as well as dozens of “last poems” that were never published in Jordan’s lifetime, these more than six hundred pages overflow with intimate lyricism, elegance, fury, meditative solos, and dazzling vernacular riffs. As Adrienne Rich writes in her introduction, June Jordan “wanted her readers, listeners, students, to feel their own latent power—of the word, the deed, of their own beauty and intrinsic value.” From “These Poems”: These poems they are things that I do in the dark reaching for you whoever you are and are you ready? The cloth edition of Directed by Desire was selected as a Library Journal Poetry Book of the Year and received the Lambda Book Award for Lesbian Poetry. June Jordan taught at UC Berkeley for many years and founded Poetry for the People. Her twenty-eight books include poetry, essays, fiction, and children’s books. She was a regular columnist for The Progressive and a prolific writer whose articles appeared in The Village Voice, The New York Times, Ms. Magazine, and The Nation. After her death in 2002, a school in the San Francisco School District was renamed in her honor.


• Author of Planet of the Blind, which has sold over 20,000 copies in cloth and continues to sell vigorously in paperback. • Planet of the Blind has been translated into 12 languages. • Planet of the Blind was an Independent Bookseller Bestseller. • Kuusisto is a disability activist, focusing specifically on blindness mobility. • Has been a guest on Oprah, Dateline, Talk of the Nation, Leeza Gibbons Show and many other print and electronic media. • Great collection of poems. • Teaching at Ohio State





«Україна, 1918: Хроніка» – це огляд найбільш значущих для історії нашої Батьківщини подій, що трапилися у скорочений календарною реформою рік. Проголошення самостійності Української Народної Республіки, укладення Брест-Литовського миру з Центральними державами, гетьманський переворот і проголошення Української Держави під керівництвом Павла Скоропадського, заснування Української Академії наук, антигетьманське повстання під проводом Директорії та відновлення Української Народної Республіки – такої «програми» цілком могло вистачити на декілька десятиліть, але усе це і навіть більше вмістив у себе короткий 1918-й. Основну увагу приділено тим подіям, які, на думку автора, є найбільш важливими, цікавими й визначальними для подальшого розвитку нашої країни. Популярний виклад матеріалу в поєднанні з ілюстраціями й наведеними історичними джерелами (державними документами, газетними повідомленнями, щоденниковими записами і спогадами військових та політичних діячів того часу) сприяє легкому прочитанню і дає змогу усвідомити, скільки зусиль було докладено для того, щоб Україна стала незалежною.


Tie ins with Black History Month, February 2006 Ties ins with 40th anniversary of 1965 Voting Rights Act