
Previous co-edition with Verso sold 20,000, widely adopted Clear concise introduction or refresher Explains eceonomic mechanisms as well as social implications


Spying, once the province of the KGB, CIA and MI5, has become part of everyday life. Governments routinely trawl our emails, CCTV cameras follow us on every street, while state databases of our DNA become larger all the time. This book shows the extent to which Big Brother is watching us all.


This guide looks beyond the exotic images tracing the story of different indigenous people from their first contact with explorers and colonizers to the present day. Much of this story is told by the indigenous people themselves and they present the issues behind the challenge to give them their own space in their own lands.


A clear yet wide-ranging introduction to the state of health worldwide, exploring the ways in which health provision is often determined by ethnicity, class, and gender. Starting with a brief history of medical progress, this guide delves into current politics of health in the contexts of big business and private health provision, media, gender, and the environment. Shereen Usdin is a medical doctor and a public health specialist. She is co-founder of the internationally acclaimed Soul City for Health and Development Communication in South Africa and works in the areas of development communication, HIV/AIDS, violence against women, and human rights.


From Occupy to Uncut, from the Arab Spring to the Slutwalk movement, few questions about recent activism raise as much controversy as the role of the internet. This book suggests that the internet is a tool, not a cause, of social change. It has profoundly affected the way people communicate, making it easier to find the truth, to learn from activists on the other side of the world, to co-ordinate campaigns without hierarchy and to expose governments and corporations to public ridicule. But it has also helped those same governments and corporations to spy on activists, to disrupt campaigns and to create illusions of popular support.Focused on the real-life experiences of activists rather than theory or abstract statistics, Digital Revolutions asks how the internet has affected activism, how it has allowed movements to go global more quickly and what the future holds for corporations and social movements that are doing battle online.Symon Hill has campaigned on the arms trade, religious liberty, same-sex marriage, disability rights, and economic injustice. He has worked with the Campaign Against Arms Trade and the Fellowship of Reconciliation, and was a founding member of Christianity Uncut. He has trained hundreds of activists in campaigning skills and media engagement. In February 2012 he was dragged by police from the steps of St. Paul's Cathedral during the eviction of Occupy London Stock Exchange. He is associate director of the Ekklesia think tank and associate tutor at the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre. He writes for The Guardian, Morningstar, The Friend, and Third Way. His first book was The No-Nonsense Guide to Religion.


As one of the original and most recognizable names in today's Internet-based social activism, the Crunk Feminist Collective has a sizable online following. The CFC online blog has an annual readership of nearly 1 million, 29.2K followers on Twitter, 36.6K likes on Facebook, and 3,000+ subscribers to their newsletter. As for individual contributors, Brittney Cooper's Twitter has 31.7K followers and Susana Morris's Twitter has 900+ followers, and all three are frequent writers and commentators on various platforms. This collection will be the first time that any CFC material will be published off-line, and approximately 25% of the book will be completely new. Due to growing mainstream awareness of feminism and identity politics, topics such as cultural appropriation, racial representation in the media, and respectability politics are being discussed by a wider array of people than ever before. Straddling traditional academia (all contributors hold university positions, publish academically regularly, and use an academic framework for their analysis) and popular blogging (the tone is accessible, the topics deal with everyday realities and mainstream media), the Crunk Feminist Collection holds great general trade interest as well as course adoption potential.


It is widely believed that the Emperor Constantine&rsquo;s conversion to Christianity politicized religious allegiances, dividing the Christian Roman Empire from the Zoroastrian Sasanian Empire and leading to the persecution of Christians in Persia. This account, however, is based on Greek ecclesiastical histories and Syriac martyrdom narratives that date to centuries after the fact. In this groundbreaking study, Kyle Smith analyzes diverse Greek, Latin, and Syriac sources to show that there was not a single history of fourth-century Mesopotamia. By examining the conflicting hagiographical and historical evidence, <I>Constantine and the Captive Christians of Persia</I> presents an evocative and evolving portrait of the first Christian emperor, uncovering how Syriac Christians manipulated the image of their western Christian counterparts to fashion their own political and religious identities during this century of radical change.


Shaman and Kushtaka, both struck terror in the hearts of the Tlingit and Haida, for both possessed frightening supernatural powers. Among the Natives of the Pacific Northwest Coast, the shaman was honored as a person who could heal the body and spirit as well as see into the future. In his struggles to protect his people, he fought the kushtaka—an evil spirit-being who was half human and half land hotter—for the souls of dying persons. Theirs was a battle between the forces of good and evil, and today it remains a cornerstone in Tlingit and Haida mythology. Mary Giraudo Beck provides a powerful mix of history, legend, and adventure to dramatize the values and traditions of Tlingit and Haida societies. The heroic and wondrous incidents in these stories transcend time and culture and, as tales of myth and magic, provide compelling reading for young and old alike.


Among the Northwest Coast Indians (Tlingit, Haida, and others), potlatches traditionally are lavish community gatherings marking important events, such as funerals or marriages. In celebrations that often last many days, sumptuous meals are served; legends about clans and ancestors are sung and enacted with dances, masks, costumes, and drums; totem poles are often raised; and gifts are presented to all guests. Through this custom, cultural ties are renewed and strengthened. Using details from historical potlatches, and skillfully weaving in legends about animals and spirits revered by Natives—Raven, Grizzly Bear, Salmon, Frog—Mary Beck creates a compelling account of the potlatch ceremony and its place in a community's celebration of life, death, and continuity.


With a new afterword by Brittney Cooper, assistant professor of women and gender studies and Africana Studies at Rutgers University, Salon columnist, and founder of Crunk Feminist Collective. Brittney Cooper has written for Ebony, NY Mag, and has a column on Salon.com where she posts weekly. The Crunk Feminist Collective has over 24,100 followers on Twitter and over 34,750 likes on Facebook. But Some of Us Are Brave sold 35,000 copies in the first edition. Features archival images and the primary academic documents that were used in developing black women's studies, so the book is an essential resource for anyone interested in American intellectual history, women's studies, or African-American studies.