
International intrigue on the eve of the birth of a nation at Britain’s Highclere Castle, aka Downton Abbey. In late 1866, John A. Macdonald and other Fathers of Confederation arrived in London to begin discussions with Britain to create Canada. Macdonald and two of his colleagues stayed briefly at Highclere Castle in Hampshire, the stately home of the Fourth Earl of Carnarvon, Britain’s colonial secretary. Those are the facts. Today Highclere Castle is widely known as the real-life location for the popular television series Downton Abbey . In Richard Rohmer’s novel, Macdonald talks with Carnarvon at Highclere about legislation to give Canada autonomy, the danger of Irish Fenian assassination plots, and the proposed American purchase of Alaska from Russia. Later, back in London, a fire partially destroys Macdonald’s hotel room, and the future prime minister, trying to curb his fondness for alcohol, woos and marries his second wife, Agnes. In the end, Macdonald wins the passage of the British North America Act but fails in his bid for Alaska when U.S. Secretary of State William Seward buys that strategic territory. Secret deals, romance, and international intrigue all figure in this rousing tale of historical speculation set on the eve of the birth of a nation.


В новой редакции – один из самых знаменитых британских романов нового века, «лучший Букеровский лауреат за много лет» (Scotsman). Более того – продолжение «Вулфхолла» также получило Букера – случай беспрецедентный за всю историю премии. А в марте 2020 года наконец выходит заключительный роман трилогии – «Зеркало и свет». Англия, XVI век. На престоле Генрих VIII Тюдор – но если он умрет, не оставив наследника, вспыхнет гражданская война. В королевский Тайный совет назначается Томас Кромвель – сын кузнеца-дебошира, успевший послужить наемником во французской армии, поработать во флорентийском банковском доме и проникнуться идеями макиавеллизма, бывший секретарь опального кардинала Вулси. Одни считают Кромвеля беспринципным негодяем, другие – политическим гением. Любыми средствами – лесть и угрозы, подкуп и аресты – исполняя волю короля, он принимается строить новую Англию… В 2015 году телеканал Би-би-си экранизировал оба романа, главные роли исполнили Марк Райлэнс («Еще одна из рода Болейн», «Шпионский мост», «Дюнкерк»), Дэмиэн Льюис («Ромео и Джульетта», «Однажды в… Голливуде»), Клер Фой («Опочтарение», «Корона», «Человек на Луне»). Сериал, известный по-русски как «Волчий зал», был номинирован на премию «Золотой глобус» в трех категориях (выиграл в одной), на BAFTA – в восьми (выиграл в трех) и на «Эмми» – тоже в восьми. Hilary Mantel WOLF HALL Copyright © Hilary Mantel 2009 All rights reserved © Е. М. Доброхотова-Майкова, перевод, 2011 © М. В. Клеветенко, перевод, 2011 © О. В. Дмитриева, послесловие, примечания, 2011 © Издание на русском языке, оформление. ООО «Издательская Группа „Азбука-Аттикус“», 2020 Издательство ИНОСТРАНКА®


On June 1st, 1914, Una O’Shaughnessy sends a postcard home from a Cornish seaside town. Back in two weeks, she promises. But seven months later, she still has not returned to Ireland, and she sends another postcard, this one signed Una, Michael, Rene (!).The Past is the story of Rene, this unexpected child, as told by her own child as he searches for the truth about his parents’ mysterious and romantic history. Through the reminiscences of his mother's friend, the pieces of the past begin to fit together into a delicate mosaic of the truth. What really happened in that seaside town? Why does the past seem to hold so many secrets? Set over twenty-five years, travelling from Cornwall to Dublin and the Irish Provinces, The Past is a beautiful novel of love and longing, created by one of the preeminent artists of our time.



