
Everyday Life in Traditional Japan paints a vivid portrait of Tokugawa Japan, a time when contact with the outside world was deliberately avoided, and the daily life of the different classes consolidated the traditions that shaped modern Japan. With detailed descriptions and over 100 illustrations, authentic samurai, farmers, craftsmen, merchants, courtiers, priests, entertainers and outcasts come to life in this magnificently illustrated portrait of a colorful society. Most works of Japanese history fail to provide enough details about the lives of the people who lived during the time. The level of detail in Everyday Life in Traditional Japan allows for a nearly complete picture of the history of Japan. In fascinating detail, Charles J. Dunn describes how each class lived: their food, clothing, and houses; their beliefs and their fears. At the same time, he takes account of certain important groups that fell outside the formal class structure, such as the courtiers in the emperor's palace at Kyoto, the Shinto and Buddhist priests, and the other extreme, the actors and the outcasts. he concludes with a lively account of everyday life in the capital city of Edo, the present–day Tokyo.


With over 300 stunning photographs and woodblock prints along with extensive historical and cultural commentary, Japanese Swords is the ultimate authority on Samurai weaponry. Historically, Japanese warriors considered their swords to be far greater than simple weaponry. Their swords were both lethal tools and divine companions — social and religious icons. Traditionally worn by the samurai as a sign of social status, the Japanese sword represented the junction between the reigning military class and those whom they ruled. Moreover, the samurai sword was a technological and artistic marvel. Many scholars consider it to be the finest sword ever constructed.In terms of symbolism and historical importance, no other blade comes close to the Japanese sword. With a historical, iconographical, and technological perspective, author Cohn M. Roach provides an in-depth study of these magnificent weapons in Japanese Swords. This richly illustrated sword book weaves the blade's primary influences together, tracking its history and illuminating its progress from infancy to grandeur. By studying the evolution of the Japanese sword from this perspective, we better understand Japan and its warrior archetype.Combining research materials from multiple disciplines, Roach uses his expertise as an educator to guide readers through the sword's rise to greatness in a unique way. This book discusses the history, development, and spiritual symbolism of the sword, as well as the esoteric metallurgical techniques used in making it. It also covers the difficult training practices used by skilled swordsmen. Japanese Swords also includes a companion DVD featuring a beautifully-filmed documentary that explores the traditional swordmaker's craft. The DVD also contains an introduction to the Japanese sword at a sword shop in Kyoto and a visit to a dojo for a beginner's class in the medieval sword-drawing art called iaido .


**Winner, Choice Magazine Outstanding Academic Title 2015** This Japanese design book presents the arts, aesthetics and culture of Japan with over 160 stunning color photos and extensive historical and cultural commentary . The Japanese sensibility often possesses an intuitive, emotional appeal, whether it's a silk kimono, a carefully raked garden path, an architectural marvel, a teapot, or a contemporary work of art. This allure has come to permeate the entire culture of Japan—it is manifest in the most mundane utensil and snack food packaging, as well as in Japanese architecture and fine art.In Japanese Design , Asian art expert and author Patricia J. Graham explains how Japanese aesthetics based on fine craftsmanship and simplicity developed. Her unusual, full-color presentation reveals this design aesthetic in an absorbing way. Focusing on ten elements of Japanese design, Graham explores how visual qualities, the cultural parameters and the Japanese religious traditions of Buddhism and Shinto have impacted the appearance of its arts. Japanese Design is a handbook for the millions of us who have felt the special allure of Japanese art, culture and crafts. Art and design fans and professionals have been clamoring for this—a book that fills the need for an intelligent, culture-rich overview of what Japanese design is and means. Topics explored in Japanese Design include: The Aesthetics of Japanese DesignThe Cultural Parameters of Japanese DesignEarly Promoters of «Artistic Japan» 1830s-1950s


The comprehensive and accurate edition of the Hagakure is a must-have for serious martial artists or fans of samurai and the bushido code. The Hagakure is one of the most influential of all Japanese texts—written nearly 300 years ago by Yamamoto Tsunetomo to summarize the very essence of the Japanese Samurai bushido («warrior») spirit. Its influence has been felt throughout the world, and yet its existence is scarcely known to many Westerners. This is the first translation to include the complete first two books of the Hagakure and the most reliable and authentic passages contained within the third book; all other English translations published previously have been extremely fragmentary and incomplete.Alex Bennett's completely new and highly readable translation of this essential work includes extensive footnotes that serve to fill in many cultural and historical gaps in the previous translations. This unique combination of readability and scholarship gives Hagakure: The Secret Wisdom of the Samurai a distinct advantage over all previous English editions.


