
Иван Иванович Лажечников (1792–1869) – русский писатель, драматург, мемуарист; зачинатель жанра исторического романа в русской литературе. Ему удалось не только достоверно передать быт и нравы, традиции и предания, предрассудки и заблуждения исторического прошлого, но и воплотить сам образ и дух эпохи, создать живые и полнокровные характеры многих исторических лиц. В первый том данного издания включены I и II части исторического романа «Последний Новик», рассказывающего об одном из периодов Северной войны 1701–1703 гг. между Россией и Швецией – о борьбе Петра I за обладание Прибалтикой, необходимой России для выхода к берегам Балтийского моря. Царь Петр выступает как подлинный патриот, мудрый правитель, поборник просвещения, справедливый и простой в обращении с подданными. Действие повествования разворачивается в Лифляндии во время похода русских войск под командованием Шереметева. Герой романа входит в доверие к шведам, но тайно помогает русской армии, что способствует ее победе.


Потеря семьи из-за страшной эпидемии чумы, повергла молодого врача Мишеля Нострадамуса в состояние глубокой депрессии. Чтобы оправиться от горя и прийти в себя, он устремляется в дальний монастырь, путешествуя по Франции, где решает провести остаток своих дней, но…


Две загадочные, неоднозначные фигуры в истории. Король Испании Филипп II – герой «Чёрной легенды», непримиримый католик, и нидерландский художник Иероним Босх, которого клеймили еретиком и безбожником. Как это не парадоксально, но первый становится вдохновенным коллекционером картин второго.


В книге автор раскрывает секреты школы Клеопатры, приобретения ею красоты и как она стала непревзойденной красавицей. Где и как она училась, прежде чем взойти на трон Египта? То, что она узнала и что ей удалось достичь в своем понимании соблазнительного превосходства над другими красавицами. Как она стала, с весьма непримечательной внешностью, самой красивой женщиной-царицей в мире, узнаете в этой книге…


После пленения полоцкого князя Всеслава Чародея власть в Полоцке удержала его жена, княгиня Бранемира. А воины пленённого князя замышляют его освобождение…


The epic journey of Bodhidharma, who brought Zen and martial arts to the Shaolin Temple. This epic historical fiction novel opens with a young man named Sardili born of the warrior caste in 507 A.D. Sardili realizes that he would rather seek enlightenment than follow his family's military legacy and sets out on a life-long quest for truth and wisdom. Sardili becomes the Buddhist monk Bodhidharma, known as Da Mo in China. He travels throughout India, brings Buddhism to China, and single handedly establishes the Shaolin Temple as the birthplace of Zen and the Martial Arts. A Sudden Dawn is a refreshing take on the mythical origins of Kung Fu with a good pace, enjoyable interpretation of legendary characters, and wonderfully written adventures during the long journey across Asia.


Winner of the 2017 Best Translated Book Award Longlisted for the 2017 National Translation Award "The book itself is strange—part Faulknerian meditation on the perversities, including sexual, of degenerate country folk; part Dostoevskian examination of good and evil and God—but in its strangeness lies its rare power, and in the sincerity and seriousness with which the essential questions are posed lies its greatness."—Benjamin Moser, from the introduction Long considered one of the most important works of twentieth-century Brazilian literature, Chronicle of the Murdered House is finally available in English. Set in the southeastern state of Minas Gerais, the novel relates the dissolution of a once proud patriarchal family that blames its ruin on the marriage of its youngest son, Valdo, to Nina—a vibrant, unpredictable, and incendiary young woman whose very existence seems to depend on the destruction of the household. This family's downfall, peppered by stories of decadence, adultery, incest, and madness, is related through a variety of narrative devices, including letters, diaries, memoirs, statements, confessions, and accounts penned by the various characters. Lúcio Cardoso (1912-1968) turned away from the social realism fashionable in 1930s Brazil and opened the doors of Brazilian literature to introspective works such as those of Clarice Lispector—his greatest follower and admirer. Margaret Jull Costa has translated dozens of works from both Spanish and Portuguese, including books by Javier Marías and José Saramago. Her translations have received numerous awards, including the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award. In 2014 she was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire. Robin Patterson was mentored by Margaret Jull Costa, and has translated Our Musseque by José Luandino Vieira.


