
Как заставить Великого Леонардо Да Винчи написать картину? Он ведь известен своим несговорчивым характером. Все просто. Продать ему несколько пачек «Виагры». Но при всем этом необходимо соблюсти баланс во Вселенной, чтобы не вызвать катастрофический временной коллапс, известный как «Эффект Бабочки». И главное для предприимчивых людей – это достичь цели – разбогатеть на контрабанде во времени. Книга содержит нецензурную брань.


Совсем небольшой рассказ познакомит читателя с тем укладом жизни, что существовал в средние века, и прольет свет на забываемые времена рыцарства. Он расскажет о том, кем и за что велись бесконечные войны и что собой представляли так называемые тевтоны. Это история одного человека, волею судьбы оказавшегося закованным в латы и волею самого провидения в одночасье ставшего королем.


This new book describes the life of Mary and William Howitt’s eldest surviving son, Alfred, who travelled to Australia with his brother, Charlton, and their father William in 1851. They travelled to Australia to join the gold rush where Alfred remained while Charlton returned to England with his father. Alfred retrieved the bodies of Burke and Wills, following the failed expedition into the red centre from the north coast of Australia. Alfred was a self-taught geologist, a botanist, a very early anthropologist, an official member of an Aborigine tribe, and received an honorary degree from Cambridge University. Charlton, later in his short life, ended up in New Zealand after agreeing to help a family friend sort out some business problems, only to be drawn into an expedition which proved fatal. The young men had benefited from their parents’ interesting life and their support for emigration as there were no jobs for people in England especially for non-conformists who were banned from any professional work. The cost of education and the cost of living were very expensive particularly then in the middle of a recession! The parents of Alfred Howitt were known for their literary work and for their translations. William tranlated from German, and Mary translated from Danish and Swedish. Mary Howitt’s life was quite simply extraordinary: she was the daughter of a strict Quaker family in Uttoxeter, who at the end her life became a Roman Catholic, being welcomed into the faith by the Pope himself at the Vatican; she was a children’s author who was the first to translate the works of Hans Christian Andersen into English; she was a feminist and anti-slavery campaigner with influential friends such as Elizabeth Gaskell and Charles Dickens; she and her husband also associated with the Pre-Raphaelite artistic brotherhood. I was fascinated with Mary from the time I first heard about her from my mother-in-law. It has been an honour to bring her family’s story into the light and was a source of great interest for my husband and me, inspiring us to carry out wider research into local history. It is interesting that one family from the small Staffordshire market town of Uttoxeter in England should have had such a major impact on the development of Australia and New Zealand, so far away.


How is it possible for people who were born in a time of relative peace and prosperity to suddenly discover war as a determining influence on their lives?For decades to speak openly of German suffering during World War II—to claim victimhood in a country that had victimized millions—was unthinkable. But in the past few years, growing numbers of Germans in their 40s and 50s calling themselves Kriegsenkel, or Grandchildren of the War, have begun to explore the fundamental impact of the war on their present lives and mental health. Their parents and grandparents experienced bombardment, death, forced displacement, and the shame of the Nazi war crimes. The Kriegsenkel feel their own psychological struggles—from depression, anxiety disorders, and burnout to broken marriages and career problems—are the direct consequences of unresolved war experiences passed down through their families.Drawing on interviews, participant observation, and a broad range of scholarship, Lina Jakob considers how the Kriegsenkel movement emerged at the nexus between public and familial silences about World War II, and critically discusses how this new collective identity is constructed and addressed within the framework of psychology and Western therapeutic culture.


Last Epic Novel from the LegendThis novel can be considered an «epic», but it owes this classification as much to its sweeping scope, richness of vision, and heterogeneous approach to genre as it does to its length. Benítez Rojo has classified this book himself as historical, epic, autobiographical, bildungsroman, and even postmodern—this book serves as a culmination of his mastery of multiple genres. This novel is written more direct than some of his other more stylistic works.Incredibly Rich CharacterizationBenítez Rojo creates a fully-fleshed, vivid, and complex figure in Henriette Faber who grapples continuously with the strictures of her time and society as well as with issues of personal, social, and sexual identity. Her characterization is based on a real historical figure, and her story was one of the more sensational scandals in Cuba's history.Critically Acclaimed WorkThis book was very highly acclaimed by several distinguished scholars in the field of Latin American literature when it was released originally, and two portions have already been excerpted in English.


Я, Константинов Дмитрий, являюсь автором этого сборника. В нём собраны все мои лучшие рассказы. Я надеюсь, что один из них вам точно понравится. Приятного прочтения. Содержит нецензурную брань.


"Сталинград. За Волгой земли нет!" – роман-сага о чудовищной, грандиозной по масштабу и человеческим жертвам Сталинградской битве, равной которой не было за всю историю человечества. Автор сумел прочувствовать и описать весь ужас этой беспримерной кровавой бойни и непостижимый героизм советских солдат… Как это возможно? Не укладывается в голове. Но ощущение полное – он сам был в этом аду!.. Он сам был участником Сталинградской битвы… Книга получилась честной и страшной. Это суровый, как сама война, роман, возможно, лучший со времен "Они сражались за Родину" М. Шолохова. Содержит нецензурную брань.


Историческое исследование об истоках Руси. Сравнение мнений разных авторов. Спорные вопросы и манера изложения материала.


It is 1987, two years after Live Aid and PR expert Adrian Burles, working with charity Africa Assist has a Big Idea that he thinks will keep Ethiopian hunger in the headlines and touch heartstrings (and purse strings) of people in the West. Aided by Anne Chaffey, an experienced nurse who has worked at the famine frontline for many years, he locates a young, malnourished Afar man called Mujtabaa wandering alone in the desert and flies him back to London. The world's media are then invited to witness a skeletal Mujtabaa making a week-long walk from Heathrow to a rally in Trafalgar Square. In fundraising terms, this us a great success—but the ethics of the exercise, the human impact on all concerned and the ultimate result are all profoundly to be questioned. The Walk is a provocative and unsettling novel about the morality of charity, the media and public relations. Situated in one single week it explores how far you can go to prick the public conscience. Peter Barry was born in England, brought up in Scotland and now lives in Australia. He is the author of two other novels, I Hate Martin Amis Et Al and We All Fall Down and has had many short stories published in literary journals. He was shortlisted for Australia Book Review's Calibre essay prize. He has been a copywriter in both the UK and Australia and has also written three corporate books.