First published in 1935, Young Renny takes us even further back in the Whiteoak family saga to 1906. Renny, the young master of Jalna, is just eighteen. His twenty-year-old sister Meg is engaged to marry the young man next door, Maurice Vaughan Uncle Nick and Uncle Ernest, now in their fifties, have squandered their inheritances abroad on high living and reside again at Jalna. But the plot thickens further, when two outsiders join the mix: A gypsy woman, who seduces Renny, and a distant cousin from Ireland, who befriends Gran, moves into Jalna, and spies on the family. This is book 4 of 16 in The Whiteoak Chronicles . It is followed by Whiteoak Heritage . [i][/i]


Mary Janeway, born in Scotland in 1887, came to Canada as a «home child» at a very young age. Separated from her brothers and sisters, the «tiny» Mary was sent as a domestic to a farm near Innerkip, Ontario. This is Mary's story – a recreation of her life set in Victorian rural Ontario, from the time of the tragedy that split her family to her eventual escape from a life of drudgery. Robbed of her childhood years but buoyed by an inner resolve and an indomitable spirit, Mary Janeway reveals the tragic events surrounding this period of Canadian history – the Home Children. Mary Janeway was godmother to author Mary Pettit.


First published in 1958, Centenary at Jalna brings us to 1953 when the Whiteoaks gather to mark the 100th anniversary of their estate. It has now been a century since Captain Philip and Adeline Whiteoak arrived in Canada and built their legacy. While this should be a time of festivity for the clan, tension and discontent surround the forthcoming marriage of a new generations Adeline and Philip, grandchildren of the originals. To make matters worse, young Dennis risks tragedy and Wakefield finds himself in a doomed relationship. As the celebrations loom closer, the question remains: Will the Whiteoaks be able to overcome their difficulties one last time? This is book 16 of 16 in The Whiteoak Chronicles .


First published in 1944, The Building of Jalna is one of sixteen books in the Jalna series written by Canada’s Mazo de la Roche . In The Building of Jalna , Adeline, an impulsive bride with an Irish temper, and her husband, Captain Whiteoak, select Lake Ontario as the site of their new home. De la Roche chronicles their trials and tribulations during the building of the house, the swimming and skating parties, and the jealousies and humourous events that arise. This is book 1 of 16 in The Whiteoak Chronicles . It is followed by Morning at Jalna. [i][/i]


The untold story of scandal and political intrigue in early Toronto. Anna Jameson arrives in the tiny settlement of Toronto in November, 1836. She has come at the request of her estranged husband, but she intends to gather material for a new book, which will eventually be published in England years later. At first, Anna finds herself in an alien world. She has little in common with Toronto women whose interests centre on gossip and their families, but as she begins to move into adventures like sleigh-riding and helping to fight a major fire, she enters a new life. And she also meets man-about-town Sam Jarvis. But Jarvis has a loving wife, a pile of debts and a violent past. The story is told from both their points of view. She travels alone into the wilderness, becomes the first white woman to descend the Sault rapids in a canoe and discovers the joy of freedom. On Manitoulin Island, she and Sam Jarvis meet again. During a long canoe trip down Lake Huron, they wrestle with the conflicts in their relationship and arrive at a settlement.


Three to a Loaf is the First World War story of Rory Ferrall, a young Canadian officer of Anglo-German descent who, after being wounded and disfigured at Ypres, comes to the attention of British military intelligence. Ferrall’s German background is valuable to the war’s planners. Hundreds of German-Americans had returned to the Fatherland to fight for the Kaiser at the outbreak of war in August 1914 and the British captured one. Cleverly trained to impersonate the captured German-American officer, Ferrall is smuggled into wartime Germany to infiltrate the German General Staff and discover their top-secret plan to break the stalemate on the Western Front. A page-turning novel of war and espionage, Three to a Loaf is also a portrait of societies and individuals pushed to the breaking point, and in some cases, beyond. Michael Goodspeed artfully blends the tension of a thriller with period detail, the detached commentary of a nitty-gritty travelogue, and psychological understanding of a harried man facing soul-destroying ethical decisions.