From the author nominated for the Best Translated Book Award and the PEN Translation Prize "Bae Suah offers the chance to unknow—to see the everyday afresh and be defamiliarized with what we believe we know—which is no small offering."—Sophie Hughes, Music & Literature Near the beginning of A Greater Music, the narrator, a young Korean writer, falls into an icy river in the Berlin suburbs, where she's been housesitting for her on-off boyfriend Joachim. This sets into motion a series of memories that move between the hazily defined present and the period three years ago when she first lived in Berlin. Throughout, the narrator's relationship with Joachim, a rough-and-ready metalworker, is contrasted with her friendship with a woman called M, an ultra-refined music-loving German teacher who was once her lover. A novel of memories and wandering, A Greater Music blends riffs on music, language, and literature with a gut-punch of an emotional ending, establishing Bae Suah as one of the most exciting novelists working today. Bae Suah, one of the most highly acclaimed contemporary Korean authors, has published more than a dozen works and won several prestigious awards. She has also translated several books from the German, including works by W. G. Sebald, Franz Kafka, and Jenny Erpenbeck. Her first book to appear in English, Nowhere to be Found, was longlisted for a PEN Translation Prize. Deborah Smith's literary translations from the Korean include two novels by Han Kang (The Vegetarian and Human Acts), and two by Bae Suah, (A Greater Music and Recitation).


New Novel from the Winner of the 2015 Best Translated Book Award Introduction by Porochista Khakpour. "One of the most raved-about works of translated fiction this year"—Jonathan Sturgeon, Flavorwire Frontier opens with the story of Liujin, a young woman heading out on her own to create her own life in Pebble Town, a somewhat surreal place at the base of Snow Mountain where wolves roam the streets and certain enlightened individuals can see and enter a paradisiacal garden. Exploring life in this city (or in the frontier) through the viewpoint of a dozen different characters, some simple, some profound, Can Xue's latest novel attempts to unify the grand opposites of life–barbarism and civilization, the spiritual and the material, the mundane and the sublime, beauty and death, Eastern and Western cultures. A layered, multifaceted masterpiece from the 2015 winner of the Best Translated Book Award, Frontier exemplifies John Darnielle's statement that Can Xue's books read «as if dreams had invaded the physical world.» Can Xue is a pseudonym meaning «dirty snow, leftover snow.» She learned English on her own and has written books on Borges, Shakespeare, and Dante. Her publications in English include The Embroidered Shoes, Five Spice Street, Vertical Motion, and The Last Lover, which won the 2015 Best Translated Book Award for Fiction. Karen Gernant is a professor emerita of Chinese history at Southern Oregon University. She translates in collaboration with Chen Zeping. Chen Zeping is a professor of Chinese linguistics at Fujian Teachers' University, and has collaborated with Karen Gernant on more than ten translations. Porochista Khakpour is the author of two novels, Sons and Other Flammable Objects and The Last Illusion.


"When Mondru's prose is ablaze, cruising around with her inside a bruised and beaten artist’s soul is a veritable party. . . . By God she's a great prose stylist full of character."— Politiken Danish Women Writers Series Stylistically provocative, Justine tells the story of a young female artist whose life is upended when her house burns down with all of the artworks for her upcoming exhibit inside. With little time left to recreate every-thing she's lost, Justine embarks on a series of sexual escapades with a sort of doomed intensity that foreshadows the novel’s final, dark twist. Through flashbacks and fragmented memories, we see Justine as a student at the Art Academy first discovering the misogynistic order that rules the Danish art world, and later on as she constantly challenges its expectations—both in the studio and in bed. A personal meditation on artistic identity, creative process, and the male-dominated art scene, the novel veers between the erotic and the savage, resulting in a spellbinding read from one of Denmark's edgiest contemporary feminist writers. Iben Mondrup is a trained visual artist from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts who is also the author of four novels, including Justine, its sequel, and Godhavn. Kerri A. Pierce has published translations from seven different languages in a variety of genres—fiction and nonfiction, novel and short story. Her translation of The Faster I Walk, The Smaller I Am by Kjersti A. Skomsvold was a finalist for the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award.