"The schoolgirl is the main driver of Japan's Gross National Cool, and Brian Ashcraft's book is the best source for those hoping to understand why." —Chris Baker, WIRED Magazine Japanese Schoolgirl Confidential takes you beyond the realm of everyday girls to the world of the iconic Japanese schoolgirl craze that is sweeping the globe.For years, Japanese schoolgirls have appeared in hugely-popular anime and manga series such as Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and Blood: The Last Vampire . These girls are literally showing up everywhere—in movies, magazines, video games, advertising, and music. WIRED Magazine has kept an eye on the trends emerging from these stylish teens, following kick-ass schoolgirl characters in videogames like Street Fighter and assassin schoolgirls in movies like Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill .By talking to Japanese women, including former and current J-Pop idols, well-known actresses, models, writers, and artists—along with famous Japanese film directors, historians and marketers—authors Brian Ashcraft and Shoko Ueda (who have both contributed to WIRED 's «Japanese Schoolgirl Watch» columns) reveal the true story behind Japan's schoolgirl obsessions.You'll learn the origins of the schoolgirls' unusual attire, and how they are becoming a global brand used to sell everything from kimchi to insurance. In Japanese Schoolgirl Confidential , you'll discover: Sailor-suited pop-idols Cult movie vixens Schoolgirl shopping power The latest uniform fashionsJapanese schoolgirls are a symbol of girl empowerment. Japanese Schoolgirl Confidential shows why they are so intensely cool. Don't miss this essential book on the Japanese youth culture craze that is driving today's pop culture worldwide. "Whether your preferred schoolgirl is more the upstanding heroine Sailor Moon or the vengeful, weapon-wielding Gogo Yubari of Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill, Vol. 1, you'll come away well versed." — Publishers Weekly


Learn to master ninjutsu techniques and the Budo warrior ethos with this informative and entertaining martial arts guide. Welcome to the secret world of the ninja master! The Illustrated Ninja Handbook is your ultimate guide to the esoteric knowledge and teachings of the ancient Japanese shinobi. It provides ninjitsu devotees with the first detailed understanding of this shadowy and mysterious martial art form.This handbook contains step-by-step instructions that allow you to master the 40 most devastating ninja fighting techniques. It was created with the blessing of legendary ninjutsu master Soke Masaaki Hatsumi, who taught for many generations in the Bujinkan School—generally recognized as the leading ninjutsu school in the world.The Bujinkan Dojo encompasses nine separate ryu-ha or martial arts schools that are based in Japan and headed by Hatsumi. Bujinkan ninjas use both armed and unarmed fighting techniques, with weapons such as swords, bamboo shinai, and staffs. They also learn to defend themselves unarmed against weapons attacks. Author Remigiusz Borda studied and taught Bujinkan ninjutsu for many decades, and in this book presents the unique system created by Masaaki Hatsumi—the 34th Grandmaster and head of the Togakure-ryu Ninjutsu lineage. The Illustrated Ninja Handbook is based on hundreds of years of actual ninja combat experience and contains the traditional knowledge of the legendary Shinobi warrior clan who were instrumental in helping found the Tokugawa Shogunate.


Harp of Burma is Japan's haunting answer to Germany's well-known requiem for the First World War, All Quiet on the Western Front . Winner of the prestigious Mainichi Shuppan Bunkasho prize, and the subject of an acclaimed film by Ichikawa Kon, Harp of Burma portrays a company of Japanese troops who are losing a desperate campaign against British forces in the tropical jungles of Burma. The young soldiers discover that the trials of war involve more than just opposing the enemy. The foreign climate and terrain, the strange behavior of foreigners, the constant struggle to overcome homesickness and nostalgia, and the emotions stirred by the senselessness of war—all of these forces, new and baffling to the soldiers, contribute to their distress and disorientation.In the midst of these overwhelming challenges, they discover the power of music to make even the toughest situations tolerable—through their commander's ability to lead them in song. Even though they face the inevitability of defeat, singing the songs of their homeland revives their will to live. Through the story of these men and of the music that saw them through the war, Takeyama presents thought-provoking questions about political hostilities and the men who unleash them. Harp of Burma is Japan's classic novel of pathos and compassion in the midst of senseless warfare. Harp of Burma was made into a critically acclaimed movie ( The Burmese Harp ) by the celebrated director Ichikawa Kon.


"Сталинград. За Волгой земли нет!" – роман-сага о чудовищной, грандиозной по масштабу и человеческим жертвам Сталинградской битве, равной которой не было за всю историю человечества. Автор сумел прочувствовать и описать весь ужас этой беспримерной кровавой бойни и непостижимый героизм советских солдат… Как это возможно? Не укладывается в голове. Но ощущение полное – он сам был в этом аду!.. Он сам был участником СТАЛИНГРАДСКОЙ БИТВЫ… Книга получилась честной и страшной. Это суровый, как сама война, роман, возможно, лучший со времен "ОНИ СРАЖАЛИСЬ ЗА РОДИНУ " М. Шолохова. Содержит нецензурную брань.


Нависшее, словно скала, свинцовое небо, готово было раздавить Землю. Стоя на одиноком берегу беснующегося большого моря, инспектор Чарльз Донован с неистовым лицом судорожно размышлял обо всех людях как привратниках судьбы и рока с их непостижимыми законами. Почему, например, убийца и вор оказывается не вздёрнут на виселице, а здравствует на свободе и процветает. А честный и добродетельный лавочник или невинный ребёнок страдает от голода и нищеты или умирает в муках от страшной болезни. Пороки и страсти вынуждают людей становиться судьями чужой судьбы, и они же нередко делают их палачами… Англия. 1894 год.


События в книге происходят в конце XXI-го века, в новой географической реальности. В романе использованы записи Блеза Паскаля.