
Die Kirchen im Sozialismus am Beispiel Russlands und Polens

Junge Leute können sich heute kaum noch vorstellen, wie das war: Während der Sowjetzeit war die Bibel unzugänglich, es sei denn, sie hatte sich in der eigenen Familienbibliothek erhalten. Aber es gab einen Weg, und diesen Weg bin ich auch gegangen. Meine Lehrer des Christentums wurden die russischen Schriftsteller […] Bis ich dann Ende der siebziger Jahre Vater Aleksandr Men' kennenlernte, einen vollkommen freien Menschen, einen Intellektuellen – und – orthodoxen Geistlichen. [… ] Er gab nicht nur irgendwelche Ansichten anderer wieder, sondern versuchte, die Denkstrukturen seiner Vorgänger zu verstehen und immer einen Schritt weiterzugehen. Das war ein starkes Erlebnis und befeuerte die eigenständige Energie. […] Im Leben des Protoierej Aleksandr Men' war nicht nur die seelsorgerische Leistung unglaublich, sondern auch die Kraft der schöpferischen Energie. Er schrieb so viel, wie es eigentlich nur viele Menschen gemeinsam tun können.
(Aus dem Beitrag von Vladimir Kantor)

Seit dem ausgehenden 17. Jahrhundert trug auf dem Moskauer Zarenthron ein Mann die Verantwortung, der Moskau hasste. Er hasste Moskau als reale Stadt, insbesondere den Kreml’, und er hasste Moskau als Konzept, Moskau als Idee, Moskau als Symbol für das Althergebrachte, typisch „Russische“. Gründe für diesen Hass gab es mehrere, sie sind sicherlich nicht zuletzt in Kindheits- und Jugendtraumata zu suchen. Anderseits rührte die Verachtung für Moskau als Konzept und als Realie aus der Erfahrung jenes jungen Zaren, was Moskau alles nicht war und was es doch seiner Anschauung zufolge sein hätte können. So verwundert es nicht, dass jener Zar mit Namen Petr Alekseevič sich das Ziel setzte, sein Reich, sein Land kardinal umzugestalten. Russland sollte so werden, wie man ihm, dem Zaren, Europa geschildert hatte, und so wie er, der Zar, Europa auf einer langen Reise gesehen hatte, Russland sollte aus allen Teilen Europas die jeweils besten und stärksten Dinge in sich vereinigen. Russland sollte ein modernes, starkes, fortschrittliches Reich voller Reichtum und Wohlstand werden.
(Aus dem Beitrag von Matthias Stadelmann)




This book of Japanese poetry and lyrics explores a little-known style of Japanese song called Ko-Uta.A Ko-Uta is translated as «little song» in Japanese. Unfamiliar to most Westerners, ko-uta are particularly in tune with the tradition of Japan's Edo-era merchants. Some ko-uta are aesthetic, many are earthy.Ko-uta are sung to the accompaniment of the shamisen—a traditional, three-stringed Japanese lute. Ko-uta come to life when they are sung, and the best example of where they live is in the geisha world. To help give some idea of the geisha world, this Japanese music book has provided a complete score of one song.Readers with some experience with haiku and other forms of Japanese poetry will find that ko-uta share many things with those forms. Yet, ko-uta retain their own unique interest, making this book a fascinating addition to any collection of Japanese literature or art.


Thinking of getting a Japanese-style tattoo? Want to avoid a permanent mistake? Japanese Tattoos is an insider's look at the world of Japanese irezumi (tattoos). Japanese Tattoos explains the imagery featured in Japanese tattoos so that readers can avoid getting ink they don't understand or, worse, that they'll regret. This photo-heavy book will also trace the history of Japanese tattooing, putting the iconography and kanji symbols in their proper context so readers will be better informed as to what they mean and have a deeper understanding of irezumi . Tattoos featured will range from traditional tebori (hand-poked) and kanji tattoos to anime-inspired and modern works—as well as everything in between. For the first time, Japanese tattooing will be put together in a visually attractive, informative, and authoritative way. Along with the 350+ photos of tattoos, Japanese Tattoos will also feature interviews with Japanese tattoo artists on a variety of topics. What's more, there will be interviews with clients, who are typically overlooked in similar books, allowing them to discuss what their Japanese tattoos mean to them. Those who read this informative tattoo guide will be more knowledgeable about Japanese tattoos should they want to get inked or if they are simply interested in Japanese art and culture.


Batik occupies a special place in Indonesian culture. Each fabric has a rich story to tell—as a reflection of the nation's religious beliefs, sophisticated court cultures and cosmopolitan history. The extraordinary textiles in this book are from the collections of Rudolf Smend and Donald Harper. Most date from the period 1880 to 1930 when the art of batik reached its apogee. Having collected historical batik for over thirty years and published two books on the subject, Rudolf Smend has invited his friend and fellow batik specialist Donald Harper to contribute his fine collection to this publication as well. None of the batik in this book have been published before. They represent an exquisite cross-section of the batik production of Java—the most important batik-producing region in the world. The cloths are complemented by vintage photographs from the first quarter of the 20th century demonstrating how the batik were worn at court and at home. Three are from museums in Dresden and Cologne, while three are from the private collection of Leo Haks. The others have been collected over the past 30 years from private sources in Java. The captions are by Maria Wronska-Friend, an ethnologist and batik expert who frequently visits Indonesian batik centers and has worked for many years as an anthropologist in Papua New Guinea. Her contributions provide fundamental knowledge for lovers of this art form while at the same time providing new insights for experts. Rudolf Smend has invited other batik aficionados of his generation to share their passion for batik in this book. Inger McCabe Elliott, author of the bestselling Batik: Fabled Cloth of Java has contributed her lifelong experience. Other authorities like Annegret Haake, Brigitte Khan Majlis and Jonathan Hope share their views and expertise in these pages. This book represents a labor of love and a lifetime of friendship for the two authors, who hope it will provide inspiration to a whole new generation of batik lovers.


In the absorbing, epic tradition of The Winds of War, author Jack Seward presents a new novel of war, passion, and divided family loyalties.The MacNeil family is torn apart by the horrors of war, which is consuming Asia as strife, intrigue, and romance inevitably follow. Like its predecessor, The MacNeils of Nagasaki, this lively novel is a storytelling gem from a prolific author, a perfect beach read for all lovers of family sagas, historical fiction, and gripping adventure novels.


How Japan Can Reinvent Itself and Why This Is Important for America and the World. In 1979, the book Japan as Number One: Lessons for America by Harvard University professor Ezra Vogel caused a sensation in the United States by pointing out that Japan was surpassing America as world economic leader; the book remains to this day the all-time bestseller in Japan of non-fiction by a Western author. The book was timely: Japan's subsequent «bubble era» of the 1980s saw the country booming. But since the economic bubble burst at the start of the 1990s, Japan has been in decline. Japan Restored by Clyde Prestowitz, taking up Vogel's baton, is written as a vision of Japan in the year 2050 when the country's economic recovery has made it a world leader in every area of human endeavor. Prestowitz looks back to the present year as such a low point for Japan that a special reform commission was set up that helped the country regain its former position as a leader in technology, in business, and geopolitically. Looking at education, innovation, the role of women, corporate organization, energy, infrastructure, domestic government, and international alliances Prestowitz draws up a fascinating and controversial blueprint for the future success of Japan. As the eyes of the world turn towards Japan in the run-up to the 2020 Olympics, Japan Restored is as timely as the 1979 Vogel book that inspired it.

